Common Core Assignment for History 231 Speech on Amendments to the Constitution

Common Core Assignment for History 231 Assessment cycle 2019-2022


Using the primary texts:

Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom – 1786

Brutus I – Brutus 1787

Federalists I-Publius Alexander Hamilton 1787

Speech on Amendments to the Constitution

Property-James Madison 1792

Farewell Address-George Washington 1796

(available on MindTap)

Write a 500-1000-word essay that fully answers the following prompt:

Discuss the similarities and differences between the social, economic, and political philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists on the one hand and Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans (Anti-Federalists) on the other. Why did these political factions emerge? How did each view the other? From what segments of society did each faction draw its support? How did each faction view slavery? Was this the precursor to the debate over slavery in the Antebellum period?

You will need to explain the historical context in which these texts were written, based on what you have read in the Cengage text and learned in class discussion and how they relate/help answer the prompt. No secondary sources, other than the Cengage text should be integrated into this paper’s analysis.

Goals of this paper: The purpose of this assignment is to advance your ability to reason through a specific historical question and to communicate through written text your ideas. Thus: Your paper should critically consider the issue/problem and deliver all relevant information. You should also provide a clear thesis statement. In a paper this size, your introduction and thesis should appear in the first paragraph. Make sure to paraphrase your sources accurately. In other words, state what the source says, not what you wished it said or thought it said. You need to state the evidence fairly, even if you think it wrong or offensive. Your paper should use evidence to answer the historical question. Your paper should develop and organize your thoughts clearly and logically. Outlining is necessary, but not required, step in writing a well-organized paper. Your paper should draw a conclusion that addresses the paper’s chief topic or question and that states your answer to the question or your contribution to the topic.


Your paper needs to be typed, double spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font. You will need to cite your sources using the Chicago Manual of Style. Here is a link to an online resource for those unfamiliar with this style:

https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.orgYou will need to use footnotes for in text citations and your paper needs to have a works cited page with the sources you used in your paper.

This Paper is due on ___________________.

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