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Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1: “To Be Or Not To Be” “to live or die.”
To die — to dream, //No more; and to sleep, to state that we have ended “(Shakespeare3.1.57-62). William Shakespeare is well regarded as the father of English and literature, renowned for numerous quotations such as the following. Hamlet is attempting to challenge mortality in the classic soliloquy. Previously, Hamlet blames God for making suicide a human choice; this reveals how traumatizing his father’s death was and how much impact it had on him. Hamlet comes to know that suicide is a sin and a shame to God that causes him to associate death with deep sleep. And as the notion of deep sleep continues to appeal to him, so he begins to wonder about his dreams. “To sleep: the chance to dream:—there is the rub; /For in the sleep of death, what dreams can come” (3.1.68-69).
This dreams are being linked to that of the afterlife. The “dreams” that he fears will happen in the afterlife, the pain, and the hardship that he will face, and there is no certainty of what is about to come. As the opening line states, “To be or not to be” is based on nuanced notions of life and death (and afterlife). Until this point in the play, Hamlet argues with himself whether to kill Claudius to avenge his father. He also wonders if it would be preferable to kill himself — that would allow him to withdraw from his own “sea of trouble” and the “slings and arrows” of life.
Yet, like so many others, Hamlet hates the confusion that death entails and is tormented by the thought of ending up in Hell — a place far more horrible than living. He is deeply plagued by this realization that the only way to figure out if death is better than life is to go ahead and finish it, a lifelong step that cannot be taken. Despite Hamlet’s efforts to scientifically comprehend the world and death, there are certain things he can never realize before he dies, fueling his ambivalence.
“No, I didn’t. I never gave you anything “(act 3.1.99). This quote from the soliloquy of Hamlet indicates that his depressive way of thinking influences his relationship with others. Hamlet is regarded not on his right mind because he is highly suicide-like and has only just learned that his uncle may have murdered his father. The fact that he appears to have never given Ophelia a gift and insults him when she tries to provide him with an explanation.
Shakespeare uses many metaphors by far; it is an essential literary tool in the soliloquy. An analogy is when a thing, person, place, or thought is contrasted with another, usually to create a poetic or rhetorical effect in non-literal terms. The first metaphor is “to take up arms against a sea of distress,” in which this “sea of disturbance,” especially Hamlets’ own striving to seek vengeance, constitutes the agony of life. The trouble of Hamlet is so numerous and almost infinite that it reminds of a vast water body. Another metaphor that comes later on in the Solid is the following: “The undiscovered land, from whose bourn no voyager is returning.” Here, Hamlet contrasts the afterlife, or what happens after death, with an “Undiscovered Country,” from which no one returns. This metaphor clarifies that death is permanent, and nobody knows anything that comes in the afterlife.
Repetition and direction are rhetorical instruments in Hamlet’s soliloquy to further the process. These devices affect the overall effect by adding a contemplative tone to the plot. Another example will be Hamlet repeating the “to die and to sleep” line in that speech (Acts 3,1.61,65). Another rhetorical example is that when Hamlet says: “No traveler returns puzzles of the will and causes us to bear rather those misfortunes than the ones we have that we don’t know about? “(3.1. 81-83 act). This is an example of how the play is directed. These rhetorical devices assist Hamlet since they stress whether or not he commits suicide.
In conclusion, Hamlet was critical in his plot creation in Soliloquy Act 3 scene 1, “To be or not to be,” because it was at the moment when he was worst, and the suicidal view made us reproach the character who would have to choose to destroy or live with another perspective. He doesn’t have to look over his uncle’s empire now, which he thinks he and his father should have. He’s no longer obliged to avenge the death of his father. Furthermore, Claudius and Gertrude’s acts he feels are incestuous can never again be watched. Hamlet addresses the excruciating and wretched nature of human life and the preference for death (specifical suicide) for not the terrible confusion about what happens after death ADDIN CSL_CITATION {“citationItems”:[{“id”:”ITEM-1″,”itemData”:{“URL”:””,”abstract”:”Hamlet’s Soliloquy: To be, or not to be: that is the question (3.1)”,”accessed”:{“date-parts”:[[“2020″,”11″,”7″]]},”author”:[{“dropping-particle”:””,”family”:”Mabillard”,”given”:”Amanda”,”non-dropping-particle”:””,”parse-names”:false,”suffix”:””}],”container-title”:””,”id”:”ITEM-1″,”issued”:{“date-parts”:[[“2018″]]},”title”:”Hamlet’s Soliloquies: To be, or not to be”,”type”:”webpage”},”uris”:[“”]}],”mendeley”:{“formattedCitation”:”(Mabillard)”,”plainTextFormattedCitation”:”(Mabillard)”,”previouslyFormattedCitation”:”(Mabillard)”},”properties”:{“noteIndex”:0},”schema”:””}(Mabillard).
Work Cited
ADDIN Mendeley Bibliography CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Mabillard, Amanda. “Hamlet’s Soliloquies: To Be, or Not to Be.” Http://Www.Shakespeare-Online.Com, 2018,