Myths and stereotypes

Myths and stereotypes

Myths connote a concept, a story or an idea that has been invented. A stereotype has the implication of an accepted conviction of a particular group of people (Crawford & Unger, 2004). A good example of a myth is poverty being considered as an issue allied to minority. This is not an implication minority living as poor but poverty is not exclusively a minority issue. An example of stereotype is associating absence of emotional difficulties to the gifted students whereas it is true that they need counseling for their self esteem.


Biases signify certain inclination or specific tendency which hinders an impartial judgment and they arise out of prejudice. Some biases are beneficial but should be applied with a fragile self-awareness balance. A good example is the assumption that it is possible to put out a person on fire. Prejudice

Prejudice is a demonstration of integrative power, an adverse opinion construe in advance without taking account of reason or thought. The attitudes, feelings as well as opinions surrounding prejudice are hostile emanating from that affiliation of the person to a particular group, religion or race (Crawford & Unger, 2004). Gender discrimination is a good example of prejudice which is a common occurrence at homes or work place in the society. A prejudiced firm may opt to employ male workers and leave out female workers.


Discrimination refers to prejudicial treatment accorded to people as a result of their affiliation to specific groups. It is therefore inclined towards the actions of prejudice which may be negative or positive (Crawford & Unger, 2004). Racial discrimination is a good example which creates a disparity of people on the basis of their racial dissimilarities. Notable governments have promoted discrimination as an official policy of the state, a good example being South Africa during the era of apartheid.


Crawford, M. & Unger, R., (2004). Women & Gender: A Feminist Psychology. N Y: McGraw
