Institutional Affiliation
Home is a place where you feel the warmth of people you are familiar with and can relax after a long day work or absence. It is where we relax with our parents, siblings and other blood relatives who continuously condemn and praise us whenever we make mistakes. Home is absolutely one of the most favorite places to be and feel loved. It is where people around you are so much concerned with your wellbeing. Moreover, home is where one experiences security, safety, freedom, and comfort. It is a feeling in a more personal sense that prompts happiness, peace and is warmer than a house (Sanders, 1993). Home is where an individual has lived for a long enough time and are attached to the area and everything including the streets and people look familiar. It is therefore significant to note that home creates a warmly and familiar feelings.
Generally, home is such a good place and it is where I would take most of my time because of the great feeling. Home provides the best feelings and familiarity that no other place can offer. Individuals may freely release their stresses by the home feelings. Being at home is simply feeling very comfortable and free in terms of thoughts, feelings, emotional relationships, and high level of freedom that cannot be felt in any other place (Sanders, 1993). As a student, home is where parents provide everything deemed significant in education and life. Parents, siblings, relatives, and friends provide warmly feelings both at home and at school.
Home is a very important place to be everyone is passionate about it. Feeling and staying at home is a right for everyone because all individuals need comfort, peace, and a place to feel happy. Failure of being at home may lead to stress or sickness. People should benefit from the advantages offered by home. Failure of being at home may taint the relationship between the citizens and the government because it undermines the basis of the citizens’ freedom. Home is like a God given right that must be enjoyed by absolutely everyone because it is a divine authority (Sanders, 1993). Home is a basic right that is unalienable and no individual or authority is justified to trespassing except through the process of law as a penalty for having harmed or violated another person’s life, property, or liberty. Although having a home is not an absolute right, being at home is critical to every person (Sanders, 1993). People cannot be denied to stay at home without any good reason because of the rights bestowed upon them. Although critics may argue that claiming to be at home is being too “right centered” and that staying at home should be treated as a responsibility, it is still worth noting being at home is a right of everyone.
Home may sometimes change depending on the treat an individual gets. Although homes are always permanent, the permanency may be destroyed by a few factors and incidences that affect individuals both emotionally and physically (Mukherjee, 1999). Because home is more about emotions and feelings, all these may be changed in case any of the factors changes. It is therefore apparent that a home may change as long as what forms a home is taken away from an individual. For people who consider that home is a place to live they may change their home if they buy another place to stay or live in. They would make new friends and familiarize themselves with the area until they feel the warmth. However, this may not be a satisfactory feeling compared to the previous home. It may only be okay if one had a few challenges with the old home. It is therefore apparent that home can change although it is not very easy to change the feelings and warmth towards a place or something. In most cases, people are so reluctant to change their homes because of a number of reasons. In case individuals’ are hurt from what they call their homes, they may have the courage to forgive people who hurt them because of the long and warm relationship they have had together (Mukherjee, 1999).
Being homeless means lacking a place to relax and feel the warmth of the family members, friends. Homelessness greatly affects the victims in several ways especially because individuals do not have shelter and people around them who can comfort and show them love (Mukherjee, 1999). Homelessness may be characterized by different negative things such as sickness and failure to get emotional and material support from the loved ones that may be a dangerous situation to human life. Homelessness is a very unfortunate and emotional situation because individuals do not get the most precious thing in life, love. Homeless people are people who rarely get comfort and do not have people who may fully understand their situations well. Some of the homeless people are the orphans who do not have even guardians to lean on and place to sleep like a house. They are people who do their activities throughout the day without the hope of retiring in a more comforting place with good people to who understand them.
Community is a group of individuals with common interest and share things such as culture, information, and exchange ideas and further provides a way of connecting to members. A community is normally a social group residing in a specific locality and shares a common administration as well as a historical heritage. It is possible to return to homes but can always be identified by a certain community (Mukherjee, 1999). People normally feel closer to their homes than their community does. This closeness may enable an individual to return to their homes where they get love and warmth that they really need. However, a community is only important and relevant to people who strongly love their cultures and would not want to separate themselves from the culture. With the current cultural distortion, very few people are concerned with their cultures because majority of individuals adopt the cosmopolitan culture that do not identify itself with any original culture. In fact, with the current urban-rural migration, most people cannot even identify themselves with a particular community especially the young people who grow up in a mixed up culture and interact with people from different communities. It is therefore easy for an individual to return to home than to return to their community.
We should always stay at home because it is where we are familiar with many things and always have a sense of feelings and comfort. Staying at home has several benefits that hugely influence people’s attitudes in a positive manner. Staying at home also includes being around the most adorable and caring people in one’s life. Changing home may be accompanied with various disorienting things such as loneliness. Moreover, changing home may force individuals to lose family relationship as well as friends who are the most important people who make home what it actually is. By moving to another home, people tend to move to unfamiliar places and meet unfamiliar people who do not care about their new neighbors. Staying at home strengthens the family and friends bond and individuals normally feel satisfaction because of various available chances of helping each other emotionally. The better feelings one undergoes when hanging around with friends at home especially the old home may possibly bring the memories that can be cherished forever. Staying at an initial home is generally an opportunity to share a few memories with friends and relatives. It is therefore apparent that it is better to stay home to get the same feelings and positive emotions as usual instead of looking for home elsewhere (Mukherjee, 1999).
A home can be either a small town or a whole depending on the emotional attachment someone has with the place. There are people who are even so much attached to their country especially when they are in a foreign land simply because they have friends and relatives in their home country. However, a small town, because of the geographical size may act as a home better than the bigger town. This is because a small town accommodates a few people and features that an individual is more familiar with than a big town. A home therefore depends on an individual’s perception of the place he stays and feels comfortable and familiar with. The smaller the size the better the home because of the closeness and familiarity involved. Home is more of a memory but not a location. It is where an individual is emotionally attached and feels the warmth of people around them.
Mukherjee, Bharati. (1999). “Imagining Homelands” in A. Aciman (ed) Letters of Transit. Reflections on Exile, Identity, language, and Loss. New York: the New York Press.
Sanders, S. R. (1993). Staying put: Making a home in a restless world. Boston: Beacon Press.