Dental hygiene

Dental hygiene General hygiene is important to any human being; no one prefers to be associated with unhygienic person. People bath every day to wash away the sweat which can cause body odour. In public transport no one would wish to sit next to a dirty individual as they want to remain clean. People clean their vehicles to make them sparkling clean, we clean our pets to get rid of dirt, and even regularly clean our houses to make them hygienic. In all these there is one place that most people forget to clean, that place is the mouth. Dental hygiene is also as important. We will look into the importance of dental hygiene, disadvantages of not maintaining dental hygiene, and ways of maintaining dental hygiene.

It is my conviction that most people in the world do not take the dental hygiene seriously (Nathe, 2002). Many people can remember to take their pets to the clinic for check ups but very few people will visit a dentist, unless if there is an aching tooth that needs to be checked. Most of time tooth ache is as a result of not maintaining dental hygiene (Nathe, 2002).


Bacterial infection of the mouth is becoming a major problem in most parts of the world. Tooth decay is also on the rise despite the many dentists available. Lack of dental hygiene causes rejection; most people will keep off someone who has foul breath. That can have a major impact especially if the victim is a child, the child may feel that other children do not like them. In the end the child may end up hating the school and may even become unfriendly (Bagley 2002). If the person is an adult working in a sells and marketing company as a sales man or woman, sells might decline as no client will be comfortable to transact business with a person who has foul breath (Tyler, 2009).


The effects of lack of hygiene is great, companies will have to use a lot of money on employees suffering from various illness associated with lack of dental hygiene (Bagley 2002). Bacterial infection can be very fatal if not detected and treated early enough. Toothache is very painful, and cause one sleepless night (Bagley 2002).

All the problems associated with lack of dental hygiene such as tooth decay, toothache, can only be observed through observing dental hygiene. Dental hygiene is not only brushing of the teeth every morning, and evening before going to bed. It comprises of watching what one eats, some food are not good for the teeth, and must be avoided (Tyler, 2009). Visiting the Dentist for dental check up once every three months can help detect any problem, and the dentist can advise on what to do.

By advocating and teaching people of the importance of regular cleaning of teeth, watching the food one takes, visiting the dentist, and avoiding aggressive brushing of the teeth will help reduce the problems related with lack of dental hygiene (Tyler, 2009).

Each and every person has the sole responsibility of not just ensuring personal dental hygiene, but also ensuring that the importance of dental hygiene is known to everybody. Parents bare the greatest responsibility of ensuring that the children observe dental hygiene. The parents will have to show their children the correct way to brush their teeth. Government institutions and schools can also be involved in promoting dental hygiene.

RefferenceBagley, K., & Gagliardi, L. (2002). Brush well: a look at dental care. New York: Bridgestone Books.

Nathe, C. N. (2011). Dental public health and research: contemporary practice for the dental hygienist (3rd ed.). New York: Pearson.

Tyler, L. (2009). Pearson’s comprehensive dental assisting. New York: Pearson.