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Legal requirements have been set to ensure that workers health and safety is a priority to the organization. At a national level, the requirements have been set by the government through different legislations. Organizations have gone a step further to create modified internal laws to ensure that their employees are working in a safe environment. All organizations are bound by law to provide a safe working place to their employees. However, providing a safe workplace for workers lies in the best interest for the company itself. To the company, a safe workplace will ensure that the workers productivity is maintained and that the company is in good terms with the government which regularly conducts inspections. This report will consider the benefits of designing and implementing a health and safety system at the workplace. It will also look at different organizations and their implementation strategy (David & Tetric et. al 2003). At the same time the report will present a comparison between the organizations practices and the set legal requirements. Finally the report will look into the management aspect, how does the management team handle different incidents of workplace safety and does management implement the regulations to please the government or for personal satisfaction as an organization.
Health and safety in the workplace entails
A health and safety system is set by the organization to ensure that the workers have a safe environment to work in. It entails a health and safety policy as well as an environment policy. The company should have a well detailed explanation on how to deal with accidents and health hazards in the workplace.
The first stage of having a safety system involves development of policy(David & Tetric et. al 2003). This is done after surveys are conducted by the management team, to have an understanding of the safety issues on the ground. Management may do this by taking surveys or interviewing the workers. Coming up with the specific policy is the next step. After considering the threats to workers safety, policy is set and implemented. The managers set a team that monitors and evaluates the implementation of the set policy. After a set period of time, the managers review the policy and change the aspects that have various shortcomings.
On the environmental policy, companies seek to satisfy concerns raised by the government through various environmental agencies it has created as well as meet the international standards set for environmental management (Elearn et. al 2008). Organizations go an extra mile to consider concerns raised by consumers of their products and the society around them. Management aims at implementing environment conservation policies through consultations with researchers and other stakeholders. Organizations take part in environmental conservation as a part of their corporate social responsibility.
The management of health and safety at work regulations 1999, regulation 5 is the regulation that forms the basis for health and safety regulations. It requires that all organizations adhere to the policy on health and safety at the work place. It also requires that all organizations come up with a health and safety policy to ensure that workers are safe at the workplace. Each organization is also required to set up a board that regularly checks and monitors the implementation of the health and safety policy (Kelloway & Cooper et. al 2011). The board is also responsible for improving health and safety policy in the organization.
The board is answerable to the top level management. The board presents evidence of all its workings to the managers by presenting minutes recorded during their meetings. Employee training on health and safety procedures is also a requirement that is met by the health and safety board in an organization. All employees need to be trained on how to handle accidents and report safety threats; this is the duty of the board (Kelloway & Cooper et. al 2011).
The role of management in provision of health and safety at workplaces
Management has the role of appointing a board of professionals who design and implement policies for the organization (Redmill & Rajan et. al 2009). This is delegation of duties in the workplace since not all managers are conversant with health and safety concerns. The board will be answerable to the management. Therefore management does not only appoint the board it also expects the board to deliver results. Management also seeks financing for the board and for the implementation of health and safety policy.
Management must also ensure that all employees are well informed on the health and safety threats that are present at their work place (Redmill & Rajan et. al 2012). However, it is the duty of the management to inform all employees that their health and safety is a priority to the organization. Management is responsible for ensuring that all information regarding health and safety at the workplace is well disseminated. So it is the role of management to reassure all employees of their safety and that their health issues will be taken care of.
Management must also be available and participate in consultations regarding health and safety issues. Employees are represented in such consultations by their union’s leaders, while managers are represented by the board (Channing et. al 2013). Consultations are necessary since the employees are able to raise their concerns regarding health and safety and also make suggestions on what they would like the organization to do for them. Consultations also present a forum for management to inform the employees on how they are planning to handle various health hazards.
Analysis and Justification
Benefits of designing and implementing a health and safety system
There are various benefits that an organization gets for designing and implementing a health and safety system. These include:
The organization is able to maintain its workers productivity. This is an advantage to the organization as well as the workers. When an organization maintains workers productivity, the output levels are maintained since there are no threats to the human resource (Friend & Kohn et. al 2010). An organization with a well designed health and safety system is also able to attract highly skilled workers; such workers desire to work in an environment where their safety is ensured.
The organization is able to set the trend and become a global leader/example to other companies. Being a trend setter in the industry, will translate to high ratings and receiving of awards. This is the pride of the company, to gain recognition in a certain sector. The organization is also in good terms with the government, which regularly checks to see that all organizations take care of their employee’s health and safety needs (Friend & Kohn et. al 2010).
The organization is able to guard the environment that surrounds it. The health and safety system regulations require that a company also takes care of the surrounding environment. Companies with a health and safety system take care of the environment, by reducing pollution since it may affect their workers. Thus having a safety and health system also goes a great way in environmental conservation.
Examples from different organizations
The Petroleum development Oman Company- this is a leading global company. It has designed a unique health and safety system that does not only cater for the workers but also for the family members. This goes beyond the government set requirements to provide health and safety services to the workers. Workers get motivated in such a corporation, while the company maintains good relations with the government. The organization also has set up the Heart Garden for its workers to enjoy psychological help (Simmons et. al 2013. The company has gone a step further to not only consider the physical health of their workers but also the mental health. This is a step that has not been implemented by many organizations. The company considers the requirements that are set by the government as the minimum health and safety requirements. Managers go ahead to design and implement more competitive policies using the government requirements as the base requirements.
On environmental conservation, Petroleum development Oman Company`s management engages in consultations and employees researchers who conduct experiments to consider whether the company poses any threats to the environment. Researchers play an important role in product development at Petroleum development Oman Company, they are able to inform the management on the environmental threats that their production process poses as well as the health risks that their products may cause. With such information, the company is able to manufacture gadgets that are user friendly at the same time maintain the health and safety of both their workers and their customers. This shows that the company considers its workers and customers as their greatest asset.
Being an oil and petroleum company, it may be considered as a high risk company due to the nature of work and tools that workers use (Hughes & Ferrett et. al 2012) . It is at the best interest of managers to continue producing by maintaining the workers safety. Being a global company, it is under the limelight and many companies look up to it. The company also abides with the requirements of the management of health and safety at work regulations 1999, regulation 5. A board has been appointed, comprising of researchers and top management officials who come up with the safety policy. The board is also responsible for addressing and responding to concerns raised by employees as well as receiving complaints from the workers. The board meets every month to look into arising issues in the health and safety of workers. The board corresponds with the company’s medical department which is also answerable to the management and workers unions in terms of the health and working environment for workers.
Public authority for electricity and water- this is a national company which handles many employees at a national level. Workers are face with many health and safety threats and there is need to minimize these threats as well as take care of the health issues for their workers.
For health, the organization has a health scheme that ensures that all employees are covered. The health scheme covers all employees’ issues, from physical to mental health. To make it effective, all employees undergo a compulsory health check up each quarter of the year; the reports are then forwarded to the management for further analysis (Hughes & Ferrett et. al 2012). The scheme also caters for hospital bills for the workers when emergencies arise. Workers also enjoy personal counseling from the medical scheme, such services are important because health professionals working for the organization are able to understand and deal with health needs at a personal level. Other company’s only cater for the medical bills, with the intention of having the employee return to work. The Public authority for electricity and water goes a mile ahead in making follow ups on the health of their employees.
The organization also meets the legal requirements for health and safety at the workplace. There is a board that is appointed to handle health and safety issues for different water and electricity projects. There are unique boards in this organization that all deal with the health and safety of workers (Whittingham et. al 2008). On board is appointed to look into the health and safety of workers who work as engineers and manual laborers while the other board deals with non-manual employees. The organization has also appointed a board which works handles the environment. The board acts as the oversight body that looks into the environmental threats that the company poses. The board also ensures that it is the priority of the management to safeguard the safety and health of all its workers and provide a suitable working environment.
The organization is thus able to take care of its employee’s health and safety needs as well as participate in environmental conservation (Whittingham et. al 2008). This is an addition to what is required by law, to have one board that handles all health and safety issues in the organization. Considering the company’s size and employee base, it is able to implement the policies it sets through the three boards.
Samsung C& T company- this is a global company that produces electronic gadgets. They are able to take care of the health and safety of their workers through the “Employee Health and Accident prevention scheme. The management team seeks to provide the best working environment for the workers who are mainly researchers and product developers. The risk involved in the line of duty is not as high as that in previous organizations discussed. However, the organization ensures that it abides with the rules and regulations that have been put as legal requirements for health and safety of workers by the government (Whittingham et. al 2008).
The management team understands that in such an environment the major health issues that are likely to arise include stress and depression as well as anxiety. For this reason, the management focuses on providing mental health and psychological health solutions to all employees. The organization also caters for health and medical bills belonging to family members of their employees (Soyka et. al2012). This helps in reducing the situations that may lead to stress arising.
The organization also abides with the set environmental conservation regulations. Being a company that produces gadgets that are used globally, the organization produces items that do not pose a threat to the environment. Thus their products are globally accepted.
Arising issues in health and safety at the workplace and Recommendations
Paternal and maternal leave- organizations have adopted the requirements to give leaves to parents of newly born babies. However, the time period is short and the health of the newly born baby is not put into consideration (Soyka et. al2012). The development of the baby, at this stage the child needs to be surrounded by the parents. Considering that it is not possible give all workers an extensive paternal or maternal leave organization should come up with day care centers. The day care centers should be run by a current mother, who will play an important role in the development of the babies. It is not possible for the organization to give a paternal or maternal leave for a long period of time.
Use of technology-organizations should adopt the use of technology for quick alerts on possible safety hazards. For example, the use of earthquake and tsunami detectors for companies that deals with underground drilling and mining. This would make it possible for the company to alert their workers and evacuate them from danger zones where they would otherwise lose their lives.
Technology may also be used to research further on the effects of gasses and chemicals that the employees deal with in their daily lives. Continued research on the work conditions that employees are exposed to shows a concern by the management to take care of the employees.
The direct involvement of management in policy design and implementation- this helps the organization in design and implementation of policies that are effective (Soyka et. al2012). A manager will only be able to source for financing and implement a policy that he/she understands. With the direct involvement of managers in this process, workers are more assured that the health and safety issues that they face will be dealt with appropriately.
The most valuable asset to an organization is its workers. All organizations have to appoint a board that will handle the health and safety issues (Friend & Kohn et. al 2010). The board is responsible for formulating health and workplace safety policies for the organization. It is also responsible for training workers on how to handle various health hazards that they may face in their working environment. For such a board to be effective it should comprise of health experts, employee unionists and researchers. Such a board is all round and is able to design and implement health and safety policies in the workplace.
Each and every organization is different from the other; therefore all organization cannot implement a common set of rules and regulations that pertain to health and safety at the workplace. Thus the need for a team of experts that is able to consider the specific environment in an organization and to design policies based on that (Friend & Kohn et. al 2010). However, there are the minimal requirements that are set by the government to ensure that all organizations provide a safe working environment for their workers.
A safe working environment does not only favor the employee but also favors the employer. With a safe working environment and having all health issues addressed, a worker is able to become much more productive. With a stable level of productivity, the organization is able to maintain its levels of supply (Friend & Kohn et. al 2010). Thus provision of a safe working environment motivates workers and also helps the organization in maintaining stable output. Policies that have been set by an organization for the health and safety of their workers need to be revised on a regular basis with a consideration of changes in the workplace and trends in technology.
Reference List
David, A. Louis, E. 2003. Health and Safety in Organizations: A Multilevel Perspective. New Jersy: Pfeiffer. p 7.
Elearn, A. 2008. Managing Health, Safety and Working Environment. Manchesther: Routledge. p44.
Kelloway, E., Kelloway, E. & Cary L. 2011.Occupational Health and Safety for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. London: Edward Elgar Publishing. p52.
Redmill, F. & Rajan, J. 2009. Human Factors in Safety-Critical Systems. Pitsburg: Routledge. p88.
Redmill, F. & Rajan, J. 2012. Human Factors in Safety-Critical Systems. 2nd ed, Pitsburg: Routledge. p12-40.
Channing, J. 2013. Safety at Work. Manchesther: Routledge. p20-28.
Friend, M, A. & Kohn, J.P. 2010. Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health. Manchesther: Government Institutes. p68.
Simmons, M. 2013. Leading Health and safety at work. Colonge: wileys. p22.
Soyka, P. 2012. Creating a Sustainable Organization. London: FT Press,. p 44.
Hughes, P. & Ferrett, E. 2012. International Health and Safety at Work. London: Routledge. p35.
Whittingham, R. 2008. Preventing Corporate Accidents. London: Routledge. p78.