Cross culture Management





Cross culture Management

United States is characterized by with diverse demographic populations with mainly African-American, Hispanic-American and Asian-American. The populaces are characterized by individualism and egalitarianism encompassing ingenuity and entrepreneurship. Conversely, Macau is characterized with attractions and oozing atmosphere with fusion amidst European and Chinese cultures. It is packed with numerous churches, fortresses, temples and corresponding ancient buildings having fascinating mix of the Portuguese and Chinese features (Primecz et al, 148-289). Macau is also characterized with narrow alleyways forming a maze of ancient section that harbor a lot of business enterprises and work (Redding & Bruce, 78-167). Moreover, the city has statue commonly known as Bodhisatta Avalokitesvara situated near the sea Sands Casino and MGM Grand. Macau also acts as Chinese deity that is design similar to those find in Europe. Entering of the company into the foreign market demands staffing which is fundamental issue for its prosperity. Selection of the appropriate expatriate for a foreign assignment requires careful consideration that mainly entails taking into account numerous factors such as capability to adapt, technical competence, capability of the spouse and family of the expatriate to adjust, desire to work abroad, previous foreign experience and comprehension of the underlying foreign country’s culture and language (Holden, 56-145).

The managers of the international assignment ought to have the capability to fair well with the populace of diverse cultures. Moreover, they ought to look into the problems at diverse perspectives and find solution utilizing diverse frameworks. Expatriates ought to have deep understanding of the Caesars Entertainment Corporation’s core values and the corresponding capability to disseminate them to the China workers in a distinct and meaningful means (Holden, 56-145). Numerous challenges that encompass both personal and professional are normally involves in the foreign assignment thus require high level degree of mental toughness.

Cultural differences across the states are important and ought not to be underestimated (Primecz et al, 148-289). Expatriates will be confronted with challenges of the cultural differences in regard to the management of the corporation in the foreign country (Holden, 56-145). The problem that they will encounter revolves around the high setting and corresponding low context cultures. Within the high context cultures, the expatriates thus they will face challenges in interpretation of the messages that mainly rely on the contextual cues such as in China (Redding & Bruce, 78-167). The main difference amidst the American and Chinese rely on the context culture. American has high context culture while the Chinese context culture that is utilized in the interpretation of the messages. The expatriates will have challenges in dealing with the low context culture of Chinese in regard to dealing with the deciphering the actual meaning of messages during communiqué. Moreover, the major challenge will arise in misconstruing and conflict amidst the underlying groups’ business dealings, concession and corresponding social events.

Moreover, populace in Macau is monochromic individuals that are mainly structured in their own approach thus carried out duties in regard to their organized agenda hence are prompt and time keepers. Conversely, Macua city also harbor polychronic populace that undertakes duties once and are normally less organized and less prompt. Expatriates will have problems in handling people of both monochromic and polychronic (Holden, 56-145). This is because monochronic time cultures are normally low context cultures whilst polychronic time cultures individuals are lofty context cultures.

United States is characterized by with diverse demographic populations with mainly African-American, Hispanic-American and Asian-American. Macau city characterized with attractions and oozing atmosphere with fusion amidst European and Chinese cultures (Primecz et al, 148-289). Macau city possess dual cultures namely the monochromic and polychronic who operates differently.

Work Cited

Primecz, Henriett, Laurence Romani, and Sonja Sackmann. Cross-cultural Management in Practice: Culture and Negotiated Meanings. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011.

Holden, Nigel. Cross-cultural Management: A Knowledge Management Perspective. Harlow [u.a.: Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2002. Print.

Redding, Gordon, and Bruce W. Stening. Cross-cultural Management: 2 Vol. Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 2003.