My personal Statement, application for MBA Finance and Investment
Following that the world’s dynamic nature, I have had a passion to move with the world in most fields. In as much as the world is moving remarkably fast, I believe a little bit of running employed will undoubtedly help me realize my long term dreams of becoming an accountant. My passion in accountancy has been my sole outstanding goal, and it is from this that I have managed to prospect it as my major. Hence, an overwhelming desire to explore my potential to the best of my ability, achieve adequate knowledge as well as specialized excellence necessary for becoming one of the best accountants. My interest in this field emerged way back when I was a young child. The fact that I am laying down the foundation for my career goals is a clear indication that I have a graving passion for accountancy. I have decided to settle on Global MBA (MBA Finance and Investment) in London School of Business and Finance for the pursuit of my dreams.
My five most significant strengths are: excellent communication skills, strong organizational skills, team player, and exceptional critical thinking skills. I also have an exceptionally strong will to succeed, and I am also disciplined. My professional journey has helped me gather the most competitive talents in the country. I also have strong skills in Sales and Management and Team working/management. I am also proficient in Microsoft Office, CorelDraw 9.0 and Adobe Photoshop 5.5. I have Master of Business Administration (MBA) Finance and Banking and honourable deed (from the Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and these acts as my strength.
I have realized that Global MBA (MBA Finance and Investment) as a course is complex and needs some building blocks towards its achievement. I am venturing into a new experience in life, and I just hope that this experience will be beneficial not only to my career but also in strengthening my life in general. More than once, I have heard of university life being trick but still I have to take this challenge to achieve my desires. In this case, I will have to do some management accounting during my MBA course so as I am equipped with information on workers, supervisors, owner-managers and inspectors. This will help me in the basics of decision making in management and operations.
I will be expected to pursue a master’s degree in Finance and Banking which is also an essential aspect for accountants. In this post- graduate degree, I will have to major in Banking and its relevance to business matters. In this area, I will cover areas like tax research, personal tax, tax accounting. It is my strongest conviction that after all this knowledge has been imparted in me, I will emerge as the best accountant ever. This of course coupled with my own natural drive will empower me to serve the society in the best way possible. I will work to promote all my strengths to help me and others in the society.