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Guns in the Parking Lot: A Delicate Workplace Issue
The argument that workers should not be allowed in the workplace with guns as well as students and professors in colleges has been received with different perceptions. However, people need to evaluate the issue after considering different issues so that an informed judgment is made. A biased argument is not okay because it can be dangerous to the people in the society. Looking at the issue, banning possession of guns in the workplace and in colleges can be helpful in enhancing security in the institutions.
First, possession of guns makes it difficult for the security service to offer their services. When gunmen enter colleges and workplaces, one may not realize their intentions because since it can be assumed that the people own the guns legally. When this happens, the security people end up allowing criminals to the workplace and in colleges and crime prevention becomes impossible. If crimes are to be prevented which is cheaper, the ban on gun possession in the institutions ensures that criminals armed with guns do not enter the premises and the people have improved security at the premises. Even though crimes happen, their magnitude is low as long as guns are not used.
Whenever there is a perception that a crime is about to happen, the students and employees in the premises end up using their guns. This means that people die and others are injured in the process. In most of the cases, innocent individuals die because the people possessing the guns may not have good expertise on the use of a gun. The use of the guns in such circumstances may cauinse more injuries as compared to when there are no guns. The benefits of the gun use in that case become less as compared to the benefits.
Some simple disagreements may arise between the professors and the students. The same case applies to the employees, customers and the employers. Such simple agreements that can be solved through dialogue may end up being fatal if people are allowed to carry guns. Some people easily become angry and they may resort to using guns that can lead to injuries and deaths. The best approach of eliminating such incidences is to prohibit possession of guns in the institutions.
If the students, professors and employees in institutions they stay are allowed to carry guns, the criminals find a way of perpetrating criminal activities. Since they know that the people they attack are armed, they use their guns to protect themselves as they engage in the criminal activities. They end up killing people in the process of robbing them. This leads to more deaths and injuries because the criminals have no option other than using guns when their victims have guns. The damage caused is far much higher as compared if the victims have no guns since the criminals may not require usingthe devices. When there are such shootouts, the police find it difficult to intervene because they may not differentiate the criminals and innocent individuals with the guns.
In conclusion, some of the arguments that are presented by individuals on the issue of gun possession are not a reality in the real life world. Instead of reducing costs of providing security and increasing security in the society, it increases insecurity and makes its management difficult. This is why states in US have decided to ban personal ownership of guns. The employers and colleges should realize that there are fewer benefits of allowing guns in their institutions. Banning their possession will be advantageous to the larger society.
Work cited
Lott, John R. More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010. Print.