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Concussions annotated bibliography

Underwood, J. (2016). Under the Law: Schools should heed concerns over sports’ brain injuries. Phi Delta Kappan, 97(6), 74-75.

Underwood states that concussions have been occurring in the United States as students play in many instances and therefore this situation needs to be contained and handled in the best manner possible. Therefore he states that it is under this that the different governments in different states have made laws with regards to this and they have made it illegal for example a player to be taken back to the field immediately after they have suffered a concussion. Therefore it is an important aspect of the health of the players as they need to be protected from those factors which can lead them to have health issues. He gives an example of a student who was taken back to the field after just fifteen minutes of experiencing a concussion and due to this he developed brain injuries and his health deteriorated.

This article provides us with how the laws have been put into place and how effective they are in trying to control the adverse effects of concussions related to sports. Therefore this is a strength while on the other hand, the article leaves out what should be done for those concussions which are not diagnosed and not reported. This article, therefore, is of great importance and informs to a great extent a lot about the role of lawmakers in controlling and preventing concussions forms dominating or making the sporting activity lame.

Piazza, S. (2014). Why is it so hard to stop sports concussions?. American Scientist, 102(5), 346-349.

In this article, piazza informs us of how it is hard to stop sports concussions. Through his discussions, we are almost noticing that for sports concussions to stop then we may have to stop sports completely. He discusses and compares researches about woodpeckers’ inability to experience headaches yet they do so much work and use their beaks which are closely connected to their heads. Through the studies, he helps us understand how woodpeckers’ biology and way of doing things is, and therefore it is not easy for them to experience concussions or brain damage because they are specialized in a certain way to their way of living and their manner of doing things. However, for the human brain which if it receives a certain amount of energy it can be damaged there is a need to protect it since it is one of the most crucial and important parts of the human body. he brings to our attention the efforts to stop concussions by different researchers as they have been able to come up with such helmets such that they can tilt inside within themselves and therefore able to make it possible for the head not to experience any pressure or damage since the helmets are designed in a very good way to prevent damage. There are also other ways he suggests that can help us to stop concussions.

This is a very strongly argued paper as it presents us with the different types of information available about the damage to the brain especially through concussions and how this is very difficult to manage or to make possible for it to end. Therefore this article is a very informative one and it is comprehensive as well as thorough and therefore it is a very reliable resource in the research about concussions, how frequent they are, and how they can be stopped.

Giza, C. C., Prins, M. L., & Hovda, D. A. (2017). It’s not all fun and games: sports, concussions, and neuroscience. Neuron, 94(6), 1051-1055.

In this article, the authors present to us the issue of concussions, their relation to sports, and the link between concussions and neuroscience. In the neuroscience sphere, the authors present us with the different clinical aspects of concussions and how they are not able to be imaged using MRI. Giza et, al. supports the fact that it is a difficult situation for the clinicians and their wish and desire to identify the concussions especially the ones caused by sporting activities for early treatment and response, however, this is not easily possible. The only remaining option is for the symptoms to increase and from the conditions which were prevalent or causative towards the concussions to be identified through history and thus treated. Even though apart from this there are many researchers which are being done and which are important towards this area.

In the process of management and treatment, Giza presents us with the different options for carrying this out which is presented in four steps and which include; prevention of additional injury, activity versus rest, energy, neutral-transmission, inflammation and sleep, and finally too good to be true treatments or other findings. The Lystedt Law in 2009 enacted in Washington state looks to protect the rights and the danger exposed to those who are in this field of sports and therefore it is a very important law in protecting the individuals’ sports members and making sure that they are not harmed by the type of sports they engage in. lastly Giza et, al discusses eh risks and the benefits of sports.

This is a very important article as it provides mainly the relationship between concussions and neuroscience and how neuroscience is useful in the treatment of those people who find themselves suffering from concussions. Not only this but it also talks of how neuroscience is trying to advance the treatment of this issue and therefore a very important article for this type of research which is based on concussions and their relation to sports as a causative agent.

Reynolds, G. (2016, October 5). A Single Concussion May Have Lasting Impact. The New York Times.

‌the effects of a single concussion may be less estimated in terms of its effects however a single concussion may have adverse effects on the mental health of the person who experiences this type of mental disturbance. This is fully supported by this article by Reynolds. This article explains how statistics show that the numbers of those affected by concussions have increased especially among those of the age below 20 years old and this applies mostly to the ladies and girls under this age. This increase happened majorly between 2010 to 2015 and it is a worrying one. Even though it might be considered worrying Reynolds still states that it may be a way forward towards a positive direction since it might be a realization that it is important and therefore it might have led many parents towards going for more diagnosis for their children and therefore the rise in number.

This article also states that if a person experienced more than one concussion when they were young it meant that it was more than a simple concussion but that the child may have a serious brain issue even if lying hidden. Trauma and other mental issues experienced by individuals as they grow up is also an important part of realizing that they may have had a concussion at one point in time and therefore this needs to be looked into closely and the people to be given the attention needed.

This is a very comprehensive article of the new york times and it gives us the ability to see concussions from a different perspective. This is because most people believe that a concussion is just a concussion and may not have adverse effects on someone yet in a real sense they have adverse effects on someone and how they develop their mental abilities. Therefore it is of great significance when it comes to research about concussions.

CNN, J. H. (n.d.). These high school sports have the highest concussion rates. CNN. Retrieved April 1, 2021, from

In most American high schools we find that the students are very much involved in sports and into doing many physical exercises. Therefore it is also upon this rate of physical activity and exercises whereby we realize that most of the concussions occur in high schools according to CNN. This article reports research about concussions produced by Avinash Chandran in the university of north Carolina. She stated that the results concerned all the stakeholders including athletes, coaches, parents, and researchers. The information about concussions and their high prevalence in high schools, therefore, needs to be looked into and ways to limit or mitigate the issue put into place according to this article.

This article states that most of the concussions occur or happen during training, practice, and not during the real competition of games. Therefore more need and care is needed when people and the high schools are engaging and training for different sports. The legislation also is having a great and good impact in many states whereby laws concerning concussions and how the students can be protected more and being passed.

Therefore this is an important article when it comes to the statistics and how these concussions are so high in high schools. It serves as a great article and therefore can be utilized to a great extent in the study about concussions.

Concussions in Sports. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2021, from

Football, hockey, and soccer are the most common sports whereby students suffer concussions according to this article. A student may suffer a concussion be unable to diagnose it as a concussion since most concussions are soft and students may develop a headache as a result and in the process, they only realize that it is a headache and nothing more, however with time it is possible for such kind of mental distress to be a symptom of concussion. Most of these concussions are caused by sports in high schools and they are an important part of the school as they form part and parcel of the high school experience. However, this is a negative experience and therefore it needs to be rooted out. This is being done through legislation, more practice of safer methods, and other ways to make sure that concussions do not continue to take place.

After a concussion, it is highly recommended that immediate action and diagnosis be done to determine the extent of the injury and therefore advice on the best medication which if possible should also be administered immediately. The best assessment to be done for concussions is the neuropsychological assessment. There are rules and laws to end this and concussions are generally evaluated according to their level of severity.

Therefore this is a very important article of the research regarding concussions since it gives information on how concussions are dealt with as well as the basic information like what a concussion is. Therefore it can be of great importance and help in the research about concussions.

Works cited

CNN, J. H. (n.d.). These high school sports have the highest concussion rates. CNN. Retrieved April 1, 2021, from

Concussions in Sports. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2021, from

Giza, C. C., Prins, M. L., & Hovda, D. A. (2017). It’s not all fun and games: sports, concussions, and neuroscience. Neuron, 94(6), 1051-1055.

Piazza, S. (2014). Why is it so hard to stop sports concussions?. American Scientist, 102(5), 346-349.

Reynolds, G. (2016, October 5). A Single Concussion May Have Lasting Impact. The New York Times.

Underwood, J. (2016). Under the Law: Schools should heed concerns over sports’ brain injuries. Phi Delta Kappan, 97(6), 74-75.