Fair labor standard act
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Q1.The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) mostly deals with challenges that face the HR professionals. It established minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping and prohibits most employment of minors in oppressive child labor. This was not the case before President Roosevelt agreed to the act, it has influenced the staffing process in regulating wages as per individual and reduced oppression from company management .The protection of a non discriminatory process of employment and provision gender equality through a non bias staffing process against employees with disabilities.
In some work areas people work for long time until a situation causes a reason for change. The Act clearly stipulates that overpay must be one and a half times regular pay. This helps wages payment according to the standard law act (Whittaker, 2003)
Q2.Social security are a burden both carried by both the employer and employees. The social security premiums help in the protection of workers when they are retirement survivors and disabilities. The premiums act as a long term investment which will benefit both the employee and employer as it safeguards the staff from any misfortunes. It influences include funds for trusts, Medicare, disability and prescription drug benefits. They cover for retirement and a retiree’s dependant family member, protection for surviving family members when a loved one dies.
The premiums also cover for disability and disabled workers dependants. They help to meet fundamental needs of survival. The reason staffing is because the company is may be not liable to pay pension ,but for a low income earner he can be able to fend for his family and needs even after retirement guaranteed .This premiums are not affected by law or by inflation. (Harris, 2000)
Whittaker, W. G. (2003). The fair labor standards act. (pp. 2-40). New York: Nova Publishers.
Harris, N. S. (2000). Social security law in context (pp. 243-279). New York: Oxford University Press.