My Experience with a Psychopath
Since historical times, human diversity is an aspect that has been appreciated for strengthening social immunity and enhancing harmonic living. However, in some instances, this has been responsible for threatening the holistic wellbeing of humanity. This is particularly common with cases where psychopaths are involved. These individuals are known for being conscience free and therefore manipulate others for their selfish interests (Stout 1). My experience with a psychopath has been both physically and emotionally draining. My aunt, whom I have lived with for the past eighteen years, can be considered a psychopath for different reasons. She is my father’s sister, a single mother with two children who are both married. She is an extremely selfish person who derives her satisfaction from putting people down and seeing them suffer.
When I moved in with her in the United States, I felt as though I had been literary dropped down from a plane in the Amazon jungle. Metaphorically, I have encountered a huge snake slithering in foliage during the eighteen years that I have lived with her. I also have been bitten by mosquitoes, met wild Indians carrying hatchets, bows and lethal arrows, seen lions and tigers and more often than not, almost overwhelmed by fright for a possibility of falling in the river and being eaten by a crocodile. In actuality, my aunt has made the home environment to be likened to a wild jungle. She divorced her husband almost sixteen years ago and has raised the children single handedly. The money she got from child support was always insufficient because she used almost half of it for her personal upkeep. She frequented the courts to have this money increased so that she could cater for her lavish lifestyle. In most cases, she was successful as she gave the lawyers sexual favors for free. She personally has had more than twenty different jobs, yet she could not keep one for even two months.
Currently, she is not in good terms with her daughter who has implicated her for the constant fights she has with her husband. She looked down upon her son in law from the first day they met and even referred to him as being lazy. At the wedding reception, she told the newly weds that she was not ready to be a grandmother. The daughter’s urge to please her mother made her to delay starting a family and has been the cause of constant arguments with her husband. My aunt is also very jealous and greedy. During my last birthday, my friend bought me a nice black coach bag. When her son brought her a brown poach bag during his visit, she openly complained that she needed an oversize black one like mine. In this case, she did not have the courtesy to even thank the son for the gift. Also, she keeps inquiring the type of fragrance I use and often buys a similar one for herself. This has been very annoying and recently, I have been forced to lie to her the name of the perfume in order to stop her from buying a similar one.
Last April, I developed an unusual lump in the armpit. Because my grandmother had breast cancer in the past, I panicked. However, the doctor said the cancer was benign and scheduled a surgery for me. My aunt screamed at me and boldly told me that she was sick of my ill health. It did not occur to her at any moment that the act was insensitive. She did not accompany me to hospital on the day of the operation. However, my cousin who accompanied me bumped unexpectedly in her in the hospital cafeteria when she left the waiting room to buy herself lunch. On inquiry, she lied she had earlier been diagnosed of breast cancer and was on radiation and treatment. When we returned home, she showed my cousin the radiation scar and my cousin confirmed that it seemed as though she had burnt herself with an iron box.
Personally, I rarely bring visitors to the house because of one ugly incident that happened a year ago. On this particular day, my friend who had visited the town called to say he would pass by before leaving. Because this was around five o’clock in the evening and I was not in the house, I called and left a message on her cell phone that I would be expecting a visitor that evening. When I arrived home, she was also not around but my cousin was. She called my cousin and screamed at her regarding me inviting strangers to the house. I got very nervous and when my friend arrived at eleven that night, I left the house and talked to him outside by his car in the street. As he was leaving, my aunt arrived and did not even bother to apologize. Taking in account the mentioned incidences, it can be concluded that my aunt is a psychopath because she is not only greedy and selfish but she is also insensitive and cold blooded.
Work Cited
Stout, Martha. Inside the Mind of a Psychopath. Retrieved 12th August, 2010 from: