How experience affects the roles of individuals presented in the video


Today, the entertainment industry continues to witness a growing market competition due to globalisation; hence, work experience can provide an added advantage to the industry. Having experience of working in a movie industry can help develop superb opportunities in overcoming these competitions and gaining valuable vision into areas of future production. Film companies are looking for film-crew that can offer an outstanding contribution in their products. Most film companies are interested on how one can relate his/her experience to their entertainment project. Therefore, this article will outline how experience affects the roles of individuals presented in the video.

The producer is in charge of the entire project, and is held responsible for the failure or success of the project. He has to guide and organize the project into a successful film. Hence, s/he should be a good businessperson, motivator, strategists and creative visionaries, with the ability to address potential challenges before they emerge. The director, on the other hand, is responsible for interpreting the script and unifying the models into something that shoulders his/her nod. The director needs enough experience so as to lead and supervise the film-crew, ensure they do what right and maintain good terms with them.

The director of photography is charged with photography quality maintenance and the cinematic appearance of the movie. According to Michael Croce, in the video, his duty includes transforming the director’s concepts into visual images, and therefore, with no better experience, it would difficult to realize this fact. The production-coordinators prepare, update and distribute crew lists, and they issue movement orders, script changes and daily progress reports. They manage production unit based on the guidelines laid-out by the production office. According to Robert Bruzio, director/producer, it is the sole responsibility of Giancarlo LoRusso, production-coordinator, to protect him against any external obstacle.

Generally, according to Robert Bruzio and Giancarlo Lorusso the film project has several challenges that require a lot of experience to handle. Such challenges include time differences where some foxes want to leave earlier, how to develop a better product, and how one’s budgetary dollars for maximum production value maximise. While for Michael Croce, challenges include realizing the Director’s demands, and more time-consumption on how to visualize the director’s ideas and visions. Therefore, work-experience is something good for the success of any business.


Rebecca Arslanian. “Field Study: Robert Bruzio (Managing Entertainment Projects)”. YouTube n.d. web 2 December, 2013. < “”&HYPERLINK “”feature=em-upload_ownerHYPERLINK “”&HYPERLINK “”desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DV2mikGizxaw%26feature%3Dem-upload_ownerHYPERLINK “”&HYPERLINK “”app=desktop>