Critical Issues in Education
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Critical Issues in Education
Since 1999, there has been discussion about immunizations being a cause of autism. A parent who is wondering whether his/her child should be immunized needs to know that this has been a misconception as there is no scientifically proven link between immunization and autism. There is even not data that suggests that immunizations increase the risk of developing autism (de Melendez & Beck, 2010).
A general education teacher can work collaboratively with an interpreter by ensuring that both maintain constant and effective communication. Further, the general teacher should be taught on how the collaborative work supports both the interpreter and the student. Both can work more collaboratively if their responses are positive and inclusive (de Melendez & Beck, 2010).
Early intervention is essential for children with visual impairments for several reasons. To start with, it assists visually impaired children to develop emotionally and socially. Secondly, visually impaired children can be assisted to develop concepts, ideas and knowledge. As well, the child can be assisted to learn how to communicate and to achieve some physical development needs. Lastly, intervention programs help visually impaired children to learn how to adapt to different environments and to learn to be independent (de Melendez & Beck, 2010).
A teacher may encounter a situation whereby she/he is dealing with a child with multiple disabilities in classroom. In order to be helpful to the family of such as student, a teacher should communicate with the family members on regular basis and collect ideas about the student’s strengths and weaknesses. Using such information, the teacher can establish way of including the student in the general classroom and where possible, establish treatments for some of the disabilities.
To intervene in cases where there is evidence of gender and racial overrepresentation in students identified as gifted and talented, school professionals, students, family members community members, policy makers teacher trainers and researchers should join as co-participants and as allies in developing a new inclusive culture that respects and includes the cultures of all students. The success and failure of a school should become a shared responsibility. Teachers and staff should be sensitized on the importance of respecting all of their students (de Melendez & Beck, 2010).
de Melendez, W. J. R. & Beck, V. (2010). Teaching Young Children in Multicultural
Classrooms: Issues, Concepts, and Strategies: Issues, Concepts, and Strategie. New York, NY: Cengage Learning