Course Data


I. Course Data

Course: International Marketing MKT445

Instructor: Professor Coleman

Office: Online – Email or Zoom


Prerequisite: MKT241 – Principles of Marketing

Reading material: Global Insights and access to and research from: The Economist, Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Advertising Age, Washington Post, The Guardian, Fortune, Forbes, New York Times, Journal of Marketing, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Barrons, US News & World Reports.

Suggested References Overseas Business Reports (OBR) The Economist

Business Week The Wall Street Journal

The New York Times

The Guardian Advertising Age

Washington Post

Fortune BarronsJournal of Marketing Journal of Marketing Research

Journal of International Marketing U.S. News and World Reports

II.Official Course Description

Student participates heavily in this course. You will review historical data on international trade. Studying marketing concepts in the contemporary, international environment while examining special problems, issues, goals and decision processes that characterize multinational marketing. Emphasizing the multi-national firm, marketing influences and marketing strategy. Considering standardization and customization of programs across national boundaries, marketing research, import/export decisions and licensing.

III.BSB Learning Goals

Ethical responsibilities: Our graduates will be able to recognize ethical issues and dilemmas and be able to make ethically based decisions and recommendations.

Globalization and multicultural understanding: Our graduates will have a working knowledge of the global economy and business cultures.

Communication and professional skills: Our graduates will be effective communicators and leaders and will have professional interpersonal skills.

Analytical thinking and reasoning skills: Our graduates will be able to use analytical thinking and reasoning skills to solve problems and make decisions and recommendations.

Content knowledge: Our graduates will learn the business core and respective concentration content knowledge and will be able to apply that knowledge in their respective concentrations.

IV.Course Goals and Learning Objectives and BSB learning goals Covered by Course

International marketing is a growing prevailing focus throughout the world. The course develops sensitivity to global environment, appropriate strategies and awareness of the international marketer’s perspective as well as the International consumer.

V.Topics Covered by Course / Course Schedule

Week Activities/ Assignments

1 Introduction and Global Discussion

2 Read and comment on 3 articles (See Files)

3 Submit paper on Globalization. Cite your sources (name of periodical, date of periodical and name of article)

4 Submit paper on Cultural Differences. Cite your sources (name of periodical, date of periodical and name of article)

5 Submit paper on Hong Kong

6 Global Insights questions researched and answered. Cite your sources (name of periodical, date of periodical and name of article)

7 Take Home Exam Due

8 4 Presentations

9 4 Presentations

10 4 Presentations

11 4 Presentations

12 4 Presentations

13 4 Presentations

14 Open Discussion

15 Open Discussion

VI.Student responsibilities and faculty expectations

Check your Canvas email regularly. Be sure to look past the first one in case several

Emails have been sent.

Each student is to complete all courses requirements.

Students are expected to be respectful of each other.

Assignments must be turned in on time. Late work may be accepted with a doctor’s excuse.

Each student will present an in-depth analysis and discussion regarding a country, continent, organization, or concept from the text: Global Insights. Look through Global Insights Table of Contents to get ideas on what you choose as a topic. EXTENSIVE OUTSIDE READINGS AND RESEARCH must build on the text information for a 18-20 slide presentation. Summarizing of Global Insights material must not exceed 1-2 slides of the presentation. There must be an Introduction, Conclusion and Bibliography. Information on the slide and images must be cited on the slides themselves as well as at the end in the Bibliography. There must be a minimum of 10 sources of information. Information sources and Image sources need to be listed separately and in alphabetical order.

The presentation is posted under ASSIGNMENTS and DISCUSSIONS.

The non presenters have one week after each presentation to post at least one comment to each presentation. I would do it same day or next and not put it off. It is part of your discussion credit which is 20% of your course credit. A comment is not “Good presentation”. A comment should show insight and learning and be specific. IE “I did not realize that their population dropped so much between the 90’s and the 80’s due to the War outbreak etc.”


The Schedule of Assignments appears in Section XI of this syllabus.

Students are required to do all readings and prepare assignments for the first class of the week assigned.


There will be a take home exam with 2 discussion questions midway through the semester. Answers must be no more than one page single-spaced per question. Heavily researched and citing sources (including the name of the source, date of the source and name of the article. This will be turned in under ASSIGNMENTS –EXAM.

Bertolon School of Business Expectations of Undergraduate Students

High quality undergraduate education is a function of the professional and ethical behavior of all involved, therefore it is essential that undergraduate students be aware of faculty expectations and to conduct themselves in a mature manner. Accordingly:

All BSB undergraduate students are responsible for knowledge of BSB programs and procedures as stated in the BSB Undergraduate Handbook found at the following: students should become especially well acquainted with the University’s academic integrity policies. Because undergraduate education should be a priority, it is essential to check into our class on Canvas regularly. If professional or personal reasons prevent that in a given semester, the student is responsible for notifying the instructor in advance and making up for missed course work.

Because learning is most effective when it is active, students are expected to be involved. They should be prepared each week class and actively participate in discussions, projects, and/or other course activities.

VII.Instructor’s Attendance Policy

Students are expected to check into the class on Canvas at least 1-2 times a week.

VIII.Course Administration policies

Grading Standards


The final grade for the course will consist of:




4 research papers (5 pts each)………………………………………………….. …20pts

2.Scale used for Final Grade:

90 – 100A


80 – 88B


70 – 78C


60 – 68D

Below 60F

IX.SSU Bertolon School of Business Writing Assignment Expectations Policy

The instructor teaching this class has chosen to use the Bertolon School of Business (BSB) “Expectations for Written Assignments” policy for all of the out-of-class written assignments. This policy specifies that student writing must meet certain standards to receive a grade; assignments for this class must meet standards regarding spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Assignments do not meet the standards when any page has four or more errors or when exceeding the total of four errors multiplied by the number of pages (e.g. four errors for a one page assignment, eight errors for a two page assignment). When the assignment exceeds either the per-page limit or the total error limit, the instructor will stop reading and grading, and return the paper to the student without a grade. Students have two calendar weeks to revise the paper to meet the standards, and return the paper to the instructor.

X.Teaching Method (Pedagogy)

Discussions, research, research and support, presentations, and exam.

XI.Available Resources

The following are links to the BSB and BSB student resources respective web pages.

Writing resources

“The Elements of Style” (

Business Writing LibGuideHow to format an APA Style paper in Word 2010Presentation Resources

Bertolon School of Business PowerPoint Template [POT 274KB]

Overview [PDF 122KB]

Tips for creating electronic presentations [PPTX 318KB]

Presentation delivery skills [PDF 257KB]

Nonverbal presentation skills [PDF 360KB]

Online presentation resources [PDF 352KB]

Bibliographies: OWL Purdue – Online writing lab at Purdue

XII.Performance measurement

The student will be expected to demonstrate knowledge in ethics, multicultural differences, and global applications of Marketing Principles. The student will turn in and demonstrate University level professional work. This knowledge and ability will indicate a knowledge and understanding of International Marketing.

XIII. Salem State University applicable policy statements

Final Examination Policy

“Each course or section of a course offered for academic credit at Salem State University will include a final examination, unless such an examination is inappropriate to the nature of the course. In no case may a written final examination be administered to a section before the beginning of the scheduled final examination period.”

Email Communication Policy

“Email is an official means of communication at Salem State University. Therefore, the University has the right to send communications to students and employees via email and the right to expect that those communications will be received and read in a timely fashion.” Students must use their SSU email address.

Academic Writing Standards

(“The college policy on academic writing standards applies to all course work.

Expository writing assignments may receive a grade of “C” or higher only if the form and content are appropriate for the purpose of the assignment and for the intended audience. Characteristics of expository writing include the following:

A clear thesis

Adequate support for the thesis

Clear and coherent overall structure

Varied sentence structure and expression

Standard usage, punctuation, and spelling

Accurate documentation when necessary

These standards may be amended by the instructor to meet the specialized writing requirements of various disciplines.”

Academic integrity

“Salem State University assumes that all students come to the University with serious educational intent and expects them to be mature, responsible individuals who will exhibit high standards of honesty and personal conduct in their academic life. All members of the Salem State University academic community have a responsibility to ensure that scholastic honesty and academic integrity are safeguarded and maintained. Cheating and plagiarism are unfair, demoralizing, and demeaning to all of us. Cheating, plagiarism, and collusion in dishonest activities are serious acts that erode the University’s educational role and cheapen and diminish the learning experience not only for the perpetrators, but also for the entire community. It is expected that Salem State University students will understand and subscribe to the ideal of academic integrity and that they will be willing to bear individual responsibility for their work. Materials (written or otherwise) submitted to fulfill academic requirements must represent a student’s own efforts.”

 Critical Emergency Statement

“In the event of a university declared critical emergency, Salem State University reserves the right to alter this course plan. Students should refer to for further information and updates. The course attendance policy stays in effect until there is a university declared critical emergency. In the event of an emergency, please refer to the alternative educational plans for this course located at/in [faculty member determines this]. Students should review the plans and gather all required materials before an emergency is declared.”


 SSU Academic Accommodations Policy Statement 

“Salem State University is committed to providing equal access to the educational experience for all students in compliance with Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act and The Americans with Disabilities Act and to providing all reasonable academic accommodations, aids and adjustments.  Any student who has a documented disability requiring an accommodation, aid or adjustment should speak with the instructor immediately.  Students with Disabilities who have not previously done so should provide documentation to and schedule an appointment with the Office for Students with Disabilities and obtain appropriate services.”

Disruptive Student in Class Policy

“Disruptive student behavior in the classroom includes and is not limited to the following definitions:

Exhibiting excessive behavior, which through its constancy throws the class activity in disorder or does not permit others to hear, see or concentrate on classroom presentation and/or activity.

Demonstrating an attitude or action which is threatening or hazardous to the safety and welfare of others and/or him/herself in the classroom. This includes aggressive and/or bizarre behavior.

Disrupting the classroom with inappropriate verbal tone, volume or content which may be threatening and/or intimidating to the other members in the class.”

XIV.Last Day to Withdraw from the Course

Check SSU website for the last day on which withdrawal from the course is permitted with a “W” grade.

XV.Presentation/Research Project

Research Project

Each student will present a 18-20 slide in-depth research, analysis and discussion regarding a topic from Global Insights. All work (presentation and papers need to have their sources cited in the appropriate places), an exam, and outside readings and research.

Each student is responsible for reading and contributing meaningfully to the topics to be discussed, and must read OUTSIDE INFORMATION pertaining to the particular part of the topics presented, turned in and discussed. Citing of sources is mandatory and includes the name of the periodical, date of the periodical, and name of the article.

IE Wall Street Journal, June 5, 2020, Kentucky Fried Chicken Goes To Japan.

Grade will be calculated as follows:

Research Project Presentation*40pts

Exam 20pts

Discussions 20pts

4 Research papers (5pts each) 20pts

* Topic for presentation is selected from Global Insights (See Global Insights index I-IV). Each Presentation must include extensive research outside Global Insights, as well as, visuals, in-depth analysis and a thorough 18-20 slide presentation! Summary of Global Insights information must not exceed 1-2 slides. There needs to be an Introduction, Conclusion and Bibliography at the end. Minimum of 10 information sources in the Bibliography. Bibliography must be alphabetical order. Images used must be cited as well and listed separately. THE SLIDES MUST INCLUDE ON THEM THE SOURCE OF THE INFORMATION AS WELL AS THE SOURCE OF ANY IMAGES.


Do thorough research.

Select International marketing oriented information and implications.

Organize material well.

Be professional in every aspect of your presentation

Cite sources of information on slides themselves. Cite sources of images on the slides themselves. Bibliography should be 10 minimum information sources. Information and Images are cited separately on the Bibliography. Each list should be in alphabetical order.

You are responsible for submitting your assignments on time.

Some key areas to discuss:

Map of the area, population.

Business practices, selling techniques, logistics, obstacles, and opportunities.

Culture practices and influences.

Religious practices and effect on culture, business practices and consumer behavior.

Geography, Demographics, Language, Religion, Climate.


(or come up with your own way of organizing and developing the material)

Introduce the subject

Outline intentions

Summarize Global Insights relevant information

Discuss in depth information found outside Global Insights, including but not exclusive to the relevance to International Marketing

Additional readings on related topics

Further facts

What’s happening today

Summary and strong conclusion

Some suggested areas to include in research and discussion. Must be International Marketing focused:




Business Practices


Religious influences



Consumer Behavior

Selling Techniques



Social Media

Green Marketing


Social Media

Green Marketing





Ad/CommericalWhat’s happening today


SWAT analysis

Hofstedes cultural dimensions



Review the Global Insights information then expands in-depth, well-researched, related and relevant information. Keep in mind, the course and direction, Global Marketing. This must be thoroughly researched, International Marketing oriented and 12-18 slides with bibliography.

Select your topic for the research project and presentation from the text, Global Insights (see Index I-IV for topic options) *, by the second week of class. All non-presenting students must comment on each presentation within a week after it is presented. A

comment is not “Good presentation”. A comment should show insight and learning and be specific. IE “I did not realize that their population dropped so much between the 90’s and the 80’s due to the War outbreak etc.”

*Select your topic from the following:









North America

South America





Caribbean Islands



European Countries



United Kingdom

Hong Kong






Saudi Arabia



United States of America






Dominican Republic





Hong Kong









Saudi Arabia


South Africa





Third World

United Kingdom



A. African Growth & Opportunity Act

B. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations

C.U.S. – Central America Free Trade Agreement

D.The European Union

E.League of Arab States & Arab Free Trade Area

F.North American Free Trade Agreement