Narcissist Personality Disorder in Gone with The Wind Film Name
Based on Margaret Mitchell’s 1936 best-seller, “Gone with the Wind” is fiction, about a spoiled Old South socialite, Scarlett O’Hara. But the real-life war that serves as her story’s backdrop looms too large in the film for many to overlook. The film “Gone with the Wind” that is based on this story derived many ideas and is well framed to give the right impression and message of its time. Based on the film, key themes and character depictions which may be offensive and problematic to contemporary audiences. Epic Civil War drama focuses on the life of petulant Southern belle Scarlett O’Hara. The movie brings a new perspective into what is termed as a love affair in limbo tied to matters of affection and soul searching. One of the key elements of the film is that it is defined and laid within the central value for love but also in conflict with some personalities. It is through these mixed personalities and love affairs that the film director brings out what can be termed as strengths and also weaknesses of some of the characters. O’Hara as a key character appears to be greatly influenced by love even in times of crisis and is willing to go as far as required to proof his case. The right value and notion are thus developed within the movie’s themes of love that makes O’Hara do anything to win the recognition and self-validation.
The main characters are well selected and play the role to bring out the message to the audience and thus the film is well calligraphed. Other aspects of the film are how it ties various personalities and traits of the characters to demonstrate multi directed outlook into acting (Giovanni & Paul, 2019). The movie is directed to pinpoint an issue that is not only societal but more personal to the players who find themselves in a dilemma. It is through these themes of love and entanglement amid crisis that the film earns its name and brad that has remained very influential. The love affairs and entanglement that appears to take a larger part of the film is one of the most interesting things that make up the story. The unending love affair and the entanglement ha the characters like O’Hara who appear to have mixed personalities. It is through these mixed personalities and love affairs that the film director brings out what can be termed as strengths and also weaknesses of some of the characters (Rebecca, 2016). O’Hara as a key character appears to be greatly influenced by love even in times of crisis and is willing to go as far as required to proof his case. narcissistic personality disorder is well developed in the film “Gone with the Wind” as it depicts very interesting outlook to life in one of the characters.
The narcissistic personality disorder is referred to as a hidden aspect to life and its various scopes that all people pose. In a positive way, being narcissist helps one gain more confidence and good image in public. In line with the film, the narcissistic personality disorder is brought out in many instances where the characters had to act in a unique way to attract what they termed as the fuel to good impression and personality (Rebecca, 2016). The film “Gone with the Wind” thus derives a very interesting outlook to life ties within the harsh events that took place in its time. More importantly is the way the characters are selected to deliver the message in the film that adds to the value in the film as well as its accuracy to the message. It is therefore true to say that the film seeks to portray a different world where love and crisis were the concrete of how the characters viewed themselves and acted in line with the various aspects of life. There is a great connection to how each character acted with the flow of the film that throughout appears to derive its themes from the key events like love and suffering (Giovanni & Paul, 2019). The story that in some ways appears to take a love affair direction suddenly takes a twist that blends with what many termed as an entanglement. These characters build each other to bring out both love and entanglement where many views this as a perianal creation to validate a hidden trait.
Some scholars find the film “Gone with the Wind” as a mystery that cannot be fully uncovered as the characters appear to portray more than one trait in their behavior. This is true because the film brings out a very interesting outlook of key characters like O’Hara who in her case seeks to validate his feelings in public and still remain as true as possible to her heart (Rebecca, 2016). These traits are what the audience perceive as mixed personality and even lead to the dominant issue of narcissistic personality disorder. The film appears to demonstrate how people choose to take up traits that ae only mean to earn validation in public. In her case, O’Hara seeks to win the real inner peace by seeking to win anything that would validate her personality. The film is also derived to portray how the characters perceived themselves with some taking more than one personality. The narcissistic personality disorder in its core making is also a key part of the film. For example, in search of love, some characters choose to live a superficial life that adds to their outlook and even behavior. To attain the needed meaning and even find love and affection, the characters develop a very interesting view about who and where they belong (Giovanni & Paul, 2019). The film depicts how the traits brought out in the key characters are the defining elements that also shape up the flow of the movie. Based on what and how the traits develop, the film digs deep to even show the real value and inclusive traits that define both the behavior and emotional outlook of the characters.
O’Hara as a woman drowning in love-searching affair seeks Rhett but unfortunately realizes that he had already given up hope of finding her love. She feels discouraged but commits to do anything to win his affection back. To demonstrate this trait, the film gives O’Hara a new personality that is what builds the foundation of this film (Rebecca, 2016). She seeks to show a different view and trait of her life as she seeks to win love. In order to do this, the character builds on a very interesting trait that defines and changes her completely. Based on her outlook, O’Hara seems to have narcissistic personality disorder that gives her many appearances and outlooks. In her case, the character together with other key players shape up how the movie flows and the story thus develops as intended by the director. It’s harder and harder to look past this film’s stereotypical depiction of enslaved people and its romanticizing of the antebellum South, but Leigh and Gable’s performances are undeniably excellent (Giovanni & Paul, 2019). The term narcissism as brought out in the film can be termed as the ability to brought our self-defined personalities that seeks to build one’s external image.
The film “Gone with the Wind” has several cases where the players build on a very integral aspect of life and this is shown by adopting a very unique and superficially developed personality (Giovanni & Paul, 2019). For example, the film builds one key character who adopt this self-initiated personality in a bid to fit in a certain area of life. In search of love and validation, the narcissistic personality disorder is well defined as the characters choose to induce a self-propelled trait that is meant to validate them and build a self-image. On another angle, the film derives what is termed as single-directed view of what leads to the characters seeking self-validation within their hidden emotional life. It is through these traits that the film earns its value by building characters with many personalities some of which are self-made. Most importantly, the film “Gone with the Wind” adds to the perceived and divided view of what and how the traits develop to induce a self-created image of the various aspects of life within its broader role and meaning to the characters (Rebecca, 2016). For example, Rhett as one of the main characters appears to lose faith and hope in ever wining O’Hara’s heart and this causes him sleepless nights. He gives up on the mission just to find out that O’Hara was already starting to notice him that causes a stirrup of feelings.
In this confusion, O’Hara is left with no choice but to up her ego by committing to show a different personality in a bid to attract her catch in the whole love affair. It is through these mixed personalities and love affairs that the film director brings out what can be termed as strengths and also weaknesses of some of the characters. O’Hara as a key character appears to be greatly influenced by love even in times of crisis and is willing to go as far as required to proof his case. These traits are well calligraphed to define the movie flow and also helps the characters play their role effectively.
The manipulative love affair approach adopted by O’Hara only depicted what many terms as a lost course that tarnishes both her reputation but also those of her colleagues. She peruses to do anything to win whatever she sees as good for her life (Rebecca, 2016). The narcissistic personality is thus well brought out through integral elements of what and how the love affairs in times of crisis define the movie. The film “Gone with the Wind” thus brings out the right outlook to the derived meaning to the narcissistic personality discern as key layers like O’Hara target to win their role in life. The narcissistic personality disorder is thus rooted in the whole concept of the initiated feeling of self-validation. To be able to pinpoint the message and earn the audience coincide, the direction of “Gone with the Wind” seeks to show how the characters worked with two or more personalities to take the message home (Giovanni & Paul, 2019). In line with this perception, the real value grows beyond what the audience can hear about the characters to demonstrate the weakness in the targeted and derived message. The weakness that arises in this narcissistic personality disorder is that the characters like O’Hara have to work hard to regain who they were and even proof admirable and respected as before.
The unending love affair and the entanglement ha the characters like O’Hara who appear to have mixed personalities (Giovanni & Paul, 2019). It is through these mixed personalities and love affairs that the film director brings out what can be termed as strengths and also weaknesses of some of the characters. O’Hara as a key character appears to be greatly influenced by love even in times of crisis and is willing to go as far as required to proof his case. The right value and notion are thus developed within the movie’s themes of love that makes O’Hara do anything to win the recognition and self-validation. It is through theme sequence of behaviors and superficial traits that the movie “Gone with the Wind” attains the right and broad meaning through each character. More so is the relationship between what each character portrayed and who they really were in life that makes the movie interesting. The character derived a very hidden notion of what it really means to integrate more than two traits in one character that adds to the weight of the message (Rebecca, 2016). To be specific, the narcissistic personality that many perceive as a negative aspect that makes a person lose his or her own self is in another view very useful in the movie. For example, O’Hara could not have achieved her manipulative trait as she did without adopting this behavior that forms the bias and foundation of this film.
Based on the speculative aspects of the characters, movie is built within the right angle in depicting who and how the players behaved. In line with the various themes and dominant roles played by key characters that the film takes shape (Giovanni & Paul, 2019). One of the most evident things about the narcissistic personality disorder is that the traits adopted by the characters were not only pinned on the value and nature of their roles suit the need to take a new appearance. Over the years of formation, the film is believed to take shape based on how the characters approached life. Still, the aspect of ascribed trait and behavior that denotes the need to have the right notion and need to create a dominant view. In addition, the creative aspects of the film are not only based on how the characters portrayed themselves but also the connection between the needs and traits adopted over time (Rebecca, 2016). In order to attain the needed outlook and attain the right posture and flow, the “Gone with the Wind” film takes a different tangle that is based on the deceptive outlook of the characters.
In another perspective, Rhett attains a new dimension of thinking that makes him have a relation of what and how he could have become even a greater person. The first instance that shapes Rhett’s thinking is where he had to make a choice between self and inner thrive of spirit and emotions (Rebecca, 2016). In this outlook, Rhett commits to working through a strong view of life that gives him hope of recreating his past that was already darkening and worrying. The need to have self-approval and strength of the spirit adds to Rhett’s choices that in this case refers to how he made his decisions about life. The characters in the film uses outward appearance to sell themselves to the public and earn self-validation. The narcissistic personality disorder described in many ways shows that not only were the people willing to go to great extent to publicize their self but also sought to gain recognition from their peers (Giovanni & Paul, 2019). Characters like O’Hara were always seeking to please others and have a good reputation that was not built on real values and traits.
These elements define what makes this movie interesting and the various scopes of its themes and meanings. It is even easy to follow through the film by looking at how and where each character played in line with the notion of derived traits. The film has a well-rounded message that depicts what and how each character brought out the various themes and the self-validation aspect of their lives. In addition, the “Gone with the Wind” film depicts a trend where the key character was willing to an extra mile in earning validation from those around them and this was meant to give them a positive impression. In order to attain this mark, the film director utilizes the aspects if changing roles and traits that key characters like O’Hara capitalizes on in their day to day life.
Giovanni, B & Paul, L. (2019). Exploring network structure and central items of the
Narcissistic Personality Inventory. The Authors International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Rebecca, W. (2016). The Real Narcissists.