Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Service





Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Service

Task one-Health and safety policy manual, risk management, and Organogram

H&S Policy manual

All companies have policies, which aim at safeguarding the health and physical conditions of their employees and clients at large. This is aimed at maximizing the input towards production purposes resulting in the company realizing maximum profits. These policies make every necessary effort to prevent work time injury by improving the working conditions of the workplace. These ought to have co-operative efforts between the employees and the management unit of any organization in order for the policies to be effective or be successful. The elimination of hazards in the workplace is the responsibility of the workers in any organization since they are the ones who get affected in case of any accident.

First aid policy

At least two employees employees ought to standard first aid certificate. The names, work locations and expiry date of those with a First Aid Certificate will be included in the main first aid kit, as well a copy of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) First Aid Regulation 1101 and the WSIB Form 82 poster.

5-12 person first aid kit will be placed in the company’s van while smaller kits may be found in strategic positions within the company’s premises.

Regular inspection will be done to ensure that all the first aid kits have the necessary tools required. In cases where some of the requirements are missing, immediate replacement Will be done as stipulated by the company’s bylaws.

All the accident, which require first aid will be attended within the company’s premises and all the records kept for future reference purposes.

Fire prevention policy

All the fire prevention policies ought to follow the local or regional fire codes.

No employee is allowed to smoke within the company’s premises.

Open fire will only be permitted during the fire season.

Power Saws: all power saws will be maintained and checked regularly and must all have a spark arrester in order to prevent fires, which may start due to emission of fire sparks. Power saws will be allowed to cool down before any form refueling is carried out.

Welding and Grinding: No welding/grinding is authorized within 4 meters or 9 feet of a woody area or combustible objects. It must also be done over mineral soil. If this is not probable, welding blankets should be used to guard the area covered by the welding activities.

Heavy mobile equipment: heavy mobile equipment ought to be fitted with fire extinguishers as a preventive or a preparedness measure in case of fire breakout. Those in charge of these machines will be responsible for inspection of the extinguishers at all times. In case of any defects, the extinguishers ought to be replaced immediately. Daily check ups will don on all the equipments in order to collect and dispose the flammable material, which have accumulated.

Fire equipment location: all the fire extinguisher will be positioned at all the strategic location with easy access in case of fire break out. Emergency exit: all companies ought to have an emergency exit and fire assembling point, which will be used by the employees in case of fire break out within the company’s premises.

Lockout and Tagout

Safety and safe use of mobile equipments is necessary at all times in order to minimize the number accidents, which may results from negligence of these machineries. There are 3 steps of de-energizing transportable gear to make it secure to work in, on or around – parking, shutdown and lockout.


The operators of these machine park the machines a number of times in one day. This calls for measures to ensure that the machine are safe when the operators leave the machines unattended to at all times. Some of the times in which the machines are likely to be parked are during choking or un-choking a load, or at breaks, lunchtime and refuelling.

Safe Procedure:

Stop machine on level ground

Put program in park or neutral

Fit into place parking brake

Lower blades, buckets, grapples, among others to the ground or solidly support them

Locomotive can be left running if needed (for lights at night or to cool engine down).


Shutdown is supposed to be done at the end of shift operations or when the need arises. It can also be done in situations where the operators intend to leave the machine unattended to for a long period.

Safe procedures

The machine ought to be parked according to the above procedures

Park on mineral soil (if possible), at least 3 meters or 10 feet from other machines or buildings

Let the engine idle 5-10 minutes to cool down, then shut engine off

Shut off Master switch

Lock the cab.


This process is carried out when one has to carry out repairs, maintenance, clean-up, or inspections to the machine in such a way that if the machine inadvertently started or moved someone could be injured.

Park the machine and lower implements to the ground or solidly support them.

Turn off ignition switch, remove key and keep it in a secure location (for example, in worker’s pocket).

Apply any blocking devices , if necessary to prevent equipment from moving (pin in feller buncher sawhead, chock wheels on slopes, etc.)

If equipped, engage any locking devices and apply a lock – keep Key to this lock in a secure location. Apply lockout tags in visible location.

If equipped with a master switch turnoff and lock out.

Verify zero-energy state.

Perform work.

When work is complete Clean-up all tools, replace all guards.

Unlock power sources, remove any blocking devices, then ensure no one is in the danger zone before starting equipment, and return to regular operation.

Guarding Procedure: All the company employees ought to at all times follow the manufacturer’s guard when operating any equipment. In cases where the guards do not ensure adequate prevention of hazards, custom guards are required.

Operators will inspect equipment for proper safeguards prior to starting it each day. Any critical safety concerns or missing guards will be addressed prior to starting work. Noncritical concerns will be reported to the supervisor.

Do not disable any safety device on the equipment and do not operate equipment with a disabled safety device unless a temporary safeguard is in place.

Protective guards and barrier screens on equipment can only be removed or bypassed for maintenance purposes when done in accordance with the lockout procedures.

Emergency response plan

Injury response procedures

In case of work-related injury or illness employees are required to inform the relevant authorities within the company premises.

In case of any injury in the workplace, the following actions ought to be taken immediately:

The first person on the scene will call for help and check that the area is safe

First aid will be administered

If necessary an ambulance will be called or the injured person will be driven to the hospital by an employee

The scene will be made secure for the investigators if required

The supervisor will call family members and the Ministry of Labor as is required.

In cases of critical or serious injuries in the workplace, the Ministry of Labor will be notified by the supervisor immediately after the scene is secured. The scene will also be secured until the labor ministry gives a go ahead clearance for the activities, which takes place within such perimeters.

Chemical spill response procedures

All employees must immediately stop any fuel/oil/chemical leak to minimize the size of the spill, and then report it to the supervisor.

Every attempt must be made to contain the spread of the spill using the spill kit and any equipment available. On-site workers must know the location of the spill kit.

The supervisor must report spills to the Ministry of Environment Spills Action Centre. When in doubt, report it.

Training and orientation

All employees will be trained in this emergency response plan at the time of hire.

All employees will receive instruction on the proper use of fire extinguishers and fire suppression systems.

At least 25% of woodlands workers will receive S102 industrial forest fire-fighting training. The supervisors will also take this course. Only these workers will be allowed to use the fire pump and hoses.

The supervisor will have a copy of this emergency response plan on-site in his/her truck, in the maintenance trailer or with the fuel pumping unit at all times.

Emergency response contacts

In cases of such emergencies, employees or the management ought to contact the following contacts;

911- ambulance, police, and fire brigade.

……-Ministry of labor

….- Ministry of environment (spill action centre).

Environmental health hazards and controls policy

The supervisor will discuss possible environmental health concerns with all employees. Environmental health concerns can include:

Chemicals in the form of gases, mists, dust, fumes and vapours

Biological hazards such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other living organisms

Physical hazards such as excessive noise, vibration, light (snow blindness), and radiation

Cold and heat stress.

The most recent assessment of environmental health hazards in this operation has identified the following list of health hazards:

Diesel fuel



Risk Assessment in a Hospital Setting

1.1 Review systems, policies and procedures for communicating information on health and social care workplace in accordance with legislative requirements.

Risk assessment aims at investigating the safety of a workplace giving the required action to be taken in order to maintain high level or standard of workplace safeties. Any organization ought to assess its workplace condition in order to be aware of all the dangers or risks, which its workers are likely to face while on duty. This will help the organization to purchase the required personal protective equipments (PPE) suitable for such work station. Review systems, policies and procedures for communicating information on health and safety in the health and social care workplace in accordance with legislative requirements. Assess the responsibilities in a specific health and social care workplace for the management of health and safety in relation to organizational structure.

After carrying out a risk assessment study in one of the hospitals in Atlanta, Georgia the results were as following; poor positions of fire extinguishing devices and fist aid kits within the hospital premises. This implied that all the personnel and patient within the hospital will be affected negatively in case of any accident such as fire among others. Such accidents may even lead to the loss of innocent lives, patients who cannot manage to move may die as a result of fire or any other accident. This calls for the hospital management and the ministry of health to measures in place to curb these defects. Since this is a hospital environment, any aid needed due to work related injuries is well covered and will be dealt with the necessary steps.

Chemical spill accidents may also affect this hospital negatively since they do not have measures put in place to prevent and take care of such an accident. Highly hazardous areas ought to be narked and only the authorized personnel allowed to get in. This calls for additional security personnel provide the required security services.

The hospital also ought to put up instruction signs all over the hospital in strategic positions to inform people available for directions and other hospital rulers and requirement. This will prevent a number of accidents, which may have resulted from poor or use of false information from the hospital users. After assessing the hospital’s safety management system I come to think of the following scenarios; this is a hospital premise, which ought to the best safety measures to protect the lives of the hospital user, it still lags behind in safety terms. The hospital’s management of accident related to chemical accidents is not in place. Many lives may be affected by a chemical accident leading to death in most cases.

This calls for the responsible bodies come together and find a solution to this issue before it does any serious damage to the users of this hospital.

It also calls for the users of the hospital to be extra vigilant when receiving the hospital’s services. This will also contribute to the safety of the hospital users by minimizing the number of accidents, which may have had occurred.

Analyze how information from risk assessment informs care planning for individuals and organizational decision making about policies and procedures.

In social places such as football stadiums and other entertainment joints need to put measures to accidents such as fire, security measures should also put in place to prevent human war during sports activities among other causes. By increasing security personnel in the entertainment joint should be beefed up just incase rival teams fans clash within the entertainment joint. This will prevent loss of innocent lives, injuries, and destruction of property among other personal belongings of the fans or revelers. When fighting breaks out in football match properties always get destroyed in the process. Sometimes it even lead to loss of lives and serious or minor body injuries. Through the use of classic management theory, a number of accidents can be avoided in this area of the profession using a number of ways. These ways are as discussed in this section of the research study.

Classic management theory grades employees or users of a specific organization according to their authority or power level. Those in high positions have the highest security clearance, which implies that they can access all the areas of the hospital.

This will prevent deaths, which may have occurred to uncleared or unqualified persons from accessing certain danger zones. Only the qualified personnel will access these designated locations to avoid injuries and unnecessary deaths, which may occur due to human error. Analyze the impact of one aspect of health and safety policy on health and social care practice and its customers. Emergency responsible plan:

Hospital emergency response aims at minimizing that may be caused during an accident. In cases of physical injury the measures in place within the hospital premises will ensure that little damage is done during accidents. This because the hospital employees are mostly medical experts with experience in the field. This implies that performing first aid and other medical treatment of the injured persons will be taken care of effectively. Analyze the effectiveness of health and safety policies and practices in the workplace in promoting a positive, healthy and safe culture.

In case of chemical spillage, all employees must immediately stop any fuel/oil/chemical leak to minimize the size of the spill, and then report it to the supervisor.

Every attempt must be made to contain the spread of the spill using the spill kit and any equipment available. On-site workers must know the location of the spill kit. The supervisor must report spills to the Ministry of Environment Spills Action Centre. When in doubt, report it.

Discuss how dilemmas encountered in relation to implementing systems and policies for health, safety and security may be addressed.

While implementing systems and policies for health, and safety, and security, the relevant authorities may be left in a dilemma because of a number of required decision making situations. For instance, when it comes to deciding on the actions to take between installing modern security system and employing security personnel to guard area, which requires one to have a certain level of security clearance to access these areas. Such situations make it hard for the relevant authorities since they cannot be sure about the form of security, which will be most effective in this scenario or setting.

2.4 Analyse the effects of non-compliance with health and safety legislation in a health and social care work place.

At least two employees employees ought to standard first aid certificate. The names, work locations and expiry date of those with a First Aid Certificate will be included in the main first aid kit, as well a copy of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) First Aid Regulation 1101 and the WSIB Form 82 poster.

3.1 Explain how health and safety policies and practices are monitored and reviewed.

Companies Responsibility

Evaluate own contributions to placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the center of practice. The company ought to evaluate its contribution towards ensuring that all the workers are safe while at their work stations.

First aid kit will be placed in the company’s van while smaller kits may be found in strategic positions within the company’s premises. Regular inspection will be done to ensure that all the first aid kits have the necessary tools required. In cases where some of the requirements are missing, immediate replacement Will be done as stipulated by the company’s bylaws. All the accident, which require first aid will be attended within the company’s premises and all the records kept for future reference purposes.

All employees will be trained in this emergency response plan at the time of hire.

All employees will receive instruction on the proper use of fire extinguishers and fire suppression systems. At least 25% of woodlands workers will receive S102 industrial forest fire-fighting training. The supervisors will also take this course. Only these workers will be allowed to use the fire pump and hoses.

The supervisor will have a copy of this emergency response plan on-site in his/her truck, in the maintenance trailer or with the fuel pumping unit at all times. After assessing the hospital’s safety management system I come to think of the following scenarios; this is a hospital premise, which ought to the best safety measures to protect the lives of the hospital user, it still lags behind in safety terms. The hospital’s management of accident related to chemical accidents is not in place. Many lives may be affected by a chemical accident leading to death in most cases.

This implies that my assessment was crucial and is vital in maintaining workplace safety at all times. The necessary requirements need to put in place to ensure that all the users of the hospitals are safe when on duty at all times.

Analyze the effect of non-compliance with health and safety legislation in a health and social care workplace.

Noncompliance with health and safety legislation in a health and social care workplace has serious devastating effects on the people and the environment at large. These effects may be injurious, unnecessary loss of innocent lives, which could be avoided by following the measures put in place by the organization to minimize the dangers of workplace. All employees also need to ensure that they take the safety issues personally since in case of any danger, they are the ones at the risk of getting hurt. 3.2 Analyse the effectiveness of health and safety policies and practices in the workplace in promoting a positive health and safety culture.

The effecvtiveness of the health safety policies and practices in the hospital, which promotes a healthy and safety culture are the measures put in place by the hospityal administration to ensure that work related injuries are minimized at all times. These measures may include putting up warnings at strategic points in order to ensure that the hospital users are warned on the areas where the risk leve are and the right action or instructions to follow when in such areas. This will also include the steps to take in case one is injured within the health premises. In hospital or health facility setting, the likely damages which may be caused by workl relate injuries is minimal since there is availability of qualified personnel who can take care of simple or even severe injurioes. This makes the handling of work related injuries within hospital or health facility sector much simpler and easier than any other injuriries from other areas of expertise.

This shows that the effectiveness of the intervention plan can only be measured by the success or the failure of the intervention plan put in place by the hospital management or administration. For instance, when one is injured when in his or her duty line, the success of the intervention [plan can be measured by the success or the failure of the intervention plan used to help or aid such an individual evade or take care of the injuries he or she experiences.