Crime is a social problem that relates to deviance


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Crime is a social problem that relates to deviance.

Deviance is conduct that violates social standards and awakens bad social reactions. On the other hand, crime is conduct that is well-thought-out so serious that it breaks up formal regulations prohibiting such behavior. Social control denotes the methods in which a society attempts to stop and sanction actions that go against norms. Deviance can be criminal or non-criminal (Crank, 2018). The sociological discipline that deals with behavior that violates laws (Crime) is criminology. It is also known as criminal justice. In conflict philosophy, deviant actions are behaviors that do not abide by social organizations. The organization’s aptitude to change status, wealth, or norms comes into conflict with the individual. Formal deviance can be defined as a crime that violates laws in a community. Informal deviance is slight violations that unwritten breakdown rules of social life. Crime hence relates to deviance.

In its purest or ideal form, the idea of normative power is ideational relatively than physical or material. This signifies that its use entails normative explanation rather than the use of physical force or material incentives (Muller, 2019). Normative power is merely an actor that disperses norms in the universe politics, irrespective of the instruments used: the instruments might be used to categorize diverse forms of normative power as despotic, soft imperialist, or cosmopolitan. In philosophy, normative avowals make assertions about how things ought to be or should be how to treasure them, which things are bad or good, and which actions are wrong or right.


Crank, B. R. (2018). Accepting deviant identities: the impact of self-labeling on intentions to desist from crime. Journal of Crime and Justice, 41(2), 155-172.

Müller, P. (2019). Normative power Europe and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: the EU’s peacebuilding narrative meets local narratives. European security, 28(3), 251-267