My short-term career goal is to get a position as an economic policy consultant in the provincial government in China





My short-term career goal is to get a position as an economic policy consultant in the provincial government in China. I will help the local government in implementing the economic policy so that the local business development improves. Economic policy has an impact on business development as we all know. My focus will be on stimulating local business development. I look forward to stimulating the local economy through pursuing different strategic initiatives. The different strategic initiatives aim at helping the local companies to attract new investors and support employment based on employment initiatives. In my position as an economic policy consultant, I plan to offer unlimited support to ensure continuous development. Business stimulations best occur when there is dynamic learning involved to engage the entrepreneurs. Businesses are built through the interactive nature created by the local government. I will advocate for testing and assessing business and knowledge in an environment that is competitive to ensure that all the participants are well prepared for the real world situations in businesses. I will ensure that there is a seamless integration into the learning environment to boost the economy and ensure continuous growth. I want to create an environment that is adaptable to all businesses so that high growth levels are achieved in the short run.

In achieving my short-term career goals, I expect to face several challenges. Regional economic policy is very complex yet I do not have practical consulting experience. Practical consulting experience is vital in carrying out regional economic policy because of the complexity that it holds. Application of economic and business knowledge into practice is also difficult for me. Through becoming an economic policy consultant, it is important to note that the future of humankind must be at the back of the mind. By having the future of humankind in mind, it means that several challenges that are closely interrelated and linked will come up. Sustaining development of the economy is threatened by volatile markets in the financial markets. This results from the short-term profit interests of value attitude of the shareholders. Another challenge that I am likely to face is the scarcity of natural resources mobilization of the available resources. Resources are of crucial importance in transforming development within a sustainable economy. The severe environmental destruction and climate change has highly contributed to scarcity of resources and thus will probably be a major challenge to achievement of my short-term career goal (Gaizka 40). In short, it is true to say that today we face so many complexities, uncertainties, and accelerations. To overcome these challenges, I will have to exploit my knowledge and combine with trans-disciplinary efforts in developing scenarios that give an inspiration to decision making. By applying new policies that are designed o bypass the crisis of the economy then the challenges will easily be overcome. Through implementation of active policy on financial sector then the government expenditure will be expanded. I will also need to improve on my practical insight to economic knowledge and business models.

My long-term career goal is gaining a senior consulting position in the central government. In this position, I will adjust the allocation of resources and change the economic structure of China so that I am able to promote the economic transformation and enhance sustainable development. I hope that I will be in a position to promote the Chinese business in the international market. So far, china has been keen in ensuring promotion of industrialization and maintenance of mode of production. I therefore, will maintain this promotion among the Chinese elites and the entire public. Through being a senior consultant, I will be dedicated towards boosting the economy’s development interest. I will meet the objectives that China has set in adjusting to optimize the structures within the government for continuous development. I will use strategies that aim at relaxing the demand supply conflicts so that a framework that is sustainable and of state level is achieved. This will involve an increase in income of the local government and a reduction of the expenditure. I will first focus on increase of quality production rather than expanding production that is not of good quality. I strongly believe that I will take China to high production levels through ensuring good economic policies are implemented.

The skills that are important in my career of interest include analytical and research skills, deep knowledge of economics and business, strong leadership skills and communication skills, skills on data analysis, good management skills, intelligence skills, human services skills, and financial services skills. A good policy consultant should poses good project delivery skills since he or she is accountable for how well the projects turn out. The consultants are involved in shaping the outcomes of the projects. I have done several internships and activities that have helped me in developing my skills such as working with the Bank of China where I was involved in three research projects inclusive of acquisition of family business, analyzing change of management control systems of family businesses in China, and an approach of exploring dynamics in Chinese family firms. I carried out a qualitative study of the Wenzhou family businesses. In addition, I worked as an intern in the Credit Department of Zhangjiakou commercial bank in 2013 where I monitored the performance of loan clients.

Works Cited

Gaizka Ormazabal. “The Economic Consequences of Proxy Advisor Say-On-Pay Voting

Policies.” Working Papers (Faculty) — Stanford Graduate School of Business (2014): 2-51.