Dear ladies and gentlemen from the Health Promotion Association

Speech for CEO



Speech for CEO

Dear ladies and gentlemen from the Health Promotion Association,

We live in an age where the world is developing at a staggering pace. This rapid development and progress in science can also be observed in food production, which has by now become so automated that we can rely entirely on machines to feed us. Despite this mastering over food production, most people still have a lot of problems related to food consumption. Automation and the loss of human touch has prompted us to add many unnatural ingredients to even the most basic foods, most of which are harmful to our healths and well-being. As consumers, we face a huge and difficult choice in the purchasing and consuming the right foods that are fit for our health and diets. I remember an old friend of mine who chose to live in the country and farm his own food just for this reason!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is where ‘What You Eat’ means to come in and provide the much needed help to ordinary people in choosing the right diet and leading a healthy lifestyle amidst all the unhealthy and junk food that we are surrounded with in all grocery stores. Nutritional experts from all over have gathered in order to design a system which could handle such needs and services.

Our soon-to-be-started Diet Centre will offer people the possibility to develop proper meal plans and diets, which would be specially designed to suit the specific dietary needs of each and every individual. Our program, led by experienced nutritionists, will offer easy guides to customers in easy to understand languages, and absolutely anyone will have the ability to ask for and receive effective and proper diet plans. In addition to offering general meal plans and diets that promote health and well-being in all people, the Diet Centre will also offer more specialized meal plans are programs, such as ones that need to be suited to patients undergoing certain illnesses such as diabetes or obesity. Moreover, we will offer help and guide to patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments, which as you all know are a terrible thing for any one person to endure, especially considering how difficult it is to maintain a proper diet in such cases.

As you can see dear audience, our Diet Centre seeks to encompass absolutely all people regardless of their conditions. Here at ‘What You Eat’ we firmly believe in our core idea that our healths and lives can be influenced and significantly improved to the better through the proper way of eating. We know how difficult it is to choose what is right for you, especially when we are surrounded with so many choices. Choosing the right foods and meals can even be downright impossible if we are unaware of what our bodies need, as well as what the nutritional values of our everyday meals are. Our statistics tell us that only about 20% of all the food that we find in grocery stores are fully healthy for all people to eat. Robert Fuoss put this in a very funny way when he said “It would be nice if the Food and Drug Administration stopped issuing warnings about toxic substances and just gave me the names of one or two things still safe to eat.”

This is precisely what Diet Centre is seeking to change. Our goal is to slowly raise awareness about the relation of food and health, and offer people help in getting on the right track, and eventually spreading this on a global level. We also know that your organization holds a deep commitment to the promotion of healthy eating, which I believe fully coincides with our own goals. All the funds and investments for this cause shall be put to the use of building the needed facilities, hiring the best health professionals, and making the program more accessible to everyone. The professional guide and help that we offer, combined with your willingness to raise awareness about healthy food will no doubt bring meaningful change which would be worth of investing in early on.