Criminology by Edwin Sutherland

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Criminology by Edwin Sutherland

Crime can be defined as the process of committing an offensive act or acting against a well set up of rules or laws (Taylor, Walton, 2013). In the year 1939, Edwin Sutherland was selected by an association for coming up with a theory which explained all the facts about crime and the reasons behind it. Sutherland’s theory argues that close association between individuals is one of the biggest reasons why people fall into crime (Williams, McShane, 2010). Sutherland was also the man behind the principles of criminology which suggests that any habits of crime are resulted by being associated closely with people who commit crime

According to Edwin Sutherland and understanding my personal research and understanding, crime is a behavior which is learnt from the simplest way of interaction. In that matter, crime is a trait which can be transferred unknowingly from one individual to another without any consent or understanding of what one is doing (Garland, Sparks, 2000). Lastly, Sutherland did not only frame crime on simple deeds of violence but also introduced another version of crime; white collar crime. Under this category, the suspect commits crime in an professional way for financial gain or other bigger benefits.


Garland, D., & Sparks, R. (Eds.). (2000). Criminology and social theory (No. 1). Oxford University Press on Demand.

Taylor, I., Walton, P., & Young, J. (2013). The new criminology: For a social theory of deviance. Routledge.

Williams III, F. P., & McShane, M. D. (2010). Criminology theory: Selected classic readings. Routledge.