Health And Nutrition Article Summary
This article is titled ‘Mental Illness struck one in five U.S. adults in 2010’, and is by the author Jeannine Stein. According to a survey, which was carried out nationwide, the highest rates are found in people from the ages of 18 to 25. More information regarding the American mental health status was obtained through surveys completed by 64487 respondents. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health had information regarding the survey. According to the report, children and adults are among the substance users. It was found out that mental illness incidents are lowest in people who are above fifty years (14.3%). On the other hand, the figure is at 29.9%, which is the highest among those between the ages of 18 to 25. Furthermore, as compared to men, women were the ones with high chances of suffering from mental illnesses (Stein, 2012).
The men had a 16.8% chance as compared to women, who had a 23% chance of being mentally ill. Moreover, the survey focused on ethnic and racial groups and their relation to mental illness seriousness. Those who were from at least two races were the ones most prone to suffering from mental illnesses, at a percentage rate of 25.4%. Thereafter, the others who followed were Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, blacks and whites, in the reverse order. As compared to the year 2004, the figure of adults with extreme mental illness in the United States increased significantly by 4.8%. The survey found out that highest incidences were in the age group of 18 to 25 at 7.7%. It was lowest for those who were older than fifty years at a percentage of 3.2%. It even seemed that the men were outpaced by the women at 3.4% to 6.5%. This means that those who have mental illnesses often suffer as they find it hard to function in a normal manner. In turn, they are not able to focus well on activities, which are key, in their lives (Stein, 2012).
The survey also broke down mental illness categories according to ethnic and racial groups. It focused upon, which people had mental illnesses that were serious in nature, and existed among the adults. It found out that those belonging to two races or more, had the highest rate of 9.3%. Thereafter, the others were Native Americans, whites, Hispanics, Blacks, Asians and lastly, the Native Hawaiians. The mentally ill are likely to think about committing suicide and others even commit suicide. Another impact of mental illness is engaging in substance abuse and such people have a 20% chance, as compared to sane people. Also, those between the ages of 12 to 17 were likely to suffer from serious depression. Furthermore, they were likely to take drugs during the depression period. It is quite evident that the report is credible as extensive research was done (Stein, 2012).
In conclusion, the article has given vital information regarding the mental health crisis in the United States. Many people are at risk of being mentally ill, yet they do not know. A lot needs to be done, in order to ensure that the mentally ill are treated early enough. The issue affects the entire American public and cannot be ignored. Indeed, the article has provided evidence that mental illness is an issue that needs to be monitored.
Work Cited
Stein, Jeannine. Mental Illness struck one in five U.S. adults in 2010’ . The Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from HYPERLINK “,0,6619243.story”,0,6619243.story, February 1, 2012.