Cultural Heritage and Modernization
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In the recent past, the discussion on cultural heritage has increased with the need to protect the significance of cultural with the case of Beijing China and Tokyo Japan. The protection and development of cultural heritage should take into consideration traditionally hand-crafted products and intangible heritage in order to foster an aspect of development and future protection. Scholars have started discussion on the importance of cultural heritage to promote social, political and economic activities. Cultural heritage can be applied to revitalize different facets of the economy including rural and urban revitalization such as the development of enterprises and tourism. However, the protection and development of cultural heritage has been affected significant by western modernization which occurred mostly through formal education and Christianity. The protection of cultural heritage was affected by modernization in that it caused people to view cultural heritage among other cultural activities from a negative aspect which caused gradual abandonment. This has caused various anthropologists to question the subjectivity and authenticity of cultural heritage. Some of the researchers believe that cultural heritage from historical villages, towns, and cities has undergone rapid forms of transformations under the influence of modernization. This has raised an array of concerns on how learners should respond and explain the aspect of cultural heritage and modernization. In a bid to understand this subject, the learner will undertake an indepth study to investigate the importance of cultural heritage in different cultures and parts of the world particularly the Beijing China and Tokyo Japan. The study will also deem to understand the negative impact of modernization on the preservation of cultural heritage and the factors that have facilitated the pronunciation of these aspects. The study will provide the importance of taking urgent measures to salvage and rescue heritage through the application of modern equipment and methods. The paper will also deem to understand how modernization and cultural heritage can be understood from a theoretical perspective in order to facilitate consistent practice and policies to protect cultural heritage.