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Health Mobile Business Plan
Some time ago, I was selling my mobile phone cards as usual in my tent like a warehouse on the streets of Abidjan, Cote d´ Ivo ire. Although most of my clients come from a low socioeconomic level, they prioritize the need for communication and social connectivity, as it is vastly needed in the world we live in today. My day was not different from other days as I began by helping my oldest daughter take her HIV medication. I then fed my sisters and brothers along with their children. In the afternoon, that day became a special day as I saw newly posted campaign signs when I stepped outside for lunch. For once, I saw awareness of my daughter’s disease, reminders to take the prescribed medication, for the highest-ranking disease of the country: AIDS/HIV. That day was the day I had hope, that day I had an idea. The following paragraphs will address this idea in a form of a business plan.
Business Plan
A business plan is significant for the success of any business venture. The idea is to sell Internet gigabytes with the ability to download an application to the mobile phone. These applications assist people who are taking HIV medication to adhere to HIV treatment regimen for them to have a good health outcome. The homepage of the Internet application on the mobile phone would be the homepage of the application called, This website is available to all people in the whole world. It concentrates in assembling the best health care apps worldwide. These healthcare apps have been tested and tried by all types of people in the whole world. The already existing web page also has access to Twitter, Facebook, and other common social media sites that most people that would buy internet gigabytes would want to use.
The marketing strategy will ensure that internet gigabytes reach as many Abidjan people as possible. It will also ensure that the product reach the right target customers which will include those people on HIV treatment regimen and their significant others. Reaching a wider target population will entail opening many business outlets where Abidjan people can access the internet gigabytes needed for downloading the favorite health apps. Use of effective communication strategy that involves explaining to the customers how the apps work will help to boost the sales. For a business to be successful, it must be in a position of maintaining a good competitive advantage. Competitive advantage will be achieved by selling the products at a price that target customers can afford. It will also be maintained through increasing efficiency in the business which helps to create customers’ loyalty.
The other marketing strategy will encompass the use of effective advertisement methods. The most appropriated advertisement media, in this case, is the use of social media and posters containing the campaign signs. The main reason for choosing social media is because most people have internet enabled phones which they use for accessing social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many others. The use of posters containing campaign signs placed in strategic places is appealing, and it also ensure that the information reach a big number of the target population. These media will help in creating awareness about the importance of buying internet gigabytes for use in downloading the appropriate apps. These apps assist in guiding people about the importance of adhering to the prescribed HIV medication. Hence, the health outcomes of most people taking HIV drugs will improve greatly.
The process of increasing accessibility of these health apps to most Abidjan people will encompass collaboration with government health care agencies. Collaboration with public healthcare agencies and public hospitals will help in building trust and acceptability of these apps by the public. Hence, many people will buy internet gigabytes to download these health apps that will help them in adhering to HIV treatment regimen. The work of the public health care agencies and public hospitals will be creating the awareness of the importance of utilizing health apps in increasing the adherence to HIV treatment regimen. The major task of the entrepreneurs will be to avail the internet gigabytes to as many Abidjan people as possible after creating the awareness. The presence of internet gigabytes will ensure that many people download health apps that assist them to adhere to HIV treatment regimen. Health outcomes for those who are sick will improve, and the business of selling internet gigabytes will grow tremendously.
A good entrepreneur is the one who identifies a business opportunity and gather the necessary resources to start a business. The importance of adhering to HIV treatment regimen presented a good business opportunity for aggressive entrepreneurs venture. An effective business plan is necessary for the success of any business enterprise. It helps business people in coming up with a successful marketing strategy that help in boosting their sales. The successful business strategy entails choosing the right advertisement media. The need for adherence to HIV treatment regimen will lead to tremendous growth in the business of selling internet gigabytes. Hence, a business person in Abidjan who will develop a useful business plan and implement it will succeed in this business venture.
“Myhealthapps.Net – Apps Tried and Tested by People like You” Accessed April 22, 2015,
Porter, Michael E., and Mark R. Kramer. “The link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility.” Harvard business review 84, no. 12 (2006): 78-92.
Roberts, Kathleen Johnston. “Barriers to and facilitators of HIV-positive patients’ adherence to antiretroviral treatment regimens.” Aids patient care and STDs 14, no. 3 (2000): 155-168.