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Hook and Valenti’s Articles Critical Analysis
Selling Hot Pussy
Bell Hooks’ selling hot pussy gives a representation of black female sexuality in the market place. The article views black female bodies in two dimensions. First, is the contemporary thinking, which displays it as a sign of natural racial inferiority. Secondly, in traditional thinking, the exposure of black female bodies implies increased sexuality. The author uses contemporary and traditional platforms to provide their views on sexuality. In the beginning, the author gives a personal experience of racism exists in society and its link to sexuality through the chocolate breasts exposed in the streets. These ideas are viewed differently by people, and the author uses songs, fashion ideas, films, and sexuality practitioners to expound on the sexuality understanding in society. The article gives an understanding of black women sexuality in contemporary and traditional contexts. It provides an awareness to black women to have contrary representations of their sexuality to gain freedom in society.
The article aims to portray the depiction of female sexuality in cultural set-ups. Hook starts by giving an experience of racism which then leads to black people sexuality. This introduces one to the content of the article. Introduction attracts attention and gives an urge to the readers (Shah 1) hence the author achieves to captivate the audience. Hook provides both the take of the society and ideas from personal opinion. For example, as the group approaches the females exposing their breasts, the white guys representing the society see it as a delicious idea. However, for him, the scene still relates to the racial idea encountered before. This method opens the mind of the audience since the article doe not relies on one thinking but in different perspectives. The author purposefully achieves the consideration of both thinking hence provides full information.
The author provides evidence from films, songs and fashion analyses, in various contexts. For example, he displays movies in different categories. First, educational, such as Mona Lisa film, addresses the dangers of having sexual desires, Second, films against contemporary ideas depicting female’s responsibility concerning sexuality and third in the context of domination and exploitation. The broad basis of the support makes the article effective in addressing black sexuality. However, in the fashion analyses support, the author had relied so much on racism rather than sexuality. The issue of black models not portrayed in magazines and some forced to wear wigs due to the texture of the hair is evidence of a racial difference and not sexuality. Also, the author connects black female sexuality to racism as it has appeared in racist iconography in films and fashion industries. Black female sexuality may be addressing the black race, but sexuality is independently viewed both in contemporary and traditional contexts.
In providing support to the black female sexuality, Hook uses songs such as Aretha franklin’s respect. He gives an encounter with the producers, which does not necessarily provide evidence of the subject. Franklin struggles of weight and size are also included, and this may happen to anyone hence does not connect to the black female sexuality. Nevertheless, the article’s organization helps in understanding as his provision of evidence is systematic. He starts with his experience, then gives the views of the culture and goes into detail of films, fashion and songs systematically. This organization makes it easier to understand and flow with the information provided. Also, the narrating style used enhances understanding. This is because the explanations make one perceive and interpret the content appropriately, without making any assumptions of details. Black female sexuality has been affecting cultural set-ups; hence there is a need to address and inform on various understandings of the society. Therefore, Hook’s article purpose s worthwhile considering current situations.
The Cult of Virginity
Jessica Valenti, the cult of virginity article, addresses the issue of sex and virginity on an individual basis and the thoughts of various parties. The author gives the societal perspective of chastity with the roles and qualities of a virgin. She tries to address the meaning of virginity and the effects it has on women in society. According to her, virginity idea affects women due to the diverse attention of problems in today’s world; hence women vare judged negatively. The article starts with the author’s experience of sex and loss of virginity. However, the concept changes from experience of pain to a broader value of virginity. The definition of virginity is not clear and not well addressed in society. The author provides evidence through the narration Hanne Blank’s search in the library, other professor’s understanding, traditional view and the conceptual interpretation. The article attempts to define virginity and knowledge in various communities.
Jessica attempts to provide the definition and understanding of virginity by people and in science through Blank’s experiences. However, she does not achieve the purpose as she gives the various definitions and knowledge, but does not conclude on one that clarifies all other interpretations. The purpose of the article is limited to the meaning of virginity, which restricts the author from widening the subject. The illustration on how virginity is perceived, either as a commodity, the morality of farce provides more evidence of broad virginity ideas. This goes practically to the community hence enhances the understanding of virginity based on various grounds. The traditional and present-day concepts of virginity provide effective evidence making the subject support reliable for the knowledge of the audience.
The article’s arguments and support of the idea of virginity are essential. However, at the beginning of the article, the author states that virginity issue is affecting women in society. Therefore, it is an expectation of the reader to provide a stand or a prevention suggestion to the negative impacts. Also, the definition of the various parties is according to their specific perspective hence may not apply to other parties or understood by some groups of people. The argument on the traditional and present-day understanding provides diverse information to the audience, thus informational. To add on, the connection between a person’s activities and values concerning virginity is not clearly stated by the author. For instance, in the example of miss USA Tara Conner, her unusual behaviour of clubbing and drinking makes people doubt her leadership in the region. It is not clear how the concept of virginity coincides with the values a person has.
The organization of Jessica’s work is appropriate. This is through her introduction, where she provides a scenario that leads to the subject that she is addressing. This is an excellent way to capture the attention of the audience. Also, she gives her perspective of virginity and later links it to the ideas of other people such as Blank. She concludes b giving the societal thinking of virginity both in the traditional and modern society hence giving a full understanding of the concepts in all dimensions. The organization provides a flow of thought; therefore, one cannot be lost while reading. Also, the illustrations, narrations and experiences offered in the article are appropriate to the interpretation of virginity. Besides, in conclusion, the author gives a need to address virginity issue, by providing a statement of how a good woman is viewed in the society, and the values they are expected to have. Therefore, the article provides little information on the solutions to implement and the value of women in the society.
Works Cited
Hooks, Bell. “Selling Hot Pussy”. The Politics Of Sexuality, pp. 122-132.
Valenti, Jessica. “The Cult Of Virginity”. Sex Power And Intimacy, 2009, pp. 181-185.
Shah, Jay N. “How To Write ‘Introduction’ In Scientific Journal Article”. Journal Of Patan Academy Of Health Sciences, vol 2, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-2. Nepal Journals Online (JOL), doi:10.3126/jpahs.v2i1.20331. Accessed 11 Feb 2020.