My Old School English Teacher


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Date of Submission

My Old School English Teacher

Life was not easy in my former English School. The old English teacher made everything understandable through the hard way. Learning seemed challenging because all students had to go through a volume of books within a very short time, usually one month. Each new month stipulated a moment of learning new ideas irrespective of what the students had gained. The old English teacher made use of this teaching technique as a way of forcing her students, I inclusive, to learn great things in English. Most of us were not used to forceful style of learning but I had to adapt the new way of teaching English. English had never been my best subject over my life. I knew little that I would come to love it as a profession at one point in my life. The best aspect about the art is to become creative and innovative language wise and all these can be recommended on the efforts employed by the old English teacher.

To learn English is fun. The understanding of the beauty of analyzing and understanding written contents is a clue I got from my old English teacher. The Teacher used to insist on the importance of being committed to doing something and loving what you do. The love in one’s activities and practices could result to significant achievements in life. Life is never easy and students are obligated to work hard as a way of making their lives better in a time to come. Students can only achieve in life if they had worked hard at one point in their past. These students would fail to achieve something of substance, which they have admired for a long time, because they never worked hard as expected. The teacher would state these words in class as a way of encouraging us to work as hard as we could.

I never disappointed my old English teacher. My interest was not entirely in concentrating on English as a subject. I only considered the subject as a supportive subject that would assist me in doing well in other subjects like mathematics and the sciences. This mentality did not last long because I finally understood that English alone had a wide range of professions that I can choose from. This understanding opened my mind to a new level of understanding. I soon gained much interest in English as a subject, a situation that made me improve in performance. Other students were gradually changing their bad attitude towards me and particularly my poor performance in English.

One of my classmates used to take me for a poor performer in my academics. This trend was changing quickly as many students were now calling for my help to assist them in interpreting technical texts and literature material. Most of my classmates did not understand that I was taking the teacher’s advices seriously and positively. The positive attitude I developed towards the teachings of my old English teachers was creating a new image in my academic world. The positive impact of his teachings could be attributed to my obedience as part of the behaviors that my parents taught me a child. My father taught me how importance taking the advice of older people was. I could reflect all these wards whenever the teacher brought in a new academic idea.

The mind I had that English would only easy my work in understanding other subjects still holds. My writing skills and spoken language skills are all attributed to my old teacher. The modern days are full of wide variety of choices that I can choose from and English as a subject has provided me with all these choices. I gained much respect from most of my classmates, a respect that I receive from many other individuals because of my academic success. My efforts and interest in reading wider than the teacher instructed made me one of the best students in class. I became a consultant in most of the offered subjects in my class. No student challenged my achievement in English. I was recommended as the best writer in class and this recommendation even made my performance better due the motivation I gained from that recommendation. My old English teacher was a good teach who showed no traits of favoring one student to another. This teacher incidentally broke that rule and I become the teacher’s favorite student. None of the students in my class objected this new rule and instead of acting against me, they all become my friends. All students could go through my written compositions and short stories that I had developed interest. The entire class became my friend and converted my life from a difficult experience to an interesting experience. My life was full of adventure and each day became a point of success to my life. The aspect of being a consultant was increasing to an extent that I could hardly manage. This situation was a new challenge to my life and I had to reconstruct my time to accommodate all pledges from friends and other students in various classes. This old English teacher truly shaped my life.