Dallas Morning News,

Agenda Setting

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Agenda setting signifies the aptitude of the news media to impact the significance put on the subjects of the public agenda. It is the establishment of concern and public awareness of relevant problems by the newscast media. The study of agenda-setting denotes the manner media tries to impact audiences, and create a hierarchy of news frequency (Kim et al., 2017). The agenda-setting by media is guided by the media’s bias on things such as culture, economy, and politics. The five pubic issues that are most important to me include general wellbeing, poverty, political corruption, racial discrimination, and economic deprivation.

On the print copy of Dallas Morning News, the rank order from the most important news story to the least important in the front page include Texas attorney general alleged link to corruption, the United States election coverage, officer hurt in exchange gunfire in Dallas, Coronavirus update, and woman arrested after attacking a man in Southeast Oak Cliff. 

According to my list and that of Dallas Morning News, two of the news relates. In my list, I considered general wellbeing and political corruption as public issues that are most important to me. In the Dallas newspaper, the Coronavirus update relates to the wellbeing subject I chose while the Texas attorney general corruption allegation relates to political corruption. In difference to the great views of the direct impacts model, the agenda-setting theory specified that media control the problems that concern the public compared to the public’s views (Dragu & Fan, 2016). In this model, the concerns that get the greatest attention from mass media turn out to be the matters that the public debate, discuss, and demand action on. This denotes that the media is determining what concerns and narratives the public contemplate about. Agenda setting is very powerful in the media effects since the public agenda influences the policy agenda, which denotes that individuals will attempt to focus on problems that the public wants to hear about.


Dragu, T., & Fan, X. (2016). An agenda-setting theory of electoral competition The Journal of Politics, 78(4), 1170-1183

Kim, Y., Kim, Y., & Zhou, S. (2017). Theoretical and methodological trends of agenda-setting theory: A thematic analysis of the last four decades of research. The agenda setting journal, 1(1), 5-22