Title: History; Major Explorations.
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What are the major transformation and advances explored?
Major discoveries have been made around the world. All these discoveries make life easier for human beings. A major discovery that has been made so far is Nuclear energy (Toler, 2012).The use of nuclear energy as a source of power has really transformed the world. Nuclear energy is a scientifically advanced method of obtaining energy from nuclear reactions.
How Nuclear energy assists in advancing?
Nuclear energy provides a long term source of cheap power which is used in large companies. Nuclear power is cheap in the long term; the only great expense is setting it up. It is easier and cheaper to use nuclear power in manufacturing plants which require large amounts of power to run (Toler, 2012).
Positive consequences
It is an alternative source of power to run factories and sell energy as an economic activity.
It is a reliable source of energy unlike hydropower to produce electricity. Use of water to produce electricity is relies on water levels.
Negative consequences
It is a risky source of energy. Running the nuclear reactors is a dangerous process which requires sober handling. Mishandling the nuclear plants may result to disasters.
Challenges that humans faced
Before discovering nuclear energy, running huge machines in factories was quite expensive. Less manufacturing was done due to the high amount of power cost.
How humans overcame this
Researchers worked hard to come up with other methods of obtaining power. By conducting continuous research, they discovered another reliable source of energy and they put it to use.
Other sources of power are being researched, sources that are safer and less costly to acquire (Toler, 2012).
Toler, P. D. (2012). Mankind: the story of all of us. Philadelphia, PA: Running Press Book Publishers.