Hate groups are groups or movements organized with an aim of advocating and practicing hatred

Hate Groups



Hate groups are groups or movements organized with an aim of advocating and practicing hatred, violence, or hostility within a given region. The hatred, violence, or hostility is practiced towards the members of another group in terms of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender among other societal sectors that could be designated. The key purpose of all hate groups is to initiate the promotion of hostility, animosity, as well as malice against member of the society with traits that are unwanted by the hate group. This paper looks at Black Separatist as the hate group in the context of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The Black Separatist hate group will be analyzed in terms of its prejudicial outlooks and what can be done about to end or mitigate the group’s operations in the area.

The Black Separatists is a hate group that opposes integration and any incidence of racial intermarriages. The group also aims at separating the blacks from the whites and even creates a nation for the black people in the United States of America. The prejudicial aspect of the Black Separatist group is that of being ant-Semitic and anti-white. The hate group also relies on various religious versions to assert that the blacks are the chosen people of God contrary to the Jews as the most known group.

The hate cases and messages are easily spreads as technology advances. Their missions and visions are passed to the public through the internet via social networks and via text messages. It asserted that hate groups if not slowed or prevented pass through various stages (Schafer, 2003). The black separatist like other hate groups first vocalizes its beliefs and then act on the vocalized beliefs as the last action of their mission and goals. The hate group views that the best way they can be recognized and extend their desires is by hating the other races in favor of their own race. Black separatist are not only ant-white and ant-Semitic but haters of some religious believers and sexual orientations such as gay practices.

Nation of Islam is an example of black separatist, with Louis Farrakhan as the group leader in 1997. The Nation of Islam believes that the blacks created the whites and that the blacks should be taken as more superior to the whites. This aspect comes from the view that a renegade black known as Yacub scientifically created the whites in about sixty-six centuries ago (Southern Poverty Law Center, 2013). The white people have remained to be viewed as ungodly people, since their creation by Yacub, and are referred to as the “blue-eyed devils”. The group sees preying by Catholics as preying to the black people.

Individuals have varying views about hate groups and this variation in viewing cases of racism and hate groups towards a certain religion depends on regions or nations. In some cases, if a white group with similar motive as the black separatist fewer individuals or organizations in the same region may describe the white group as racist or anti-Semitic. This aspect is much of discrimination and if the entire nation can hardly consider equalizing all the views against all hate groups whether white or black, hate groups may never cease to exist. Taking strict actions on hate groups through legal actions is the most preferred way of mitigating the effects of the hate groups or ending the groups (Katel, 2009).

The Southern Poverty Law Center is aware of much of the US black racism as being in part, due to earlier centuries of white racism (Southern Poverty Law Center, 2013). The law center believes that there is need to expose racism in terms of all its forms. This is the best way forward towards ending the black separatist and its missions as well as beliefs. The same has to be applied to all other hate groups throughout the US.


Katel, P. (2009). Hate Groups. 19. CQ . Researcher , 421–448.

Schafer, J. R. (2003). The seven-stage hate model. The psychopathology of hate groups. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin .

Southern Poverty Law Center. (2013). Black Separatist. Retrieved March 13, 2013, from splcenter.org: http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/ideology/black-separatist