120 over 80 and less than 140 over 90 (120/80-140/90) yes it is a normal one.
Date 8/04/2018. Time 03:35pm
2.Common hereditary and physical risk factors for high blood pressure include:
Family historyIf your parents or other close blood relatives have high blood pressure, there’s an increased chance that you’ll get it, too.
AgeThe older you are, the more likely you are to get high blood pressure. As we age, our blood vessels gradually lose some of their elastic quality, which can contribute to increased blood pressure. However, children can also develop high blood pressure.
GenderUntil age 64, men are more likely to get high blood pressure than women are. At 65 and older, women are more likely to get high blood pressure.
Lack of physical activityNot getting enough physical activity as part of lifestyle increases risk of getting high blood pressure. Physical activity is great for your heart and circulatory system in general, and blood pressure is no exception.
An unhealthy diet, especially one high in sodiumGood nutrition from a variety of sources is critical for your health. A diet that is too high in salt consumption, as well as calories, saturated and trans fat and sugar, carries an additional risk of high blood pressure. On the other hand, making healthy food choices can actually help lower blood pressure
Being overweight or obeseCarrying too much weight puts an extra strain on heart and circulatory system that can cause serious health problems. It also increases risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.
3.Damage to arteries Healthy arteries are flexible, strong and elastic. Their inner lining is smooth so that blood flows freely, supplying vital organs and tissues with nutrients and oxygen.
Hypertension gradually increases the pressure of blood flowing through the arteries. As a result, you might experience:
Damaged and narrowed arteries. High blood pressure can damage the cells of your arteries’ inner lining. When fats from your diet enter your bloodstream, they can collect in the damaged arteries. Eventually, your artery walls become less elastic, limiting blood flow throughout your body.
Hypertension can dame heart. The heart pumps blood to the entire body. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can damage your heart in a number of ways.
Coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease affects the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle. Arteries narrowed by coronary artery disease don’t allow blood to flow freely through the arteries. When blood can’t flow freely to the heart, there can be an experience chest pain, a heart attack or irregular heart rhythms.
4.age range =6
Average male systolic =26.8
Average female systolic=26.8
Average male diastolic=129.8
Average female diastolic=129.8