Handling Discrimination complaints


Handling Discrimination complaints




How to Handle Discrimination complaints when setting up Policies

Work place discrimination can be defined as any form of unfavourable treatment that places a certain individual to second position after the others. It ranges from small issues like making derogatory remarks and with holding pay raises to such serious issues like sexual harassment and employment termination due to whichever reasons that are not legal. Furthermore discrimination rules differ not only from one country to another, but also from one organisation to another (Rubin & Hewstone, 2009).

As a manager one of the challenging tasks is making sound policies. Now this challenge becomes even harder if by making such policies, some employees will feel discriminated against. The following are some of the ways I can use as a manager to handle such complaints.

The first method of course will be to assemble an all inclusive team in making of the policies. This is supported by the Democratic type of leadership. When employees are involved in making policies, chances are greater that they will co-operate fully in their implementation thus achieving success. The second method I will use to deal with such employees is to take my time and sit down with them to listen to their grievances. If they prove to have a genuine concern, I will do all my best to assist them. On the other hand if they aren’t genuine I will dismiss it and advise them accordingly (Kasper, 2006).

Thirdly I will take my time to discuss and teach my team on what exactly amounts to work place discrimination as far as my organization s concerned. This I believe will not only enlighten them but also help them avoid unnecessary complaints in the name of discrimination.

Discrimination is serious work place challenge which all people should work towards reducing or eliminating altogether.


Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, (2006). Private Discrimination: A Prioritarian, Desertaccommodating Account, 2nd edition. San Diego Law Review, 43, 817-856 (2006);

Rubin, M., & Hewstone, M. (2009). Introduction to Sociology. 7th Ed. New York: WW

Northern & Company Inc. page 324.