different contributing elements to global warming





Global warming

The earth is the only planet that records the existence of living organisms. Living organisms are all things that contain life namely plants and animals. Human beings are classified as the highest forms of animals making them responsible for the environment. As inhabitants of the environment, human beings have a responsibility of monitoring the activities of all living things. This responsibility has however been misused in that the environment continues to depreciate in value. One of the reasons for this depreciation is the existence of global warming. Global warming is caused by the change in normal temperatures of the globe. The change in the temperature is mostly triggered by the human activity which increases by the minute. Global warming has thus become one of the current environmental discussions. The solution to the question of global warming is evident in that individuals should practice safe keeping of the environment. This however is not the case in that people continue to undermine the seriousness of this situation. One of the ways of eradicating this issue is by imposing harsh penalties of primary offenders. This however is not enough to stop the abuse of the environment leaving the environment at the mercy of human beings (Maslin, p. 321).

The focus of this paper is to provide an analysis on global warming. The paper looks at different contributing elements to global warming. This involves the study of related issues that the environment experiences involving the climate. The paper forms its basis through the definition of significant terms in this area of study. This is followed by the discussion of the causes and effects of global warming in the environment. The paper further provides a concluding paragraph that summarizes the contents of the analysis.

Global warming is the change of the temperature of the due to the reaction of the greenhouse gases and the environment. The temperature of the earth is essential for the survival of the living organisms. This temperature is thus crucial to the extent that failure to maintain it can destroy the living organisms. There are several factors that contribute to global warming of the environment. Some of these factors are natural factors that are mostly cannot be avoided. Natural factors are not as dangerous owing to the fact that they are the least harmful elements of change. The other factor that contributes to the change in temperature is manmade activities. Manmade activities play a significant role as an agent of environmental change. Most of these activities are avoidable but remain to the biggest culprits.

Climate change has on several occasions been confused with global warming. This has in turn misleads the society on the true meaning of global warming. Climate change has a completely different meaning from global warming making both factors have different implications on the environment. Climate change is referred to as the change in temperatures, weather and seasons of the environment. Climate change varies from one location to another depending on conditions of the area. Like global warming, climate change is affected by both man made and natural factors (Maslin, p. 208).

Greenhouse gases Greenhouse gases are gases that inhibit solar radiation from penetrating to the atmosphere. Solar radiation is ideal for the maintenance of the environments radiation. The exposure of greenhouse gasses to the environment interferes with the activities of the solar radiation thus changing the normal climate. Some of the notorious greenhouse gases are carbon, choroflourcaborns and watervapour which are natural. Despite the fact that most of the greenhouse gases are natural, human activities have been known to trigger the creation of manmade gases. This has increased the level of gases in the atmosphere which as a result increases the rate of climate change in the environment. Most of the manmade gases are emitted from the burning of wood and coal which have a high concentration of carbon.

The ozone is an essential part of climate change and global warming. The ozone is vital to the sustainability of all living things. The ozone layer is significant in that it protects the earth’s environment from the harsh rays of the sun. The ozone layer is in gashouse state making it more difficult to comprehend. It is thus impossible to determine the location of the ozone due to its gaseous state. This situation worsens the condition of the ozone in that people are not able to see the extent to which the layer is destroyed. The ozone is situated between the atmosphere and the earth. The main aim of this location is to maintain the correct temperature of the environment. It does this by blocking the dangerous rays produced from the sun. Human beings play a significant role in the sustainability of the ozone layer. Over the years, the ozone has slowly been changing its formation due to human activity. The main agent of this change is the release of carbon gases to the earth’s environment. The continued release worsens the hole formed in the ozone layer which in turn increases the extent of the ozone depletion. Ozone depletion is made possible through the reaction of the carbon gases with the gases of the ozone layer. This activity exposes the environment to the harsh rays of the sun endangering the safety of all living things as a result. .

All these factors are related in that they all affect each other in one way or another. Failure to observe proper car of one factor affects the other negatively. This leads to the spiraling damage of the environment making it loose its value. One of the ways of controlling this rising issue is by creating awareness of the dangers of careless human activity. This can only be effective if society is aware of the implications that come of environmental damage. The concentration on global warming is ideal in that it is central to the management of the earth’s environment. Global warming will thus be looked at more critically owing to its effects on human life (Maslin, p. 163).

Beginning of global warming

The issue on global warming is not one that has been introduced in present day. Global warming dates from the time of the occurrence of the ice age. The earth was filled with an enormous amount of ice over 18, 000 years ago. These dynamics were changed when the ice in the earth succumb to the change in temperature. This resulted in the melting of the ice creating a warmer and sunnier environment. This gave rise to the creation of longer summers and the reduction of cold seasons. The temperatures stabilized for a long because of the controlled human activity and population. The temperatures have however been changing as a result of the introduction of different factors in the environment. One of the factors responsible for global warming is the activities of the greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases comprise of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and water vapor. These gases are present in the atmosphere making it possible for them to trap the heat from the sun. The reaction of the gasses attracts the heat to the earth’s surface which in turn increases the temperature. The heat that gets into the atmosphere remains and changes the dynamics of the temperature. One of the disadvantages of the greenhouse effects is that the process cannot be reciprocated. This means that the temperature is change remains permanent.

Increased causes of global warming

As stated earlier, global warming involves the increase in temperature of the environment. This increase is caused by various factors which are either man made or natural. In order to control the dynamics of global warming, human activity needs to change. One of the ways of looking at the human activity in relation to global warming is the occurrence of globalization. Globalization is the increased interaction of different communities due to the existence of factors such as trade, communication and migration. All these elements are part and parcel of human activity and are therefore unavoidable. Globalization is recorded to have emerged from the ancient days. During this time, communities were keen on migrating so as to get better living conditions. This led to the interaction of different communities thus leading the exchange of social-cultural aspects. Globalization continued to evolve with the time by keeping up with the introduction of new factors. Some of this additions resulted into the creation of a new world that was highly reliant on chemicals for the provision of goods and services. The changes in the lifestyle of human beings led to the introduction of new ideas. One of the pivotal inventions involves the introduction of introduction and the industrial age. This consists of the use of technology in all aspects of life. Technology led to the introduction of urbanization which characterized the use of electronics to ease the workload of human beings. Household have since then adapted to the use of devices such as vehicles, refrigerators and vacuum cleaners on a daily basis. These electronics are responsible for releasing the most dangerous gases in the environment. The rate of urbanization continues to rise due to the increase of the rate of development. This in turn places the environment at risk owing to human beings dependant nature on all things electronics. The use of these commodities release gases in form of carbon dioxide to the earth’s stratosphere. These gases are responsible for the emotion of heat to the environments normal temperature. The change in temperature is not ideal for the sustaining the lives of plants and animals. This is due to the creation of a chemical imbalance between the natural gases and the emitted gases. The environment is not able to return the balance of the gases on its own. It is up to human beings to step in by talking control of the products that the expose to the environment (Maslin, p. 215).

Effects of global warming

Global warming brings about different effects on both human beings and plants. The analysis on the beginning of global warming shows that the process of global warming is inevitable. This process can be controlled if human beings change their lifestyle. Global warming is always associated with negative implications. This gives people a negative perception of the process. Global warming is however responsible for the sustainability of human living things. The temperatures that were present before the occurrence of the melting of the ice age were impossible to live in. Most of the animals could not exist in such conditions due to their body temperature. This is also relatable to plants in that plants need heat in order for their leaves to produce chlorophyll. The greenhouse gases are thus pivotal for the creation of warm temperatures suitable for both human and plant lives. Global warming can thus be credited for the creation of suitable temperatures in the environment.

The creation of global warming has been an advantage and disadvantage to the earth’s environment. One of the factors that earth continues to face is the continued reaction of the greenhouse gases with the sun. As stated earlier, once the heat from the sun is attracted by the gasses to the environment it cannot get out of the environment. This means that the temperatures of the earth are expected to rise in the next years to come. The greenhouse gases are naturally present in earth atmosphere. The problem arises due to the increased release of more greenhouse gases by human beings. This is triggered buy factors such as globalization, urbanization and innovation of more technology. The more the factors increase, the more the earth becomes subject to the release of the greenhouse gases. This has dangerous effects on the earth and its inhabitants in that temperature should be received in moderation. Excess heat is hazardous to the sustainability of all living things. The imbalance of the greenhouse gasses would mean lack of protection from excess heat and cold. Excess heat is dangerous for all living things in the surface of the earth. Global warming is responsible for the cause of conditions such as skin cancer. Skin cancer damages the cells of human beings making the body organs vulnerable to the outside environment. This condition can lead to death and is thus dubbed as one of the most vital skin conditions to date. Global warming is also dangerous in that exposure to the sun leads to the damage of body parts such as the eyes. Human beings are advised to limit their exposure to the sun due to the strong ultra violet rays that it relays. Increased temperatures would affect the eyesight of most human beings increasing the risk of getting blind as a result.

Global warming has some long time implications on the sustainability of the earth. The earth is the principle habitat of all things that breathe. Living things are thus at the mercy of the environment in that their existence is threatened if the conditions are unbearable. Research shows that if these conditions continue to escalate, the lives of living things will reduce by a great margin. Increased temperatures will mean that all organisms will be destroyed in the long run. This is alarming in that the lifespan of all living things continues to reduce when the temperature increase (Maslin, p. 346).

Control of global warming

Global warming is a controllable factor if the activities of human beings are monitored. The greenhouse gases are essential for the overall control of the temperature of the environment. The gases naturally occur in that they were present before the existence of mankind. The gases are thus able to regulate their temperature without the interference of human beings. One of the ways global warming can be controlled is the observation of activities of human beings. Human beings pose the most risk to the sustainability of the global temperatures. This is ironic in that they are the most affected by the effects of global warming. One of the ways human beings can control this spiraling issue is by observing their living conditions. The United States is one of the countries responsible for the increase of global warming. The country consumes the largest amount of fuel which in turn releases an enormous percentage of gases to the environment. This is dangerous due to the fact that the population continue to rise annually. The increase in population increases the demand of fuel which reflects on the increased temperatures. One of the ways that human beings can control this occurrence is by reducing the consumption of fuel. This is difficult in that fuel is responsible for the production of goods and services. Human beings should thus consume fuel carefully. Fuel saving methods can include carpooling so as to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. People can also opt for using alternative vehicles that are safe for the environment. Some of the vehicles in the market are the prius hybrid and the electrical cars. These options reduce the consumption of fuel which as a result makes the environment safe for living things to live in (Maslin, p. 238).

In conclusion, Global warming is one of the globe environment issues human beings face. Global warming was formed from the reactions of the greenhouse gases that changed the environmental condition of the earth. The greenhouses are responsible for the regulation of the earth’s temperature making them an essential part of human life. These gases are natural making them self reliant. Human beings are also responsible for the emission of gases to the earth’s environment due to their day to day activities. One of the ways that this is done is through the use of fuel which releases by products such as carbon dioxide and water vapor. These reactions attract sunlight from the ultraviolet rays which warm up the temperatures of the environment. There are several factors that contribute to the increase in temperatures of the environment. Most of these are brought about by the change in the lifestyle of human beings. Factor like globalization, technology and urbanization have a long-term effect on the environment in that they have become a way of life. It is difficult to decrease the occurrence of such factors making it to control the rate of global warming. One of the solutions that human beings have is to carefully monitor their activities so as to control the situation. This can only be successful if different countries educate their citizens on the vitality of this issue. The inability to monitor human activity reduces the sustainability of all living things. This in turn poses a risk to the future of fall things that call the environment home.

Works cited

Maslin, Mark. Global Warming. Stillwater, MN: Voyageur Press, 2006. Print.