Health and Poverty

Health and Poverty


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The issues of poverty and health have become one of the disasters in the modern world. They have led to the reduced incidences of modernization and globalization in most of the countries. Health is the state of wellbeing of a person, and poverty is being in a state of gaining low incomes. Health may also be stated as a state of being undernourished where they lack caloric intake, which is below the minimum dietary requirements. One may be in a state of extreme poverty when they earn less than one point two five dollar per day. Health and poverty have become one of the major concerns to many countries. Health and poverty are intertwined issues which act in respect to the forces of the other. These two issues have led to the deaths and devastations of many people. These issues have forces which must be curbed to reduce the effects they have on the society (Leon, Walt, & London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Public Health Forum. 2001).

Health and poverty are issues which are linked. This implies that if health deteriorates, then the rate of poverty rises and the opposite applies. When the looming cases of poverty increases, access to proper health care is limited. This implies that the individual suffer from mental and physical development. When one suffers from mental illness, they are limited to thinking properly due to reduced energy in the body. Due to reduced income, access to balanced diet is limited leading to poor health. Poverty is one of the main causes of food shortages which lead to the deterioration of health since many cannot access a balanced diet. This also explains why food shortage is a cause of physical development which leads to diseases such as rickets and scurvy among other diseases. Women, who suffer from poor health as a result of poverty, bear children with weakened since they suffer from weak immune systems. Poverty may lead people to engage in risky survival strategies, which may lead to deterioration in their health. Some of these survival strategies include prostitution which may lead to HIV and AIDS (Gray, & Payne, 2001).

There are different approaches that should be used to curb the issues of health and poverty .some of these approaches includes reducing food prices to make them available to all. This implies that the government should set up corporation which are mandated to regulate food prices in the market. The government should ensure that it subsidizes the cost of medical care so as to make it affordable to all. The government can give people education on how to carry out saving and investment so that they improve their income levels. The government should ensure that there are competent and enough nutritionists who advice people on how to consume a balanced diet (Leon, Walt, & London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Public Health Forum. 2001).


Health and poverty are issues that should be properly handled by the government. This means that the government should enact laws which are meant to eradicate the two issues. The government should ensure that it promote education about the effect and ways to eradicate the two issues.


Leon, D. A., Walt, G., & London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Public Health Forum. (2001). Poverty, inequality and health: An international perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gray, A., & Payne, P. R. (2001). World health and disease. Buckingham: Open University Press.