My Career

My Career

I am interested in having a career in the field of nursing, thus the reason why I want to pursue a nursing degree in the future. Currently, the career I am interested in is that of a Registered Nurse. There are many aspects of nursing, which attracted me to it, and I am sure to succeed. Certain requirements have to be met, if someone has to attain a nursing degree at a university, which is recognized. One must make sure that they pass well in their chemistry courses in high school, with at least a grade C. Another subject, which needs to be passed well is mathematics. This means that one needs to have passed extremely well while in high school. Before applying for this course, one must ensure that they seek help and advice from career counselors. Nursing is referred to as a calling and a person needs to have a passion for it (Billings 2002.34).

An RN can choose to specialize as a nurse practitioner, midwife nurse, anesthetic nurse or a clinical nurse specialist. Core courses, which an RN must, are patient care, health assessment, child and infant care, as well as nursing types. One must also undergo an experience known as supervised clinical work. The RN will be taught and be provided skills on procedures, protocols and nursing clerical g duties. RN’s have the advantage of working in managerial and medical sectors (Billings 2002.37). This means that they can acquire skills in other areas, which will help them, in case they decide to pursue a master course in the same field. It is mandatory that RN’s are registered by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. This means that RN’s have the right skills needed in their jobs. The RN is entitled to benefits such as retirement plans, vacations, educational and holiday pay. It must also be known that there are pitfalls associated with being an RN, such as working extremely long hours, competition from nurses with higher education, among others.

The nursing career is especially fulfilling if one wants to be an RN. This is because an RN has many advantages and benefits in the nursing career. Training normally takes about two to three years, as compared to that of an LPN, which takes around one to one and a half years. The exams taken by RN’s and LPN’s are different, as the latter takes the NCLEX-PN exam and the former the NCLEX-RN exam. An RN is provided with a variety of places they can work in such as insurance companies, clinics, hospitals, nursing homes and home health care. On the other hand, LPN’S only work in clinics, doctor’s officers and Nursing Homes (Billings 2002.45). RN’s have higher level of skills such as providing medication and having IV skills. The wage on hourly basis which RN’s are paid is $25, while LPN’s are paid $16. RN’s have the advantage of assuming the nurses role and also practice their work independently. LPN’s have to be supervised by the RN and this means that they are their roles are dependent on that of other senior nurses. Lastly, many work opportunities exist for an RN, in that they can advance their studies, so as to become competitive. An RN can presently work as a Nursing Manager or a Director of Nursing. Limited work choices exist for an LPN. Working as an RN is a career, which is fulfilling, as well as extremely rewarding (Billings 2002.56).

Work Cited

Billings, Diane. Lippincott’s Review for NCLEX-RN 7 Ed. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002.Print.