Different Types of Plagiarism

the original attachment                                    STUDENT NAME  



                                   TOTAL WORDS: ONE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED AND NINTY

SIX (1196). 




Plagiarism is the imposition of another person’s   thoughts and language, and relaying it off as one’s own original work. Also is close imitation, the wrongful appropriation, publication and   purloining, of another author’s language, ideas thoughts, or representation, and expressing of them as one’s own original work .Journalistic and academic plagiarism is an age old practice. However, internet plagiarism is now a routine with the advent of the Internet, and plagiarism has taken many forms (Attwood and Rebecca 2009)  

                                 Different Types of Plagiarism                                                               Self-plagiarism, this form of plagiarism is the most violated using one’s own work, partially or fully, and re-writing it, this is known as self-plagiarism by many. Publishing the same material through different ways without referencing it correctly is a very commonly practiced habit among many writers

      Full Plagiarism: The work that has been presented as own, with no changes made to the flow, language, thoughts, is known as full plagiarism. Many academicians think that is generally the work persons who are inadequate in the particular field, or are just short of an effort.                                                        

Source Citation, Some writers quote the source’s name, but give no other relevant and accessible information. While some give false references, some just put their information with an original work of writing. A ghost writer is a perfect example of a plagiarist. The writer is at ease to source information and presents it as this own.        Partial Plagiarism, when the content presented is a combination of two or three different sources, where the use of synonyms and rephrasing is much, then it is partial plagiarism. Here, there is some use of originality, but inadequacy of know how on the particular subject is the reason for the occurrences of partial plagiarism.          Minimalistic Plagiarism, the plagiarist authors someone else ideas, concept, thought, or opinions in their own flow of words and in a different way. Although to many it does not qualify as plagiarism, it is considered as stealing someone’s thoughts or study or. Minimalistic plagiarism entails a lot of paraphrasing.                                                                                                           Causes of plagiarism

Main cause of plagiarism is that in this era of specialization getting admission in reputable institution of learning especially higher learning is getting difficult and tough. The students once admitted are under constant and great pressure from parents, peer and even their own teachers to get excellent grades so that they can compete for jobs in the fields of their choice (Resnik and David 2007).

     The easy access to the internet and the knowhow of its use has spread plagiarism to alarming levels. Copying and pasting has gained popularity for it is the easy way out. .

  Inexperience and Lack of knowledge. Many students have not been told about plagiarism at school and are not aware on its avoidance.   Lack of understanding of academic integrity which is core of our most important values (Dellavalle and Robert 2007).

   Also Lack of procrastination and time leads to sloppy work and illegal shortcuts.   Many students have difficulty with referencing.

To some level poor language skills. This inadequacy makes most of the academicians to resort to already written material in order to fit and match well with their school provisions.

   Consequences of plagiarism u.s and u.k

       Rewrite or fail the Assignment If you are found culpable of plagiarism, one has to redo the assignment or fail it. Lecturers of introductory courses always discuss plagiarism in the classroom to ensure that all students are aware of plagiarism, so the chances that a plagiarizer will evade punishment by claiming ignorance are slim.

       A student is most likely to receive a failing Grade in the Course he is undertaking. One might be brought up on judicial charges. If you are guilty of plagiarism, most colleges will look at their honor or judicial codes to determine what the consequence will be. The code at the University of Maine at Farmington, for example, lays down that the student’s course grade will be reduced by a full letter, so a final grade of “C+” will turn into a “D+.” A second incident results in a “F” with an “X.” The “X” denotes failure due to plagiarism (Mark and Karen 2009).

       Some colleges may place a student on conduct probation. Iowa States University describes this as “a period of review and observation during which the student must demonstrate the ability to comply with university rules, regulations and other requirements stipulated for the probation period” (Kock).

       A student who is found guilty will be liable to Suspension from School depending upon ones judicial record and school’s policy; you may face suspension from school. The suspension may affect the student’s financial aid.



         The ultimate academic consequence of plagiarizing is expulsion from school. Most schools will not step to this first, but depending upon the circumstances expulsion will always be an alternative. The University of Maine at Farmington, for example, will expel a student who has plagiarized three times

       If one has graduated, but is later discovered to have plagiarized in the course of getting his degree, the college is bound to revoke his degree. The University of Maine enumerates this as a consequence, and in 2007, Ohio State University revoked the master’s degree of a mechanical engineering graduate after the school discovered he had plagiarized parts of his thesis.  How to prevent plagiarism

  Giving evidence on how one has a clear understanding by reading relevant materials. Always give proper citation and references to support ones ideas from where and which sources he got his ideas. There should be evaluation of one’s ideas by comparing ideas of other authors. When giving some reference of the source, one is giving proof of the expert’s ideas which he wants to convey to his readers. The teachers too have a role of training the students on how to write their academic essays or papers by collecting data from other sources (Kock and Davison 2006).  


So, considering the fatal consequences of plagiarism, it is advisable to take some good measures to avoid this offense. The best way is to not to paste  the content of other individuals, using quotations if you do use another person’s words or giving credit to the concerned writer or the source of information for that particular piece of information and acquiring the necessary skills for paraphrasing sentences. Besides, plagiarism can be checked with the help of some online tools, which can also help curb this problem. In addition to all these, increasing awareness about plagiarism, its consequences and how to avoid it can be of great help in controlling this problem.



       Attwood, Rebecca. 2009. Allow me to rephrase, and boost my tally of articles: Times Higher Education Supplement

       Dellavalle, Robert .2007. Frequently asked questions regarding self-plagiarism: How to avoid recycling fraud. Massachusetts: macmann publishers,

      Kock, Davison.2006. Dealing with plagiarism in the IS research community: A look at factors that drive plagiarism and ways to address them.. California: university printers.

       Mark, Karen.2009. Love and Theft. London: Brookshire works press.

       Resnik, David.2007.The Ethics of Science: an introduction. London: Rout ledge.