Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

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Eating Disorders

Eating Disorder is a significant topic in abnormal psychology that deals with the description of diseases that are severe anxiety about body weight and shape as well as irregular eating routines. In general, the prevailing notion that exists in people’s mind is that eating disorders are personally developed according to the lifestyle choice. However, the fact remains that they are severe and fatal complications that usually cause severe disturbances that ends up altering one’s behaviors when it comes to food consumption. Excessive as well as inadequate food intake are significant examples of eating disorders which ends up influencing human well-being. In the society today, many people are struggling to deal with body shape, weight as well as an obsession with food which are common signs of these eating disorders. It also signifies that these complications have become part and parcel of human life as they take it as a regular thing, but in a real sense, these disorders are deadly if they are not appropriately taken care of. In this discussion, eating disorders are discussed into an in-depth extent as a significant threat to human health today with regards to their causes, signs and symptoms as well as the treatment.

At many instances, eating disorders are experienced during early adulthood and teenage, but they can also appear at any life stage. Examples of the common ailments that affect human beings regardless of the gender include binge eating disorder, Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. In the field of medicine, they are classified as a detrimental illness that people assume in the community and there is adequate treatment for various eating disorders. These disorders are in many instances accompanied by other diseases related to abnormal psychology such as depression, anxiety disorders and substance abuse (Brownell & Walsh 2017). Combination of these disorders lead to severe effects on person’s health, and their consequences can be harmful and lethal if one does not seek medical care. Why do people live in stereotypes and assumptions when it comes to matters of health? One can take eating disorders as typical and frequent conditions, but they end up ruining and interfering with people’ s state of well-being.

First, let us start with looking at the standard type eating disorders that have been a threat to the society and needs clear understandability regarding their causes and symptoms. Binge eating disorder, Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are among the fatal eating disorders that will be put in consideration in this discussion. Anorexia Nervosa is conditions that make the victim develop unrealistic insight of the body appearance, have compulsive distress of gaining weight and will not have tolerance when it comes to maintaining healthy body weight. Both male and female who suffer from Anorexia Nervosa will frequently limit their feeding habits regarding themselves as overweight even when in reality they are not. It significantly interferes with the victim’s brains which is fatal when it comes to healthy living standards as the infected cognitive ends up being distracted. Among the other hazardous effects that Anorexia Nervosa cause to human health includes heart difficulties, multi-organ dis-functioning, infertility and bone loss. This is the conventional type of eating disorder where the person is a great demise risk if the appropriate medical attention is not sought at the right time.

Bulimia Nervosa is the other fatal eating disorder that is characterized frequent spree food intake followed by actions that recompense for the excess food intake. These activities include forced vomiting, extreme use of laxatives and diuretics as well as excessive exercise. People affected with Bulimia Nervosa will have an inordinate fear of gaining weight, and they tend to be not pleased by their body shapes as well as size. It is interesting that these weird process of excess eating and riddance cycle is done in secret where other people do not have a clue of what the victim undergoes. It significantly leads to guilt, shame, anxiety and lack of control making the victim feel uncomfortable or not accepted in the community. People are suffering from Bulimia Nervosa experience severe pain due to the injurious effects caused by the excess food than what stomach can comfortably accommodate. These deleterious effects include severe dehydration, heart complications which are caused by electrolyte disproportion as well as gastrointestinal difficulties. It affects both male and female, and it is recommended to seek medical attention before the condition develops to a severe extent which is outrageous (Neumark-Sztainer, 2016).

Binge eating disorder other typical eating disorder where the affected people do not have control of their eating habits. However, it is different from Bulimia Nervosa in that the victim does not carry out activities such as vomiting, severe exercise or fasting as a way of compensating for the extra food intake. They, therefore, end up becoming obese a condition that makes them feel uncomfortable in the community, but they are not able to regulate their food intake behaviors as it has become their usual way of living. People suffering from Binge eating disorder are prone to other lethal health complications such as cardiovascular condition due to high-fat content in their body. It is a common condition today where both female and male are suffering from the disorder face embarrassment due to their obese nature. The distress and guilt common in Binge eating disorder victims as a result of high food intake may lead to further progression of the condition to a disastrous extent. Obesity is atypical in the community, and regardless of being a sign of Binge eating disorder, it puts people at a higher risk of heart failure which can intimately lead to death.

Eating disorders are complicated conditions which are caused by some factors which are believed to be both internally and externally related to the human body. The fact of eating disorders being abnormal behaviors the exact cause is not known however a combination psychological, biological and environmental abnormalities are believed to stimulate the development of these diseases. Abnormality can be significantly defined as the state of human behaviors deviating from usual. Therefore, the eating disorders are efficiently instigated by the act of human beings adopting weird food intake conducts that are harmful to their health and well-being in one way or the other. Case in point of the biological factors that may lead to eating disorders includes nutritional deficiencies, irregular hormone functions and genetics. The irregular functions may trigger the behavior of an individual leading to the conduct of overfeeding.

The psychological factors interfere with the victim’s psychology and cognitive in such a way that the individual will develop low self-confidence. Good examples of these mental factors include low self-esteem and contrary notion regarding the body image. People suffering from these eating disorders will have the mindset that other people degrade them or down-look their strange ways of feeding (Mehler & Andersen 2017). This develops guilt making the affected people have no sense of belonging in the community. The act of having low self-confidence does not only interfere with their health but also their social life leading to poor performance. It comes difficult for these people to interact with other people as they are anxious about what others are thinking of talking about them. It interferes with the entire well-being of the victim, and at many times they do not have peace of mind. For instance, take an example of a student who is suffering from Bulimia Nervosa eating disorder. He will at no situation be at peace or freely associate with colleagues as at many times they will be humorous and talking about his abnormal feeding behaviors which will significantly affect his well-being. The victim will be agitated even in his study resulting in failure and distraction of his social life in general.

There are several environmental factors that in a way or the other leads to eating disorders. These factors include childhood and family traumas, distressing changes in life, cultural and peer pressure as well as dysfunctional family dynamic. Also, physically fit oriented sports that emphasis is put on maintaining lea body for proper performances as well as careers and professions that encourage weight loss contributes to eating disorders. Childhood ordeals such as sexual abuse significantly result in eating disorders as the victim will be forced to take an extra amount of food to cater for the extreme exercise at the underage period. When it comes to bringing up the children, some parents are fierce and kind in instigating their young ones to take high food quantity which at the end up developing complications. One is supposed to eat the right amount of food whether at the tender, middle or old age to prevent occurrences of these eating disorders.

Regarding artistically oriented sports, in many instances, the participants are encouraged to have lean bodies that accompany the excellent performance. These sports include gymnastics, long distance running, wrestling and diving. Therefore, after the act of feeding excess food as a way of catering for the energy requirements the participants get involved in the vigorous exercise to maintain body fitness and in the process end up developing eating disorders such as Bulimia Nervosa. The other inevitable environmental factor that leads to eating complications is profession and career that instigates weight loss and being lean. Suitable examples of such jobs include modelling and ballet. The workers in such fields have to maintain their body weight, and the best way of doing this is through undertaking extreme exercise after feeding. Culture and peer pressure among the working colleagues and friends also puts people in the danger of getting infected by the eating disorders. For instance, take an example of a young man who has the desire of having a masculine body as his friends who have been throughout doing exercise and other physical activities. First, the friends will advise him to be taking abundant food amount and after that be doing vigorous exercise. In the process, the man may end up developing eating disorder unknowingly.

In consideration of how one can know whether he or she is suffering from an eating disorder, various signs and symptoms are efficient in revealing the unhealthy state. Some of these signs and symptoms include constant weight loss fluctuations, depression, unconsciousness between times of fasting and overeating, isolation and withdrawal from social activities and chronic diabetic even after losing weight at a high rate. Furthermore, development of quire eating patterns such as hiding food and eating alone as well as more time dedication to food and cooking are also signs of eating disorders. The affected person may cook sophisticated meals for the family and friends or other people and refrain from taking that food. The typical and most inquisitive signs of an eating disorder is the avoidance of social functions. Peoples suffering from these conditions end up living in seclusion and doing most things in their ways. The action is stimulated by the guilt and depression that makes them uncomfortable in public as they have the anxiety that people may be knowing or know their awkward eating behaviors (Austin, 2016). Therefore, they tend to avoid eating together with the family and friends as well as preventing attending social events in the community.

It is right the people have been suffering from all the guilt and distress caused by eating disorders, but how can this be curbed or treated in the society? These conditions are unembellished and complex and specialise in the field of eating disorders work every day to come up with practical treatment. The treatment strategies imply many issues faced by people that destructs their well-being and health as well as interfering with individuals’ activities of meeting everyday needs. Therapists, doctors and nutritionists are among the professions who deal with treating eating disorders concerns. Among the strategies followed in treating these conditions include medications postulated to resolve anxiety, therapy, nutrition and medical care as well as monitoring. In nutrition, there is an integration of personal diet strategy and guidance for regular food intake. Also, a measure that will enhance stabilization and restoration of the healthy eating habit is put into consideration. Psychotherapy will be useful in healing eating disorders as it plays a significant role in helping individuals recover from traumatic life experiences and adopting healthier skills. These skills improve the affected capability of expressing emotions and maintaining healthy social life through communication.

According to the above discussion, eating disorders are a significant threat to the modern society regarding the effects they instigate to the affected people’s social life, but they can be treated with proper medical care. People assume eating disorders as typical behaviors in human beings and underestimate their repercussions which are detrimental. Therefore, it is everybody’s responsibility and the community, in general, to ensure that people know about these eating disorders and their effects as well as encouraging the affected individuals to seek medical intervention.


Austin, S. B. (2016). Accelerating progress in eating disorders prevention: A call for policy translation research and training. Eating disorders, 24(1), 6-19.

Brownell, K. D., & Walsh, B. T. (Eds.). (2017). Eating disorders and obesity: A comprehensive handbook. Guilford Publications.

Mehler, P. S., & Andersen, A. E. (2017). Eating disorders: A guide to medical care and complications. JHU Press.

Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2016). Eating disorders prevention: Looking backward, moving forward; looking inward, moving outward. Eating disorders, 24(1), 29-38.