High Quality Technology & Learning Theories/Models
Advancement in new technology means that the old means of learning are closing to the hedge. The traditional ways of instructing learners are being phased out due to the faster advancement in information technology. Several learning models are being developed for subjects such as; English, mathematics and science. Learners need to develop a positive attitude towards embracing these learning models.
There are plenty of learning theorems that best supports the use of technology; constructive learning theory offers a learner a constant introduction to a new idea over a given period of time. Statistical learning theory is another theorem that guides the learner on the basics of constant use of statistical tools and its applications. Transformative learning theory is another field that can be applied in the use of new technology. This theorem introduces learners into new concepts and ideas Trans formatively. Software’s such as; ETeMS (English of Teaching Mathematics and Science) are some of exemplary learning models that teaching institutions needs to adopt for their learners. This works to realize positive performance of students. Technology enhanced classroom (TEC) is one of the pivotal investment targets that the education stakeholders need to take note of. Factors like; demographic, type of school, teaching and learning culture, as well as teachers working experience are some of the determinants of a technology feasible classroom. Technology eases better understanding of these teaching models. Quality and cost-effectiveness nature of technology determine the level of input that any learning model is appraised.
All these learning theorems influence the use and adoption of technology in learning. There is only one missing gap alongside these theorems that is the use of new technology. Subjects such as; mathematics and sciences need effective technology for them to be understood easily. TEFL and CAI are key areas that need to be invested on. These allows for quick understanding for the learners as opposed to the traditional model, where every new aspect takes time to be inculcated by the learners. Therefore cost-effective and efficient learning models are the future of teaching in the classroom area.References
Cheung, R., & Vogel, D. (2013). Predicting user acceptance of collaborative technologies: An extension of the technology acceptance model for e-learning. Computers & Education, 63160-175.
Jiyoon, Y., & Yekang, K. (2013). STS Student Learning Model: An Effective Approach to Identifying Environmental Problems and Solutions. International Journal Of Science In Society, 4(2), 133-147.
Padilla-Meléndez, A., del Aguila-Obra, A., & Garrido-Moreno, A. (2013). Perceived playfulness, gender differences and technology acceptance model in a blended learning scenario. Computers & Education, 63306-317.
Tammets, K., Pata, K., & Laanpere, M. (2012). Implementing a technology-supported model for cross-organisational learning and knowledge building for teachers. European Journal Of Teacher Education, 35(1), 57-75.