Experience of intersex people

Experience of intersex people




Experiences of Intersex People

Georgian Davis, a sociology professor and a prior president for the interACT organization, which champions the intersex persons, has endlessly enlightened the community in intersex people and giving them a basis of acceptance to society. Davis gives insights that medical practitioners have been trying to “fix” intersex babies as we all have an understanding that we are either male or female. Davis terms the situation unalterable as doctors try to shape on into male or female. Sax 2002, in response to a post, argues that we are not bound only to sex, gender, and sexuality that we are either male or female. Many differences give us gender as we humans are complicated, and we need to have an outlook not only by looking at our genitals.

Diana Garcia, an intersex, explains how she was terrified watching her sisters growing up ad having periods, yet she was old enough to have started but never did. A problem that intersex mostly faces is the concealment of truth. They are left out by not being let in the light of what’s the matter. Diana’s parents were also affected as the doctors wouldn’t enlighten them on what kind of a woman she was. From the lies, shame, and fear, Diana felt angry and depressed, and the situation worsened as he couldn’t get the truth until she was old enough to understand by herself. However, its essential for support groups to come along (Cull et al., 2010). Although it’s hard to change the physical situation of intersex, intersex psychology would also be altered to positive by individuals and support groups.

Medical examinations have also been a frontier in stigmatizing the persons as children, as in Laura’s case. She felt uncomfortable asked to drop her pants for examination. She also left-back in truth as she understood her state after reading her medical files. Laura states that medical doctors have a tapered view on sexuality, and society is biased and tends to discriminate that they don’t understand.


Cull, M. L., & Simmonds, M. (2010). Importance of support groups for intersex (disorders of sex development) patients, families and the medical profession. Sexual Development, 4(4-5), 310-312.

Sax, L. (2002). How common is intersex? A response to Anne Fausto‐Sterling. Journal of sex research, 39(3), 174-178.