Creative problem solving

Creative problem solving

Creative problem solving is a process of solving problems by approaching them in an imaginative and inventive way. It is an important tool that enables individuals to re-define the problems they are facing, develop some groundbreaking ideas and then put the ideas into action(Koberg&Bagnall, 2003). The process involves a series of steps that make the whole process easier. This article focuses on explicating on the involvement of the process in solving the particular problems.

Phases in the imaginative problem unravelingcourse

The first stage of the process is the problem finding. This is part of finding the problems existing

The second is the fact finding. This is the process of finding information about the problems identified

The third is the problem definition. This is the part of knowing the problem and having a clear understanding of the facts and reality relating to the problem

Idea finding is the forth stage. Here, the ideas of solving the problems are generated as many as possible

Fifth stage is the selection and evaluation. After having the possible solutions listed, the best solution among the is decided, here

Planning is the sixth stage. It entails the planning of the implementation process having seen the idea chosen are worthwhile

The seventh stage is the sell idea. This is the stage where other individuals are let in to be a part of the team. People who might support it need to be informed of the procedure

The eighth stage is the action. This is the final stage. The ideas about the solving problem are put into action. This is the implementation stage. The creativity and preparation take place in this stage.

Measuring the height of a building using a barometer was a personal challenge and a quest that had to be realized. The techniques were used to develop curiosity by searching information about the problem and trying to find ideas that will solve the problems. Knowing how to use the barometer in determining the building’s height was attributed to the techniques stages to solve this problem. The different ideas from the technique imposed have created curiosity by making the situation unpredictable to solving by the different ideas and methods imposed.

The problem created by the personal challenge is finding the key answer to the problem and a possible lack of support from the interested people. A refined expression of the problem included rethinking the ideas put in the table and after a personal debate, a conclusion was made, regarding to the facts in the situation. The initial version was to tie a rope on the barometer and drop the rope down till its tip reaches the ground and then bring it up to measure the length. The redefined version include was dropping the barometer while watching its descent and measure the time take from release to landing. Then the height calculated by the formula x=0.5*a*t2.

The second method seemed better because it involved the actual physics techniques in solving the problems. The ideas were thought through but had not yet been implemented in reality to prove and make sense yet.

Problem investigation: this includes asking the physicists about the nature of the problem and asking them if it were possible to achieve it using a barometer.

Questions about the problem: is the barometer really the best instrument in calculating the height? Can the barometer help in the calculation of the height of the building? The answers were that the barometer wasnot the best instrument to calculate the height but it was possible that it could achieve the purpose of determining the building’s height. These answers were found from the encyclopedia and from students who studied physics. The problem could be solved using other instruments by the question was measuring the building’s height with a barometer and that is certainly achievable.

The ideas of the problem solving included

tie a rope on the barometer and then lowering it to touch the ground and measuring the distance

dropping the barometer down on sight and measuring the time taken from the top of the building to the contact with ground and

throwing the barometer up to the top of the building and measuring the time taken to come back after reaching the building’s top.

The ideas of tie a rope to the barometer and lowering it to hit the ground together with that of dropping the barometer to hit the ground seemed imaginative and creative. These two ideas seem creative because they are actually practicable. The idea of throwing the barometer up to the top of the building is practically impossible and unattainable.

The creative solution process has been the mother of inventions for a long time. This is because it creates curiosity, which finally leads to groundbreakingideas. Albert Einstein said that he had no special gift but simply passionately curious (Koberg&Bagnall, 2003). Curiosity is the mother of invention and the creative process helps in creating the curiosity that lead to inventions (Treffingeret all, 2006).


Koberg, D., &Bagnall, J. (2003). The universal traveler: A soft-systems guide to creativity, problem-solving, and the process of reaching goals. Menlo Park, Calif: Crisp Learning.

Treffinger, D. J., Isaksen, S. G., & Stead-Dorval, K. B. (2006). Creative problem solving: An introduction. Waco, Tex: Prufrock Press.