Customer Satisfaction during Black Fridays
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Customer Satisfaction during Black Fridays
Stores should increase the stock of the goods with high demand. Since they have had a consistent high demand all through at price say 2x then it means that the sales might even triple if the goods are sold at price x. the perishable goods that have relatively low demands should not be overstocked as if they are not bought on time then they might be unfit for human consumption or use. High priced commodities whose prices are significantly higher even when halved together with goods of ostentation should not be overstocked as they don’t really have a high chance of being sold.
When opening the doors during black Friday, the staff members should ensure that they avoid hostility and practice good customer service relations. The customers have options and where they shop depend majorly on which store has the best services since prices are low in all the stores. They should place one or two people to welcome the customers and direct those who are new to the store on where they can find the products that they need.
Capacity planning is the strategy which is used by a business to identify amount of production needed to satisfy the demand for the products produced. Retailers should use lag strategy as an approach of capacity planning. The increased demand is met as it occurs instead of preparing for it in advance. There are chances that the business may lose customers to its competition therefore the retailers should implement an effective means of adding stock during business hours to counter the high demand. This approach reduces the chances of accruing large inventories that do not move.
Grunig, J. E. (Ed.). (2013). Excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge.