Hawthorne analysis

Question 1

Hawthorne studies was undertaken to determine the relationship that exists between employee productivity and workplace conditions. This study is very important in the field of management as it is able to highlight various topics related to management of organizations such as organization behavior and productivity. Based on the study there is no relationship between productivity and workplace conditions, but the study prompted to undercover various conclusion or findings. The findings indicated that an employee work behavior is controlled by several other factors such as work groups’ culture and norms that are generated amid the need of the organizations and the stakeholders and employees should not be considered as a supplement to machinery. In addition, the study indicates that employee’s participation and communication within the organization can reduce change resistance. The other finding depicts that the workplace is a production system and a social structure that is maintained via symbols of power and prestige. These findings have opened doors to client centered therapy, research methodology and group behavior organization theory.

Question 2

Hawthorne analysis under taken amid social stratification between varied Job holders, noted that one of the factors that affects productivity might be social relationships in the workplace (Bratton, Sawchuk, Forshaw, Callinan, & Corbett, 2010). The study further states that there is no relationship between performance and working condition, but explains the importance of an individual’s status to his behavior in the workplace. For example, individuals holding executive positions of senior positions in an organization hold a different status as compared to those holding lower positions in organizations (Child, 2008). Higher positions are related to higher pay and other benefits as opposed to lower positions that return home smaller remunerations. Therefore, Hawthorne study notes that individual holding higher positions also hold higher status. These group of employee are determined and very productivity. In addition, they have positive behaviors to their Jobs.

In order to understand how the sets of norms affect how we act, it is vital to first understand the reference group used. According to Hawthorne study, a reference group is a group that individuals use to make comparison when determining other groups. An example that could be used for the case of Hawthorne study that of a bigger Company such as Coca-Cola and a smaller company that is operating at the locality (Kreitner, Kinicki & Cole, 2010). If you make the bigger company as the reference group this will impact and individual attitudes towards such organizations hence the ultimate organization behavior of the individual. In addition, it will help and individual to understand how norms and status of employees affect their individual behavior performance in their workplaces.

A great deal of understanding that norms not only affects the performance of an individual in workplace but also affects his individual behavior that later turns to a complete overhaul of the organization productivity. According to Hawthorne study, it is clear that an individual’s or organization norms affects behavior in various ways such as communication amid other people in the organization and to the quality of service rendered (Snape & Redman, 2010).


Bratton, J., Sawchuk, P., Forshaw, C., Callinan, M., & Corbett, M. (2010). Work and organizational behaviour. Palgrave Macmillan.

Child, J. (2008). Organizational structure, environment and performance: the role of strategic choice. Sociology, 6(1), 1-22.

Kreitner, R., Kinicki, A., & Cole, N. D. (2010). Organizational Behaviour: Key Concepts, Skills, and Best Practices. McGraw-Hill Ryerson.

Snape, E., & Redman, T. (2010). HRM Practices, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, and Performance: A Multi‐Level Analysis. Journal of Management Studies, 47(7), 1219-1247.