Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness




The importance of health cannot be gainsaid as far as the growth and development of an individual is concerned. Indeed, the health of an individual has a bearing on other aspects of his life including the economic aspect especially considering that it determines the ability of an individual to undertake productive activities. However, recent times have seen an increase in the number and types of diseases from which individuals suffer. Indeed, the prevalence of some of these fatal ailments has been worrying, to the extent of triggering a flurry of research activities to determine their causes, risk factors, ways of preventing them and especially the appropriate cures for the ailments (Edlin & Golanty, 2010). These ailments include heart attacks, stroke, cancer and even lower respiratory diseases. While there are varied similarities between these ailments, the key or most fundamental similarity revolves around the fact that all of them have unhealthy lifestyles as a risk factor. In essence, individuals can make specific changes in their lifestyles to prevent the occurrence of these ailments.

First, being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight would be imperative. The maintenance of a healthy weight lowers the risk for varied categories of cancer including prostate, breast, kidney, colon and lung cancer (Kumar & Kumar, 2003). Physical activity goes a long way in burning calories and eliminating the fat that may be constricting arteries, thereby reducing the possibility of heart attacks, respiratory diseases and even stroke. In the course physical activities, individuals would sweat and consume immense amounts of water, which would clear the body system, thereby lowering the threat of cancer (Edlin & Golanty, 2010).

In addition, it is imperative that individuals maintain a healthy diet. Researchers have underlined the fact that these diseases have become more prevalent as a result of the increased use of fast foods. The busy lifestyles that individuals live have left them with little or no time to prepare healthy meals. In essence, they have taken to the consumption of unhealthy fast foods, which are rich in fats and have low fiber content (Kumar & Kumar, 2003). Nevertheless, individuals can consume healthy diets, primarily composed of lots of vegetables and fruits, as well as whole grains, while also limiting fat. In the prevention of cancer, limiting red and processed meet would be imperative as they contain carcinogens that increase the possibility of cancer.

In addition, limiting alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking would go a long way in preventing the occurrence of these ailments (Kumar & Kumar, 2003). Limit and tobacco is known to cause immense damage to the cells and an individual’s DNA thereby increasing the risk of contracting cancer. On the same note, it has been associated with increased respiratory problems especially considering its effects on the lungs (Edlin & Golanty, 2010). Indeed, cigarette smoking has also been associated with increased risk of heart disease, especially coronary heart ailments. In essence, quitting smoking would prevent the occurrence of heart diseases.

Lastly, it is imperative that an individual always goes for medical checkups even in instances where he or she feels healthy. In most cases, ailments will be present in the body but yet to manifest themselves fully (Edlin & Golanty, 2010). Some of the ailments can be arrested at the early stages when they manifest themselves in form of other less-serious ailments. Going for checkups would allow the physician to provide tips on how they can keep their health in check.


Kumar, R., & Kumar, M. (2003). Guide to prevention of lifestyle diseases: Live a healthy lifestyle to fight diseases. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications.

Edlin, G., & Golanty, E. (2010). Health & wellness. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.