Discussion forum. The role of theory

Discussion forumModule 1: Discussion Forum

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Category: Discussions

Period: WINTER14-D-8

Grade: N/A

Theory and Practice

The role of theory is important in the construction, implementation, and evaluation of human-services intervention. According to Lippke, Nigg, & Maddock (2012), “understanding multiple health behavior change and its mechanisms is imperative to help people to adopt and maintain as many as possible recommended health behaviors” (p. 1). Theories related to behavior change can be found in most intervention research and become integral to practice.

Review the overview of major theoretical approaches to human-services intervention under “Models of Behavior Change” in the assigned reading for this week from the Institute of Medicine (U.S.) Committee on Health and Behavior: Research, Practice, and Policy: 5: Individuals and Families: Models and Interventions.

Select one theory and provide a summary of its major points.

Now, apply the theory to a problem you may see or can envision occurring in the human-services setting. According to the theory, what is the underlying source of the problem you are describing and how would the problem be resolved?   

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Suggest other ways in which his or her chosen theory might be applied to a problem in human services or comment on how that student’s theory might also apply to the problem you described in (3), above.

Module 2: Discussion Forum

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Category: Discussions

Period: WINTER14-D-8

Grade: N/A

Benefits and Challenges of Evidence-Based Practice:

Morris, Day, & Schoenwald (2010) defined evidence-based practice (EBP) as “those clinical and administrative practices that have been proven to consistently produce specific, intended results” (p. 15). Intended as the guide for human service workers in providing “sound” and “consistent” interventions across the various human-services settings, EBP has been the focus of many researcher-practitioners for the last two decades.

Describe the benefits of using EBP in human-services interventions. Identify three challenges in application of EBP with three suggestions for moving through challenges.

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings and provide an analysis of their listed challenges and suggestions. Keep your critique helpful and thoughtful. Remember that a critique is not the same as “criticism.” We learn from each other—that is how knowledge builds. Provide insights that can be useful learning for all of us.

Module 3: Discussion Forum

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Category: Discussions

Period: WINTER14-D-8

Grade: N/A

Cultural Competence in Practice

Cultural competence includes knowledge of clients’ cultural backgrounds, as well as the presence of diversity in the workforce and attitudes toward addressing diversity in the workforce. After watching the video “Cultural Competence in the Helping Professions” and completing this week’s readings:

For your first post, provide rationale for the use of culturally competent practices with a specific population of your choice.

For your next post, discuss three intervention guidelines, rooted in research, toward culturally competent care.

Discuss barriers to the implementation of culturally competent care.

Comment on at least two other classmates’ postings.

Post must include one source outside of those assigned and must be at least 500 words. Remember to follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

Module 4: Discussion Forum

View Grade Info

Category: Discussions

Period: WINTER14-D-8

Grade: N/A

Assessment and Intervention of Domestic Violence

After reading Rolling & Brosi (2010), one of your required readings this week, discuss the multiple factors that should be considered when working with an individual who is a victim of intimate partner violence (IPV). Much of the IPV research focuses on women victims.  Are there characteristics of IPV, both in occurrence and treatment, that are gender-specific (i.e., are they applicable to men)? Why or why not? How would you prioritize your approaches to care in the case of an IPV victim and how might you use other resources/individuals/organizations in your intervention?

Please respond to at least two other classmates’ postings with thoughtful suggestions and helpful critique. Remember that “critique” is not the same as “criticize.” Need more information? Click here.

Posted Fri Jan 16, 2015 at 6:03 am

Module 5: Discussion Forum

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Category: Discussions

Period: WINTER14-D-8

Grade: N/A

Integrated Care and Reducing Veteran Distress

Effective interventions to treat psychiatric distress, dysfunction, and substance misuse are a must for veterans, a unique population of individuals. However, the human-services system continues to see a number of these individuals who end up homeless, seriously addicted to substances, or in need of immediate psychiatric hospitalization to keep themselves or others from being hurt.

Recent attempts to prevent problems associated with reintegration into civilian life and the trauma associated with combat have taken a different approach. Rather than waiting for the veteran to actively seek help, assessment and intervention are occurring at the sites where veterans are most likely to make regular visits: their primary care facility.

This integrated care approach to intervention has had some success. Based on your readings this week:

Identify the role of the human-services provider in this intervention.

Argue how this intervention versus other interventions is more applicable with this population. Include a discussion of this population’s unique needs and barriers to receiving care.

Discuss any modifications to the intervention that might make it more effective in reducing high-risk behavior and improve veteran quality of life.

Comment on at least two other postings from your classmates. Offer helpful suggestions that the student may not have considered in his or her posting.

Module 6: Discussion Forum

View Grade Info

Category: Discussions

Period: WINTER14-D-8

Grade: N/A

Coordination of Care Plan

Consider the following case study. Gail is a 52-year-old Caucasian woman who has just finished an intensive course of treatment for breast cancer. During the course of her treatment, her husband—unable to handle to stress of caregiving—left the relationship. Due to the severe side effects of the treatment, Gail chose to stop working three months ago. At her office visit, where she learned that she is in remission, Gail discloses to the nurse that she is about to lose her house and has no family nearby with whom to live.

What plan for coordination of Gail’s care with other providers and agencies would you put into place if you were a social work case manager at this doctor’s office?

Please respond to at least two classmates’ postings. In your postings, consider: What is the rationale for promoting communication between providers? What are barriers that need to be considered by providers in enhancing the frequency and quality of coordination of care?

Module 7: Discussion Forum

View Grade Info

Category: Discussions

Period: WINTER14-D-8

Grade: N/A

Integrating Peer Support into Human Services

This week’s readings and video introduce a new phenomenon in the field of human services: the use of “non-clinical” interventionalists, referred to as peer support or recovery coaches.

In the video by SAMHSA (found under “Required Readings” for this module), the experts assert that those in a peer-support role draw on “lived experience” to provide non-clinical, strength-based, reciprocal care to service recipients. Please provide your reaction to this method of intervention for those living with mental illness and/or substance use disorders.

Select three of the following human service needs (poverty, substance use, homelessness, transition from prison, mental illness, HIV/AIDS, domestic violence, or youth in transition to adult) and describe a situation for each as to how peer support intervention can be used to enhance the care of the person in need.

Comment on two other classmates’ postings with other ideas about their intervention use

Module 8: Discussion Forum

Application of Ethical Interaction to Case

The term intervention assumes interaction between individuals—with at least one of the individuals being identified as a person in “need” of assistance of some sort.

In this course we have studied groups of individuals that are often in need of human-services assistance and some interventions that have been found effective in meeting particular human-services needs. Interaction between a human-services professional and a service recipient requires that the worker act in a professional and “ethical” manner to ensure that the services rendered are beneficial and do not harm those receiving them.

Review the ethical standards for human-services professionals at http://www.nationalhumanservices.org/ethical-standards-for-hs-professionals.

Now consider this scenario:

You have been a social worker on a case involving a single mom, Ellen, and her daughter, Jenny. Ellen is a heroin addict who was living with a physically abusive boyfriend. Jenny was placed in a foster home as a result. Ellen has since entered substance abuse treatment and has been clean for one year. She now holds a steady job. Ellen also kicked the boyfriend out of her life. At this point, the court has decided that Ellen may have unsupervised visits with Jenny because things are going so well. You, the social worker, visit Ellen in her home, where Ellen admits that the abusive boyfriend showed up at the house just the week before. Ellen allowed him in and then shot up heroin with him. She promises it was her only slip with heroin use and that she will not do it again nor will she ever let the boyfriend back into her house. You know that this admission could jeopardize Ellen’s visits with Jenny.

What do you do?