Attending to Task and Relationship

Attending to Task and Relationship

Student’s Name

Institution of Affiliation


Using ideas from the chapter, describe Dan’s and Asher’s styles of leadership.

Dan can be described as an authoritarian leader. Such leaders dictate the policy and procedure and direct the work done by the group without making any meaningful input from them. A team that works under an authoritarian leader is expected to complete tasks under close supervision. Based on the case analysis, Dan initiates most ideas for changing the processes based on efficiency. When something goes wrong, he insists on being alerted and brought in to solve it. In addition, he is always on the go, visiting cleaning teams at each school, and operates with a checklist that the employees are required to follow and sign off on as they complete the tasks. Based on this, Dan makes all decisions by himself and requires tasks to be completed under close supervision.

Asher, on the other hand, is a democratic or participative leader. He engages the team in the decision-making process by listening to their ideas and opinions but have the final say. Participative leaders allow teams to work under minimum supervision, which makes them feel like part of the team, creating commitment within the group. Asher participates in cleaning with the employees and allows them to manage their jobs under minimal supervision.

How will Asher’s employees, who are used to being able to manage themselves in their own way, respond to Dan’s task-oriented style?

Asher’s employees will feel not to be trusted by their new manager as they are not allowed to manage their own jobs. Besides, since they were used to sharing ideas and being rewarded with a strong breakfast, these privileges will no longer be provided, which means that they will be distant from the manager, decreasing their trust. These employees will not feel part of the team, and thus, their commitment will decrease.

How will Dan’s employees, who are used to being given clear direction and procedures, respond to Asher’s more relationship-oriented style?

At first, Dan’s employees will be confused since they are not used to managing tasks by themselves. However, they will adapt soon enough, and since they will be more engaged in sharing ideas, they will feel part of the team and increase trust with their new manager. As a result, they will increase their commitment and increase productivity.

If you were an employee at Co-Ed Cleaners, would you want Mark to let Dan or Asher go? Explain your choice.

If I were an employee, I would want Mark to let Dan go since he doesn’t create a good relationship with the employees. He is task-oriented and tends to make all decisions by himself, leaving no room for the employees to provide opinions, yet they understand the challenges of their work.