Impact of Availability and Reliance Upon Private Automobiles on America Life
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Impact of Availability and Reliance Upon private Automobiles on America Life
The invention and widespread adoption of the automobile is among the most significant defining characteristic of urbanization in the 20th century (Ostermeijer et al., 2022). Specifically, the US in the 1920s saw increased growth in private automobile ownership, with approximately 23 million registered drivers (U.S History, 2022). Martin et al. (2010) further add that the car ownership rate among households in the US has been over 90% for more than ten years. Today, approximately 91% of US adults commute to work using private vehicles (Moody et al.,2021). The private automobile has imposed significant social, economic, and environmental impacts on communities (Whitelegg, 1997). This paper discusses one specific way in which the widespread availability of and reliance upon private automobiles has impacted American life. Specifically, the paper discusses how Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions resulting from increased availability and reliance on automobiles have affected America life and US history at large.
The widespread availability of and reliance upon private automobiles in the past years has led to increased air pollution through the production of greenhouse gases and conventional air pollutants (Faiz, 1993). For instance, research reveals that in 1994, the US alone emitted almost one-fifth of total GHGs globally (Graf & Koehler, 2000). Most of the cars used in the US in 1900 used internal combustion engines fueled by fossil fuel or gasoline; thus, there was increased emission of GHG (Agarwal, 2007). Today, research reveals that trucks and cars emit approximately 20% of all GHG emitted in the US (Albuquerque et al., 2020). Thus, automobiles in the US are among the leading GHG emitters globally. Releasing GHG is associated with air pollution, which adversely impacts American life. Supporting this statement, Maga and Hass (1960) reveal that vehicle exhaust emissions are among the most significant causes of air pollution. The increased air pollution from privately owned automobiles has significantly impacted Americans’ lives. To begin with, air pollution has been one of the biggest threats to human health in the past due to the steadily increasing usage of fossil fuel-powered cars (Möller et al., 1994). According to Thakrar et al. (2020), air pollution in the US in the past decades has been associated with a significant number of deaths per year (Samet et al., 2000). Furthermore, automobile emissions in the US account for about 29% and 34% of the organic compounds and nitrogen oxides, respectively (Oliva, 2015). According to the author, these gases lead to the formation of the ozone layer, which is harmful to human health at low atmospheric concentrations. Also, these gases produce particulate matter, which has been linked to severe respiratory illnesses (Oliva, 2015). Research also reveals that automobile emissions contribute to the formation of smog, and ground-level ozone, which triggers severe health issues such as the reduced capacity of lungs, aggravated asthma, and increased susceptibility to respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2015). Furthermore, automobile emissions result in ambient air toxic levels. Human exposure to these toxics causes non-cancerous health effects such as immune and reproductive system damage. These increased health effects have also led to changes in the number of deaths related to these diseases.
Secondly, GHG emissions from the increased availability of and reliance upon private automobiles have led to climate change and global warming, further impacting Americans’ lives.
Climate change refers to an increase in extreme weather events (Weinstock, 2022). On the other hand, global warming is the long-term heating of the surface of the earth. A major contributor to climate change in US history has been the usage of personal vehicles (Stern, 1992). For every gallon of gas, vehicles and trucks generate about 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, making up approximately one-fifth of total US emissions. The extraction, manufacture, and distribution of the fuel account for about five pounds, whereas the majority of heat-trapping emissions—more than 19 pounds per gallon—come directly from a car’s tailpipe (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2014). Greene et al. (2010) further reveal that since 23% of all energy-related CO2 emissions in 2010 came from the transportation sector, the industry is heavily associated with climate change. In comparison to other energy end-use sectors, direct transport-related GHG emissions have increased by 250% globally since 1970 (Mattioli, 2020). Climate change and global warming have affected American life significantly in American history. Smith and Tirpak (1989) considered climate change one of the US’s leading threats to human health during the 20th century.
Furthermore, climate change affected the overall US economy through its impact on various sectors such as agriculture, housing, and infrastructure during American history. According to Bernstein et al. (1960), a significant number of Americans were at a higher risk of climate change-related hazards. Also, multiple-dollar properties were prone to complete destruction or completely being rendered unusable by the risk of flooding. Also, the transportation infrastructure that facilitates the production and transportation of goods and services was damaged by climate change. According to Abraham (1988), although transportation systems are designed in such a way they can withstand some degree of extreme weather conditions, increased frequency and severity of extreme events may increase the residual risk. Also, heavy precipitation, heat waves, and other storms caused by climate change caused disruptions and delays in roads, airports, and public transit systems, affecting Americans’ lives.
Also, climate change resulting from GHG emissions in the US has adversely affected the food supply in American history. Research reveals that from 2000 to 2021, Northern America experienced the driest seasons due to climate change. Consequently, this has led to a 20% decline in crop production in the Midwest (Mathews, 2022). The author further explains that the effects of climate change on food production and food security in the US are extreme and are expected to worsen in the future. For instance, the price of wheat hit a 14-year peak in March 2022, and this increase is linked to climate change. Mathews (2022) further explains that Americans have continued to feel these price increases. The most affected regions are conflict-ridden regions. According to Mathews (2022), increased food prices have led to widespread political and social unrest. Other effects of climate change and global warming include longer periods of drought, increased wildfires, and increased duration and intensity of tropical storms.
Overall, the widespread availability of and reliance upon private automobiles led to increased GHG emissions, adversely affecting Americans’ lives. Firstly, GHG emissions have led to severe health impacts. GHG produce particulate matter, which leads to severe respiratory illnesses. Also, GHG contributes to smog formation, which causes serious health issues such as the reduced capacity of the lungs, aggravated asthma, and increased susceptibility to respiratory illnesses. Also, GHG emissions from the increased availability of and reliance upon private automobiles have led to climate change and global warming. These have adversely affected human health and caused climate-related deaths. Transportation infrastructure, which facilitates the production and transportation of goods and services, is also damaged by climate change. Furthermore, climate change has affected the overall US economy through its impact on various sectors such as agriculture, housing, and infrastructure. Lastly, the climate has adversely affected the food supply in the US.
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