Healthcare: TLBS
Exercise: Plan of Action
Part one: identifying the problem/challenge
Challenges of my life that I have been avoiding dealing with
My problem is substance and alcohol abuse. I have been consuming alcohol for a very long time, and all indicators show that I am on my way to becoming an alcoholic. I started consuming alcohol while in high school for the purposes of trying out different alcoholic drinks. With time, I started drinking regularly and convinced myself that I would stop drinking the day I feel like I have taken enough and need a change. When I got to the university if found the environment was more permissive for alcohol consumption than the high school environment. Alcohol consumption is widespread in higher learning institution (Mediline Plus, 2009). Alongside alcoholism is that habit of consuming steroids.
Extent of stress due to the problem
If feel that I have an enormous problem on my shoulders. Alcohol has the potential of destroying people’s lives, and it could destroy mine. On the other head, I use steroid to pump up muscles and look strong. I believe that my life will be simple if I stopped taking alcohol and consuming steroids. On a scale of 1-10, my relief would by 10. Unfortunately, I keep postponing seeking advice and professional help to quick this vice.
This situation could worsen in the following manners if the problem is unchecked
I may become alcoholic or alcohol dependent and may develop health problems related to alcoholism such as bleeding in the digestive system, cancer in the digestive tract, high blood pressure, heart damage liver damage among others (Mediline Plus, 2013).
I may also develop psychological problems such as depressions and suicidal tendencies, memory loss and dementia insomnia among other. Other may include brain cell damage and brain disorders (Mediline Plus, 2013).
Steroids on the other may interfere with my hormonal balances in the body and result to permanent impairment of my physiological processes as well as physical appearance.
Part two: Ways to address the issue/Problem
My problem:
Abuse of alcohol and steroids
The tools I have:
I have several tools that I believe will be instrumental in helping me overcome alcohol and steroids abuse. First is the school support community that helps student will alcoholic and substance abuse problems. I will join this support community and share my problems with the member. I believe they can provide me with adequate support to help me overcome this challenge. I have friend and family; I will inform them what is transpiring in my life, the decision I have made and seek their help too. There are also support program outside school that help alcoholics recover and teach them how to detoxify their bodies, I will seek their help too. Finally, I consider myself the greatest tool I can use to change my situation; I will make a decision to quit drinking and taking steroids and stand by my decision.
The rewards I will give myself for seeing it through
When I realise my objective of quitting consumption of alcohol and steroids, I will look back and appreciate what I have done, I will appreciate all the efforts I will have invested in the process. Subsequently, I will reward myself for having successfully turned my life around. The reward I will give myself I a weekend holiday in serene place where I can celebrate nature. I believe an ecotourism destination will do and after my vacation, I will publish a blog to share with the rest of the world what I have gone through as an alcoholic and heavy consumer of steroids. I will also share my journey to recovery. I will encourage other alcoholics to take bold measure the same way I have done.
Positive outcomes that will occur as a result of addressing the problem
I will stop depending on alcohol
I will be able to dedicate more time to my studies
I will increase my saving since I will be able to save all the money I spend on steroids and alcohol
Mediline Plus (2009). College Students and Alcohol Abuse: New Resources Can Help.
WebMD. (2013). Why Steroids Are Bad for You. Retrieved from
Mediline Plus. (2013, October 31). Alcoholism and alcohol abuse. Retrieved from