Criminal Justice from a Global perspective

Criminal Justice from a Global perspective



Criminal Justice from a Global perspective

The different global outlook of different nations to unite in terms of society, economy and politics is what is referred to as Globalization. It has a had major impact on the American people’s lives and the world in general since it has directly affected the movement of goods and services within the nation’s boundary and this has makes it easier to access external financial opportunities within the countries. There has also been more support provided by different nations due to the interrelation of the markets which has been made more effective due to the internet and satellite connection, which has made it easier to access and pass information through the social networks. Some of the effects that the advancement of Globalization has had on the country include advancement on technology that has seen an increase in cyber crime. Due to this it is essential that a Criminal justice system should be able to keep up with the new technologies. In this aspect crime fighting is directly influenced by the technological advancement in the country. In the same manner implementing strategies like radio frequency surveillance, DNA analysis, exchange of intelligence between countries and different surveillance developments, wide police intelligence database and bilateral information transfer between countries are all effective ways the U.S criminal justice system has used to change the increase of globalization based crimes. Terrorist cases are investigated by an anti-terrorism legislation and changes in the screening process have also been implemented. Desires to improve on the relationships that are currently existent have been expressed and activities and jurisdiction programs have been adopted to improve relations. Hence, it is right to assume that the U.S criminal justice system has been impacted by globalization.

The differences in the types of international criminal justice systems can be found by understanding their application like civil law systems which is the most prevalent and largest justice system globally. The main difference in civil law is that it addresses wrongs by restitution and compensation and on the fact that it still respects tradition; unlike in the common law system anyone can get a scholarship, and nobody is above the law and the continental justice leasers are above the law. In the common law system there is a belief that all the laws should originate in custom and all the precedents and interpretations should be made by the lawyers and they still have total control of the judges, unlike in the other systems public trials are considered vital constituents. Socialist law system also known as Marxist Leninist or community Justice has characteristics of positive law that are aimed at improvement. The difference with other systems includes facts like administrative law that prevail due to the decisions that are often accepted by both judges and non-officials who are tasked with making the laws. In Islamic system, also known as Arabic or Muslim justice all the practices and procedures in the law are mainly derived from the Koran which are, in the form of orders or commands that govern an individual’s life. Its main difference is that it is the only law system that believes that every law has a divine origin which makes it unique from the other law systems (Ebbe, O. 1996).

Criminal crime or Cybercrime is a criminal activity that has a computer as the main target, source and place of crime. It comprises of forgery, embezzlement, blackmail, fraud and theft which all involve a computers presence. The range of Cybercrime is from threats of cyber wars to email spams, some example of some of its form include theft of bank accounts passwords, credit cards. As the power of technologies improve and technology advances the cyber related crimes opportunities will also increase. In this manner it is necessary for the criminal justice systems to be upgraded with the technological advance to be able to handle cyber crimes. There is a huge impact on the criminal justice system and victims of the cyber crimes despite the organizations and network security programs presence who work to counter these cyber related threats and crimes the issue are still in the increase. Even with these challenges the susceptibility to the online crimes can be addressed through employers implementing training programs as part of security plans and other related measures have been taken by other organizations to correct the spread of cyber related crimes. In this aspect Globalization has impacted many people by providing new technologies and methods which have had both pros and cons which have indirectly or directly contributed to the cybercrimes increase (Stambaugh, Hollis, 2001).

The policing systems on a global scale can be addressed better by looking at it from the aspect of statistics which reveals that 17,500 international agencies policies employ more than 800,000 people at county, national and municipal levels. These, federal law enforcement are estimated to comprise of over 50 agencies. Special agencies of police estimated at 1, 721, 49 state police departments, 12,502 municipal police departments and 3,086 from the sheriffs department. The different federal police agencies make up the national government executive branch. Some of the most common federal agencies that can be used globally include (FBI) Federal Bureau of Investigation, The secrete services, (ATF) The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, (DEA) The Drug Enforcement Administration, State police, county police and municipal police these and other federal law enforcement officers are often being stationed overseas as means of addressing international crimes like money laundering, terrorism (Mathieu Deflem, 2005).

The Soviet Empire falling led to a global downfall of various armies globally; example in Yugoslavia and Somalia, the cold war ending led to an escalation of conflicts and instability to former allies in the form of lost interest of keeping the then existent governments in power. The Iraq and Afghanistan experience with the U.S security companies led to serious problems like misconduct on dishonesty and their business operation practices. The peace keeping revolution that was catalyzed by the cold war tried to keep neutrality, as earlier stated the need for an improved and new peacekeeping strategy during the post cold period was felt which increased the instability within the state. The rapid rise and fall of the global peacekeeping order was demonstrated in Rwanda, Somalia and Bosnia in the 1990’s

Similarly the same way there was a suffering in the DRC and Darfur from low troop numbers. The Secretary of Defense in the U.S, to unveil cost-saving measures hired a company to consult with the armed forces this move proved that there is a major role that is played by PMSCs. the videos of their naked corpses and the deaths of 30 U.S military servicemen led to the Somalia Syndrome. The 1994 infamous case of Rwanda threw light on the consequences of lack of action by the international community which has shown that since the decades beginning Somalia, has, always had active PMSCs. The serious issues include piracy, illegal fishing and the toxic wastes dumping. Separate PMSCs have been addressed with each of the three Somali governments to counteract such activities and secure the maritime trades. The responsibilities of the criminal jurisdiction should reside within the U.N. this is mainly since there has been no state that has been able to ensure that crimes should be reviewed and addressed rather than the PMSCs (Larsen, N. et,al R. 2007).


Ebbe, O. (1996). Comparative and International Criminal Justice Systems.Boston:  Butterworth Heinemann

Stambaugh, Hollis, David S. Beaupre, David J. Icove, Richard Baker, Wayne Cassady, and Wayne P. Williams (2001). Electronic crime needs assessment for state and local law enforcement. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice

Mathieu Deflem, (2005)“International Policing: Role of the U.S,” in Richard A. Wright and J. Michell Miller The Encyclopedia of Criminology,New York: Routledge

Larsen, N. & Smandych, R. (2007). Global Criminology and Criminal Justice: Current Issues and Perspectives. Canada, Broadview Press