Corporate Wellness Plan

Corporate Wellness Plan = 20 hours 

You work for a corporate company. Age range of the company employees is 22 to 70 years. Human Resources did a rapid health assessment of company employees. Results show that a significant percentage of employees have one or more chronic diseases such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, etc. You are hired as a corporate Wellness Program Director and your task is to develop a Wellness Plan to decrease the burden (health and cost related) of those diseases in the company. You’ll have to convince your CEO of the effectiveness of your program and how much money the company could save through the implementation of your program (ROI). 

You’ll have to include in your research the following three (3) main steps and their sub-steps: 

1. Program planning/designing Rubric (valid for 10 hours, 1 hour per point) 

a. Conduct a Health Assessment (indicate which assessment you’ll use) 

b. Obtain Management Support (how to convince your upper management) 

c. Establish an employee Wellness Committee 

d. Obtain employee input 

e. Obtain external support 

f. Develop Wellness Program Goals and Objectives 

g. Establish a Wellness Program Budget 

h. Design Wellness Program Components 

i. Select Wellness Program Incentives or Rewards (pedometers, fitbits, elastic bands, water cups, etc.) and their possible cost 

j. Communicate the Wellness Plan to all employees (flyers, newsletters, email, etc.) and their related costs 

2. Program Implementation Rubric (valid for 6 hours, 1 hour per point) 

a. How, when, starting date (create a timeline) 

b. Which chronic diseases you are going to target (overweight/obesity, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, etc.). Pick 2 of them 

c. Tell us about each one those diseases, why you choose them, and their cost (direct and indirect) to society 

d. What kind of activities (exercise classes, nutrition classes, diabetes classes, etc.) you’ll develop to address those diseases 

e. Write short health education lesson plans. What time of the day you’ll be offering them to the employees? would you use health education videos? would you invite expert speakers? would yourself offer the classes? 

f. Cost of those activities (exercise equipment, health education tools, etc.) 

3. Program Evaluation Rubric (valid for 4 hours, 1/2 hour per point) 

a. Utilization by employees 

b. Positive feedback from employees 

c. Reduction of overall health insurance costs 

d. Overall improvement in employee satisfaction 

e. Requests for additional programs 

f. Reduction in sick days and absentees 

g. Employee’s likelihood to recommend the program 

Wellness Plan should be written in APA style, 15 to 20 pages long (not counting Cover and Citation Pages), double space, one inch margins. Use font Times New Roman size 12. Correct grammar is important.