Herbal Or Botanical Medicine
TOC o “1-3” h z u Herbal Medicines Pose Health Risk to Millions in Asia PAGEREF _Toc380999927 h 1 HYPERLINK l “_Toc380999929” How safe is your herbal medicine? PAGEREF _Toc380999929 h 1
University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) PAGEREF _Toc380999931 h 2How Herbs work and used PAGEREF _Toc380999932 h 3History of Herbal plants PAGEREF _Toc380999933 h 3References PAGEREF _Toc380999934 h 4
Herbal or botanical medicines are increasingly being used today. There are various articles as well as scholarly journals that have been written on herbal medicine. This paper will analyze two magazine articles and two scholarly journals on herbal medicines.
Herbal Medicines Pose Health Risk to Millions in AsiaThis article talk of a particular herbal remedy that was banned in U.S.A and European countries but is still being used in Asia. There was a connection made by researchers on an epidemic of kidney on women in Belgium that had been using herbal medicine to loose their weight. The kidney problems were attributed to Aristolochic acid belonging to birthwort plants. This is an agent that is used to treat arthritis, asthma and weight loss. Despite the fact that herbs containing aristolochic acid have been banned some people are still being exposed particularly in Asia. Researchers found that herbal medicines that contain the acid are still being purchased online. The reason the article was written was to provide a diagnostic classification aristolochic acid nephropathy which is a kidney failure that is associated with the acid. It finally gives a caution to users of herbal medicine; it indicates that active agents in these herbal medicines can change.this article generally show the fact that despite the knowledge of some effects of herbal medicine they are still in use (Sifferlin, 2013 ).How safe is your herbal medicine?There are many people who run to herbal medicine for treatment of aches and pains, boosting of immune system or mood improvement. The fact that herbal medicines are seen as natural and healthy options as compared to conventional medications very few people as questions of the safety of herbal medicines. Those who purchase herbal medicines are seen to be at risk health problems as warned by specialists. For instance women using black cohosh for menopause symptoms suffer liver damages that are severe. This led to new rules that are designed to protect consumers from herbal medicines that are unregulated. The article highlights on some supplements that are seen to have effects when used, these are such as agnus castus with side effects like acne, gastrointestinal upsets and rashes. Devils claws, Echinacea, pelargonium, Rhodiola, Valerian and so on which have various side effects. This article generally enlightens people not to blindly use herbal medicine rather they should find out if they have any side effects before they use them ( Symons, 2013).University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC)The article of 2011 University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) is about the history and the use of herbal medicine. The article summarizes the herbal medicine also known as botanical medicine to refer to the usage of plant seeds, roots, leaves and berries for the medicinal purposes. The article also indicates that use of herbal of herbal is today becoming more mainstream as improvements in the quality control with the advances in a clinical research shows the significance of the herbal medicine in treating and prevention of diseases (Herbal medicine, 2011).
How Herbs work and usedThe herb contains ingredients that work together in producing a beneficial effect. For instance, the type of the environments in which the herbs plants grow may affect the herb. The use of the herbs has drastically increased over the past 40 years. Presently, the medicines are categorized as the dietary supplements by the people of United States of America (USA). This therefore means that, herbal supplements can be sold before being tested to prove that they are safe as well as effective (Herbal medicine, 2011).
Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association (VBMA)
In the article Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association (VBMA), the article has been dedicated to develop a responsible herbal practice. Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association are groups of herbalists that are dedicated so as to develop herbal practices that are responsible by encouraging the research and keeping the herbal tradition alive so as to increase the acceptance of herbal medicine for the animals (Lyon, 2011).
History of Herbal plantsPlants for many days have been used for medicinal purposes to prevent diseases. The article shows the use of herbal medicine as early as 3000 BC. Various indigenous cultures which include the Africans and the native America used the medicine in healing rituals. The research carried also showed that most people are still using the medicine for the same purposes. In the early 19th century, chemical were readily available, which made most scientists to start extracting as well as modifying the ingredients that were found from the plants. Later, the chemists on the other hand began making new version of the plants compounds and with time the use of herbal medicines started to decline in favor of drugs.
ReferencesHerbal medicine. (2011). University of Maryland Medical Center | Home. Retrieved March 26, 2013, from http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/herbal-medicine-000351.htmLyon, J. (2011). VBMA HOME | Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association. VBMA HOME | Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association. Retrieved March 26, 2013, from http://www.vbma.org/Sifferlin, A. (2013).Herbal Medicines Pose Health Risk to Millions in Asia. TIME Health &Family Retrieved march 26, 2013 from http://healthland.time.com/2013/03/20/herbal-medicines-pose-health-risk-to-millions-in-asia/Symons, J. (2013). How safe is your herbal medicine? Express. Retrieved march 26, 2013 from http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/385349/How-safe-is-your-herbal-medicine