Critique Of Social Studies

Critique Of Social Studies


TOC o “1-3” h z u Technology and classroom practices: An international study PAGEREF _Toc380822352 h 1Using poetry in social studies classes to teach about cultural diversity PAGEREF _Toc380822353 h 2How to teach thinking skills in social studies and history PAGEREF _Toc380822354 h 3

The paper will give a review and a brief summary of three articles .it will also include an analysis of the three articles that have been chosen. There will also be a reflection on the connections that these articles have to the best practices the social studies context. The three articles to be reviewed and analyzed are Technology and classroom practices: An international study, using poetry in social studies classes to teach about cultural diversity and social justice and How to teach thinking skills in social studies and history.

Technology and classroom practices: An international study

The main focus of the study is how technology is used in classrooms all over the world in changing the practices of students and teachers. According to the article the use of technological tools in classrooms is mainly by students for information search, product designing and publishing of results. On the other hand teachers use technology for creation of structure, giving advice and monitoring the progress of students. Apart from the practices that have been exhibited the article also shows specific patterns that are more likely to be associated with reports of specific student outcomes that are desirable. The analysis which has been reported in this article looks at various questions which are related to the similarities and differences within the patterns of teacher, student and practices and outcomes of technology. The main focus of the article is the pattern of the innovative classroom practices which are usually supported by technology. The research questions addressed are; practices of teachers and students in technology that have supported innovative classrooms, roles played by students and teachers in these practices, the role of ICT,the similarities and differences found among these practices and finally if patterns associated with other factors like outcomes as they have been reported. Thearticle gives findings from 174 case studies dealing with practices of innovative pedagogy from technologies in 28 participating countries. Researchers combined international set criteria with local concerns.

The research was carried out so as to find out the relevance of technology in classrooms. From the thesis I understand that the researches wanted to find out whether or not technology was relevant in classrooms. The researches also wanted to establish how technologies supported innovation in classrooms from both students and teachers perspective.

The article was able to bring out some of the common trends in classrooms when it comes to technology which are; teachers engaged in advice and guidance to the work by students as part of innovation, students collaborated with each other. The innovations used productivity tools, web resources and emails. The article clearly demonstrates that technology supported innovative classroom practices in many countries in the world and they have most of the qualities in common. The implication of the article is that teachers in many countries are now beginning to use ICT so as to change classroom setting. With this trend, teachers will continue to incorporate technology in their curriculum. Thearticle is therefore a wake up call showing how technology use in classrooms can improve innovation and learning in classrooms.

Using poetry in social studies classes to teach about cultural diversityFrom the article it is clear that poetry is a powerful resource when it comes to social studies in class. The article talks of how poets share their personal experiences through racism, cultural diversity, classism orsexism. Poems also give affirmation to women and other cultural groups which are valued less in the society or even portray harm that results from prejudicial comments or evenactions that show discrimination. The article also talks about how goals of social studies can be achieved through of the important goals being encouraging preservice teachers to read critically and their development of critical literacy. Critical literacy can be encouraged through asking preservice students to consider social issues in their reading even when they prefer ignoring also looks at why poetry should be read in elementary social of the reason given is the fact that poems incorporate the thematic strands of social studies. Poems can also be used to teach social studies standards. Poetry can also be valuable as a teaching tool to solve problems. Reading poetry is appealing since it promotes literacy which is a very important skill in life.

The article clearly portrays the advantages of using poetry in teaching social studies. These advantages are clearly put out and they are explained well. The article has given details as to why teachers should embrace the use of poetry. The article has also given some suggestions on how poetry can be used in social studies for those who are willing to try it out. Therefore I can say that the article has addressed its thesis well and the points are clear and convincing.

The implication of the article is that many social studies teachers after reading the article will try the use of poetry since the article has clearly shown how it is effective. The suggestion given on using poetry including deliberate selection of poems, strategies for reading poems, and strategies for discussionpoems clearly guide teachers on how they will go about teaching using poetry. Therefore the article is quiet effective.

How to teach thinking skills in social studies and historyThe article gives four guidelines for providing direct instructions when it comes to thinking skills within the field of social studies. First a description of major components of thinking skills hat are mandatory for students.Secondly teaching techn9iques that make these techniques explicit are also given.Third, there is an outline and an explanation strategyfor the organization of introductory skill lessons. Fourth the article gives a description of a variety of techniques used for cueing and scaffolding continuing practices of thinking-skill as well as the organization of different types of skill lessons that exist. The article also gives an explanation of the principles that are used for employing these strategies and techniques. Three factors teachers should take into consideration when it comes to the implementation of thinking skills are also highlighted. The article ends with a short research –based rationale for the infusion of thinking skills instruction with history and social studies instruction.

From my own understanding the article has clearly brought out all the objectives under all the guidelines that are shown within the article. All the guidelines give direction and the approach that should be used top teach thinking skills in social studies and history.

What is got from the text is quite useful when it comes to teaching thinking skills in socialstudies and history. This is because the article gives a clear guideline of how a teacher should go about it.Therefore the article is quite useful to anyone who intends to teach thinking skills in social studies and history as they will have a clear road map of how to go about it.


Beyer,B.K (2008).How to teach thinking skills in social studies and history

McCall,A.L. (2004). Using poetry in social studies classes to teach about cultural diversity

Kozma,R.B. (2003). Technology and classroom practices: An international study.